JANUARY 20, 2017
In the
biggest surge of mass protest since the forced disappearance of 43 Ayotzinapa
college students back in 2014, outrage over higher gasoline prices and related
issues sweeps Mexico. Detonating the citizen uprising is a 20 percent price
increase rolled out Dec. 27 by the Peña Nieto administration. Though Mexicans
were immersed in the holiday season, protests began almost immediately but
really picked up steam after the new year kicked in.
media attention was a wave of apparently organized lootings, especially in the
states of Nuevo Leon, Mexico and Veracruz, where mobs made off with electronics
products and assorted goodies from Walmarts, pawn shops and other high-profile
commercial outlets, as if a late-arriving, naughty Santa had roared onto the
scene. Still unverified reports tie the looting to organized crime or
government officials, evidenced in part by accounts of police standing by while
stores were sacked and videos of looters boarding waiting buses.
hundreds of arrests, it has not been publicly revealed who were the
intellectual authors of the looting. A recent precedent for mass looting in
Mexico occurred in Los Cabos after a hurricane slammed the tourist resort in
media focus on the lootings initially overshadowed a more sober response to the
so-called “gasolinazo” of Dec. 27, summed up by the popular slogan, “I protest,
not loot.” According to Mexican press accounts, tens of thousands have staged
largely peaceful but militant protests in at least 28 of Mexico’s 32 states.
However, five deaths have been attributed to confrontations, including the
killings of two young men allegedly shot by police in the state of Hidalgo. In
addition to tossing out the gasoline price hike, demonstrators demand the exit
of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who still has nearly two years left of
his term.
Alejandro Solalinde, an internationally respected human rights defender and
migrant advocate, led one Jan. 7 march in Mexico City.
is hunger….,” Solalinde was quoted in La Jornada as saying. “The people are
electrified and very sensitive. For example, in Hidalgo, the multitude drove
off police cars with rocks. Society is very desperate up against a political
class so corrupt, so insensible and so blind that it does not calculate the
dimension of the social upheaval…” The Catholic priest urged the creation of a
new citizen assembly and the writing of a new constitution.
are not only asking that Peña Nieto leave. We want the overturning of all the
structural reforms and seek the cleansing of the political parties. The
citizens are becoming more conscious, they have awoken and we are organizing in
response,” Solalinde said.
Peña Nieto administration justifies the gas-price hike as a bitter but
necessary step brought on by expensive, soaring gasoline imports (Mexico now
imports more than half of its gasoline from abroad, chiefly the United States,
according to Peña Nieto), sharply declining national oil production, and the inequity
of subsidizing better-off drivers at the expense of the poor, whose social
programs could be cut further if gasoline prices aren’t raised.
tax revenues from less and cheaper oil already netted federal budget cuts to
the Social Development Secretariat in 2015 and 2016, including an 8.6 percent
cut the first year and a 2.3 percent the second one, according to Proceso
goose that laid the golden egg is dead,” Peña Nieto recently said on national
television, adding that oil production at Mexico’s key Cantarell field
plummeted from 2.2 million barrels per day six years ago to only 200,000 today.
by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development as a prudent
measure, the 20 percent gas-price hike is rejected by many, if not a majority,
of Mexicans — who point the finger at decades of corruption, disinvestment in
the Pemex national oil company, and the 2013 energy reform pushed by Peña Nieto
and approved by the Mexican Congress. That law opened the door to liberalized gas
prices and foreign ownership of fossil fuel resources and gasoline
local gas prices are adding another drain on Mexican revenues. Many Mexicans
who live near the border and possess authorization to visit the United States
are coping with the crisis by hopping over to El Paso and other U.S. border
cities and filling up their tanks at half the price they pay at home.
international flavor of the gasolinazo was visible during a visit last month to
Ciudad Juárez, where a long line of cars and trucks headed to El Paso stretched
from the foot of the Santa Fe Bridge deep into downtown Juárez. Predating the
price hike announcement, the scene nevertheless unfolded amid reports of gas
shortages and the pending increase.
Mexican drivers waited for hours to enter the U.S., the money exchange houses
lining Avenida Juárez alongside the idling vehicles advertised a falling peso
and a climbing dollar, graphically depicting the direction money is flowing
across borders. As the peso drops, more dollars must be paid to procure U.S.
gasoline imports.
A new popular movement rises up
protests have continued daily in one locale or another, sometimes featuring
citizen blockades of ports, border crossings, gas stations Pemex installations,
and highways. At a Jan. 10 rally in Mexico City attended by thousands, effigies
of both Peña Nieto and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump were burned.
distinct but sometimes overlapping sectors are represented in the protest
surge: well organized labor, farmer and popular groupings; university student
associations; opposition political parties; and localized, emergent citizen
forces who are quick to distinguish themselves from political parties or even
the long-established social movements. Whether big or small, demonstrations are
flourishing across the land.
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, a small group staged a march on Jan. 14. The action
was organized by Colosistas Unidas, named after Luis Donaldo Colosio, the
presidential candidate of the ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI)
who was assassinated in 1994 and had a reputation as a social justice advocate.
Following behind a sound truck with a speaker spitting thunder and fire to the
backdrop of the Mexican national anthem, protesters held placards with messages
that included “Resign Peña” and “Our children want a better future.”
orator, Juan Villanueva, insisted that the gasoline crisis was the “final
insult to Mexicans.” In an interview, Villanueva said he had been a personal
friend of Colosio and suffered jail and death threats for his activism
throughout the years.
are fed up with high-level corruption, impunity,” he said. “(Government
officials) are like mafias. We can’t tighten the belt any more…we don’t want
violence, and we don’t need it. There are many of us looking for peace but
without progress.”
into the downtown tourist zone, the marchers drew mixed reactions. While some
locals and tourists looked surprised, others honked their horns or clapped.
Passing a private high school, the marchers were greeted by visibly elated
students peering out from the second floor who shouted, “Out with Peña” and the
Obamaesque “Yes, we can!” At one point, a female transit cop began
photographing the marchers but was interrupted by a woman with an apparently
unrelated issue.
to be identified, one woman marcher nonetheless told the reporter that she
feared what officials allegedly had in store for Mexico. “They want a military
dictatorship,” she said. “They want to militarize the streets. That’s not right
because it’s against human rights.”
warned that the gas price hike will trigger a “cascade” of price increases of
other products by February. The press is full of stories of scattered increases
across the republic – inter-city bus and Uber fares in Mexico City, fruits and
vegetables, and staple tortillas which are reportedly fetching as much as 20 or
25 pesos a kilo in parts of the country, an amount equivalent to about a
quarter of the daily minimum wage.
to a projection by Scotiabank cited in La Jornada, Mexico’s inflation rate for
January alone will tip 1.4 percent and reach 5.5 percent for the entire year.
Jan. 15, hundreds marched in Puerto Vallarta demanding Peña Nieto’s ouster and
the cancellation of the 20 percent price hike. Organized by a new collective,
Vallarta Unida (United Vallarta) and other groups, protesters burned effigies
of local political leaders they said supported the gasoline price increase and
addressed a large crowd assembled to watch the nightly clowns who perform on
the boardwalk. Multiple issues boiled up during the protest, including the
widespread problem of forcibly disappeared people, possible water
privatizations and political dysfunctions of all kinds.
called for tax resistance, defunding political parties they maintain suck up
public monies and turning up the heat on a political class blamed for looting
the national patrimony. “Where are the golden eggs?” questioned marcher Aldo
Alberto Hernandez. The Puerto Vallarta resident voiced a complaint familiar in
the U.S., taking a jab at high payroll deductions and the 16 percent value
added tax Mexicans must pay.
are too many taxes,” Hernandez contended.
and impunity go hand in hand, like boyfriend and girlfriend,” Villanueva said,
adding that public tarring and feathering of responsible officials is one
activist said the protest movement is committed to the long haul. “This isn’t a
question of one day or a little while,” Villanueva said. “It will be permanent
until the people of Mexico triumph… as Don Miguel Hidalgo (the father of
Mexican independence) said, ‘enough is enough.’”
Local politics stoke protests
pain at the pump and sticker shock in the aisle, an overflowing basket of
grievances is fanning the tenor and tone of the protests. A mass demonstration
Jan. 5 of an estimated 20,000 people in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, was preceded by
weeks of swelling anger over the failure of Gov. Jaime “El Bronco” Rodriguez to
toss out a vehicle tax he earlier pledged to cancel. During the protest, calls
for Rodriguez’s ouster joined the demand for Peña Nieto’s early departure. The
demonstration culminated in a violent confrontation between a shadowy, black
bloc-like group and police.
Rodriguez modified a tax increase and vowed that the ticket prices for public
transportation in Nuevo Leon would not go up. In Baja California, more than
10,000 people were reported at a Jan. 12 demonstration in the state capital of
Mexicali that opposed not only the gasolinazo but also a new state water law
portending privatization that passed the state legislature only days before
Christmas. Internationalizing the angst, one demonstrator burned a U.S. flag.
Jan. 15, as many as 80,000 people reportedly turned out for demonstrations in
Tijuana, Mexicali and other Baja California cities. Demonstrators renewed a
call for Peña Nieto and Gov. Francisco “Kiko” Vega to step down, and raised a
host of other issues including feminicides, farmworker and maquiladora wages
and fishing restrictions in the Sea of Cortez.
popular movement chalked up its first victory when Gov. Vega announced on Jan.
17, with the support of state lawmakers, that he would abrogate the new
water law and cancel planned rate hikes.
New Mexico and Texas, Ciudad Juárez and the state of Chihuahua have witnessed
numerous protests. The gasolinazo put a new governor, Javier Corral, in a
proverbial political pickle. A member of the conservative National Action Party
(PAN), Corral assumed office last October amid a debt crisis handed to him by
outgoing Gov. Cesar Duarte and renewed bouts of narco violence.
won election by reaching beyond the PAN’s normal base and enlisting diverse
political forces into a “citizen” crusade to rescue Chihuahua from disaster. He
campaigned as a champion of human and women’s rights, and promised to enact
social reforms benefiting the poor.
Corral named several veteran leaders of Chihuahua social and political
movements associated with the left to state government posts, including former
congressman and rural leader Victor Quintana as state social development
director and Chihuahua City lawyer and women’s activist Lucha Castro as the
governor’s human rights advisor.
January police eviction of protesters from a Pemex facility tested Corral’s
public image and government. The new governor was suddenly under pressure from
maquildora and other business interests complaining of supply shortages and
delays caused by the protests while facing possible repudiation by his base for
any repression of the new popular movement.
flew that unnamed left members of Corral’s government would tender their
resignations, perhaps dashing the possibility for reforms only three months
into the new administration. So far, nobody has quit but the political climate
in Chihuahua as well as elsewhere in Mexico remains testy.
and local governments are scrambling. In Jalisco and other states, governors
have unveiled new policies aimed at cushioning the effects of the gasolinazo
and ranging from austere personnel rules to keeping the lid on city bus
fares-at least for now. Layoffs and local tax breaks for companies and citizens
are likewise in the works. Twenty-four Jalisco municipal presidents
representing the Citizen Movement party, including the mayors of Puerto
Vallarta and Guadalajara, have filed a lawsuit against the gasoline price hike
on constitutional grounds, the Reforma news agency reported.
as a countermeasure to the admittedly negative impacts of the gasolinazo, the
Peña Nieto administration announced on Jan. 9 a new national agreement
supported by the Business Coordinating Council and the PRI-linked Mexican
Workers Confederation.
in some respects to new policies unfolding at the state level, the federal pact
seeks the streamlining of government, modernizing public transportation,
facilitating business credit and incentivizing the repatriation of the billions
in Mexican capital squirreled away in the United States and other foreign
the Mexican Employers Confederation declined to jump aboard, criticizing the
agreement as lacking specifics, and members of the influential Mexican Governors
Association — including Javier Corral — complained they were not consulted
beforehand. Given all the dynamics, it’s too early to assess the full
implications of emerging new policies on the nature and viability of both the
Mexican economy and state, but they could be considerable. One thing is
certain: the gasolinazo is scorching and reshaping the terrain for the 2018
presidential and congressional elections.
the burgeoning popular movement is planning more mobilizations in the days ahead,
including blockades by the farmers’ organization El Barzon and allies of
Mexico-U.S. border crossings on Friday, the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration
as the 45th U.S. president.
Mexico in a changed world scene
Dec. 27 gasolinazo cannot be divorced from other events and factors that are
serving to destabilize the status quo in Mexico, including Trump’s imminent
arrival to the White House, the U.S. president-elect’s Twitter broadsides that
produce jitters to the value of the peso, which plunged to a new low of more
than 22 to the dollar last week, and forecasts of lower-than-expected growth
for 2017. Perhaps capturing the national mood, Proceso newsweekly splashed a
picture of Trump on the cover of this week’s edition with the words “The war
that’s coming.”
If the
United States suffers a narco-dependency on the south, Mexico is afflicted by
economic dependency on the north. In different government, academic and popular
sphere, talk is growing of reclaiming Mexican sovereignty and diversifying
economic relationships. Even Peña Nieto is turning his gaze away from the
north. In a recent speech to Mexican diplomats broadcast live on national
television, the beleaguered president defended the North American Free Trade
Agreement attacked by Trump but also stressed developing greater ties with the
Asia-Pacific region and the Persian Gulf states, whose sovereign nation funds
the Peña Nieto administration is cultivating.
than 35 years after the Mexican oil boom of the Lopez Portillo years
intoxicated the country, Mexico stands at a crossroads. As the public
indignation intensified over the gasoline price hike, Proceso reprinted an
interview it ran back in 1980 when bubbles of black gold promised a new source
for national investment and development. The interviewee was the late
Nobel-winning economist Lawrence Klein, who urged Mexico to follow the path of
Norway in developing its energy reserves with “moderation” and not let “social
problems to spin out of control.”
warned of alternative scenarios in oil rich economies like Venezuela and Iran
that were creating great breaches between the rich and the poor, as well as
fomenting conspicuous consumption and corruption. “People take to the streets
and shout their demands,” Klein told Proceso. “They demand everything.
Corruption in different social levels winds up generating revolutionary
Kent Paterson is an independent journalist who covers issues in the U.S./Mexico
border region.