supremacists differ on Trump
Michael Collins Piper
Donald Trump’s rise to stardom came as a consequence of his
having been a flamboyant front man for some unsavory behind-the-scenes
sponsors. Here’s the story:
In his memoir, Trump proudly described how in 1987 he bought his
first casino interests when he purchased 93 percent of the voting stock in the
Resorts International (RI) gambling concern.
What Trump didn’t say was that RI was controlled by a clique of
sordid, international big-money elements in alliance with the Jewish crime
syndicate which was, in turn, collaborating with the CIA and Israel’s Mossad in
an array of inter-connected money-laundering operations.
The casinos laundered money for the CIA and the Mossad. In
return, these agencies used their influence to ensure the mob remained
protected from interference by law enforcement.
To understand where Trump fits in, we turn to RI’s murky
origins. RI evolved from a CIA front—the Mary Carter Paint Company—set up in
the 1950s by then-CIA director Allen Dulles and his close associate, New York
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, a leader of the “Rockefeller wing” of the GOP. While the
company did in fact operate a national paint store chain, its real purpose was
to function as a covert CIA money-laundering operation.
In 1958 and 1959 Dewey and several associates used CIA funds to
buy a controlling interest in the Crosby-Miller Corporation (headed by Dewey
friend James Crosby), which was then merged with Mary Carter. The new concern
laundered CIA money for the arming of the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and also
launched lucrative gambling enterprises in the Caribbean where the CIA was
active, having engaged the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate in plots to topple
Fidel Castro.
How many law-abiding Americans who bought Mary Carter’s paint
would have thought they were funding a joint CIA-mob operation posing behind
the smiling face of a “typical American housewife,” the fictional “Mary Carter”
whose visage adorned its products?
In 1963 the company spun off its paint division and began
focusing on its casino operations, particularly in the Bahamas. In 1967 and
1968 Mary Carter changed its name to Resorts International and expanded.
Several principal investors provided the assets:
• Meyer Lansky, the “chairman of the board” of the Jewish crime
• David Rockefeller, who provided his family’s clout with the
CIA and in global banking to assist;
• The Investors Overseas Service, then the world’s largest
“flight-capital” conglomerate, headed by notorious Bernard Cornfeld who was no
more than a frontman for two behind-the-scenes principals:
• Tibor Rosenbaum, the Mossad’s Swiss-based arms procurer, who
headed the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, the Lansky syndicate’s
chief European money launderer;
• Baron Edmond de Rothschild of the infamous banking family and
a personal business partner of Rosenbaum in many Mossad-related ventures; and
• William Mellon Hitchcock, an heir to the Mellon dynasty—one of
America’s largest family fortunes which has collaborated closely with the CIA
for years. In 1970 the mob moved to expand legalized gambling on U.S. soil. Mob
chief Lansky called a high-level syndicate conference where the fading resort
of Atlantic City was pinpointed as their new target. Prior to this,
Lansky-controlled Nevada was the only outpost of legal gambling in the United
States. RI’s resources were used to finance the lobbying campaign that brought
legalized gambling to Atlantic City and RI quickly moved in.
In 1987 upon the death of RI’s nominal head—CIA frontman James
Crosby—up-and-coming New York real estate tycoon Trump stepped in and bought
Crosby’s RI holdings. So while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, RI’s
real movers remained hidden from public view.
Trump shed his RI investments in his much-publicized
“bankruptcy” but he remains a major player in the gambling industry—and now he
may be running for president of the United States.
Donald Trump’s
breakthrough statement on immigration
August 17, 2015
I certainly counted myself among the skeptics when
it comes to Donald Trump’s candidacy. But it’s clear now that he is going full
populist on the issues that matter, first with his statements on trade deals,
but now—and more importantly—on immigration. Ann Coulter calls his
immigration statement “the greatest political document since the Magna Carta.”
I agree—if it can actually end up influencing policy. While other
candidates like Scott Walker and Rick Santorum have mumbled things about legal
immigration, the immigration issue will now define Trump’s candidacy. White
Americans can finally express themselves on what kind of country they want to
live in. As Coulter also points out, immigration is the only important issue.
the cozy consensus among elites on immigration is exposed. White American
voters started this election cycle with the deadening belief that it was going
to be Hillary vs. Jeb in the election, with nary a mention that immigration was
even an issue. Flip a coin, because it makes no difference to the big money or anyone else—the politics of
oligarchy in action. Here’s a cartoon of
a person who had hanged himself, his feet dangling down in front of a TV screen
showing a presidential debate between Jeb and Hillary.
Exactly. And in that debate there would be zero questions on
immigration—just the way the big media wants it.
now Trump is saying what White Americans have been actually thinking for a very
long time. This passage gets at the heart of the issue.
Put American Workers First Decades of disastrous trade
deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black
teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For
black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more
than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy,
the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not
experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”:
“If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is
developing osteoporosis.”
The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment
high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including
immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly
half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty,
including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we
voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees,
and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42
million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers
in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise
into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to
ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American
The populist labor-market critique of
immigration policy, pioneered by Senator Jeff Sessions and based on sound
academic research, is finally getting into the political mainstream. The
incredible reality is that putting American workers first is anathema to elites
among both Democrats and Republicans. We talk a lot about implicit Whiteness here, and it has often been said
that implicit Whiteness is not enough. But certainly the start of the
revolution to restore a White America need not be explicitly White at all. The
labor-market argument applies to the vast majority of Americans, Black and
White alike. The idea that importing millions of uneducated, impoverished Third
Worlders into the US — or any other European-derived country — would
actually benefit the country is ridiculous.
It’s never been about the needs of
most Americans, but rather the desires of businesses for cheap labor, the
desires of the ethnic lobbies to get more of their people here to increase
their power, and the desires of predominantlyJewish elites against the idea of a homogeneous
White America. If there has been one constant threat of Jewish
intellectual and political activity since World War II, it has been to oppose populism. Obviously, they much prefer an oligarchy
of the wealthy with control of the media and in control of the donor class of
both Republicans and Democrats.
And oligarchy is what they have
gotten: The idea that Western societies are democracies is an
illusion. In fact, an oligarchic model fits U.S. politics much better
than a democratic model (see Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page inPerspectives on Politics, Sept. 2014, “Testing Theories of
American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens“).The
Trump candidacy is the most hopeful sign that the present oligarchy could be
circumvented at the presidential level.
What the establishment fears most is a highly visible,
personally attractive, honest, populist candidate who cannot be shut out of the
media and with enough money to run a viable campaign.
This Washington Examiner article is
right on the money in showing that Trump’s statement actually fits well with
the views of most Americans.
Donald Trump set off yet another wave
of anguish and frustration among Republican political elites Sunday with more
provocative statements about immigration, along with the release of a Trump
immigration plan influenced by the Senate’s leading immigration hawk. But there
are indications Trump’s positions on immigration are more in line with the
views of the public — not just GOP voters, but the public at large — than those
of his critics. “Donald Trump: Undocumented Immigrants ‘Have to Go,'” read the headline at NBC News, where Trump appeared on
“Meet the Press.” “They have to go,” Trump told moderator Chuck Todd, referring
to immigrants in the U.S. illegally. “We either have a country or we don’t have
a country.”
At the same time, Trump unveiled a brief immigration position paper,
created in consultation with Republican senator Jeff Sessions, calling for,
among other things, an end to the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright
citizenship. Some of Trump’s presidential rivals, and no doubt many in the GOP
establishment, were appalled. “Our leading Republican is embracing
self-deportation, that all of the 11 million have to walk back where they came
from, and maybe we’ll let some of them come back,” Sen. Lindsey Graham said on
CBS. “I just hope we don’t go down that road as a party. So our leading
contender, Mr. Trump, is going backward on immigration. And I think he’s going
to take all of us with him if we don’t watch it.”
Let’s watch Graham run on that and
see where it gets him (he is atzero percent in the latest poll). All his sucking up to
the Israel Lobby has gotten him nowhere.
The real importance of the Examiner article is in highlighting a study
showing just how out of touch elites are on immigration:
But are Trump’s views on immigration
as far out of the mainstream as Graham suggests? Are they out of the mainstream
at all? A recent academic paper, by Stanford professor David Broockman
and Berkeley Ph.D candidate Douglas Ahler, suggests a majority of the public’s
views on immigration are closer to Trump’s than to the advocates of
comprehensive immigration reform.
The Broockman/Ahler paper,
published in July, is about more than just immigration; it examines the range
of public opinion on several issues. On each, the authors gave a
scientifically-selected group of respondents a broad range of policy options.
On immigration, they listed seven possibilities, ranging from open borders to
shutting down all immigration. These are the options Broockman and Ahler
presented to respondents:
The United States should have open borders and allow further immigration
on an unlimited basis.
Legal immigration to the United States should greatly increase among all
immigrant groups, regardless of their skills. Immigrants already in the United
States should be put on the path to citizenship.
Immigration of highly skilled individuals should greatly increase.
Immigration by those without such skills should continue at its current pace,
although this immigration should be legalized.
Immigration of highly skilled individuals should greatly increase, and
immigration among those without such skills should be limited in time and/or
magnitude, e.g., through a guest worker program.
The United States should admit more highly skilled immigrants and secure
the border with increased physical barriers to stem the flow of other
Only a small number of highly skilled immigrants should be allowed into
the United States until the border is fully secured, and all illegal immigrants
currently in the U.S. should be deported.
Further immigration to the United States should be banned until the
border is fully secured, and all illegal immigrants currently in the U.S.
should be deported immediately.
Here are the results Broockman and Ahler got: 4.7
percent supported Option One; 17.4 percent supported Option Two; 10.8 percent
supported Option Three; 12.0 percent supported Option Four; 17.0 percent
supported Option Five; 13.8 percent supported Option Six; and 24.4 percent
supported Option Seven. The largest single group, 24.4 percent, supported the
most draconian option — closed borders and mass deportation — that is dismissed
by every candidate in the race, including Trump.
Add in the next group that supported Option Six, which would allow only
a “small number” of highly skilled immigrants to enter the U.S. and also
involve mass deportations, and the number increased to 38.2 percent. Then add
Option Five, which would allow only highly skilled immigrants while physically
blocking the border, and the number increased to 55.2 percent. “Many citizens
support policies that seem to fall outside of the range of policy options
considered in elite discourse,” Broockman and Ahler conclude.
Shocking! We have said all along that the
anti-White revolution is a top-down phenomenon initiated and maintained by
hostile elites with very little popular support, especially among White people
— which is why these elites continue to import millions of non-Whites. Those
percentages show that an immigration platform something like Trump’s is a
Trump’s immigration stance appears to fall somewhere between Option Five
and Option Six, perhaps a little closer to the latter. It’s probably fair to
say that, if Broockman and Ahler are correct, a majority of Americans — not
just Republican voters, but all Americans — hold views that are consistent with
Trump’s position, or are even more restrictive. Opponents like Graham portray
Trump’s immigration position as far out of the mainstream, but that doesn’t
appear to be the case.
Just a couple comments on Trump’s position paper which
should be read in its entirety. It may be considered the Jeff Sessions
playbook on immigration, including ending birthright citizenship. The only
other presidential candidate mentioned is Marco Rubio:
When politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty,
cheap labor and open borders. The Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing
more than a giveaway to the corporate patrons who run both parties. …
Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs
that would decimate women and minorities.
Beautiful. And he could have
mentioned Rubio’s ultra-Zionist backers, Norman Braman, Larry Ellison, and
Sheldon Adelson. Sounds like a pattern. Obviously, one of the big strengths of
the Trump candidacy is that he is not dependent on the donor class. He gets
another dig in at the donors:
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not
wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose
immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own.
Unfortunately, all European-derived countries have
immigration policies that are absolutely opposed to the interests of their
native populations. We can now expect that a raging conflagration of media
attacks against Trump and that Republican elites will continue to do all they
can to derail Trump’s candidacy. This will be political theater at its best.
Trump/Sessions for president/vice-president in