Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s
By Rostislav Ishchenko
original source: http://orientalreview.org/2015/11/11/time-is-running-out-for-pax-americanas-apologists/
November 12, 2015
The paradox of the
current global crisis is that for the last five years, all
relatively responsible and independent nations have made tremendous efforts to
save the United States from the financial, economic, military, and
political disaster that looms ahead. And this is all despite
Washington’s equally systematic moves to destabilize the world order, rightly
known as the Pax Americana (“American peace”).
Since policy is not
a zero-sum game, i.e., one participant’s loss does not necessarily entail a
gain for another, this paradox has a logical explanation. A crisis erupts
within any system when there is a discrepancy between its internal structure
and the sum total of available resources (that is, those resources will
eventually prove inadequate for the system to function normally and in the
usual way).
There are at least
three basic options for addressing this situation:
1. Through reform, in
which the system’s internal structure evolves in such a way as to better
correspond to the available resources.
2. Through the
system’s collapse, in which the same result is achieved via revolution.
3. Through
preservation, in which the inputs threatening the system are eliminated by
force, and the relationships within the system are carefully preserved on an
inequitable relationship basis (whether between classes, social strata, castes,
or nations).
The preservation
method was attempted by the Ming and Qing dynasties in China,
as well as theTokugawa
Shogunate in Japan. It was utilized successfully (in the 19th century) prior
to the era of capitalist globalization. But neither of those Eastern
civilizations (although fairly robust internally) survived their collision with
the technologically more advanced (and hence more militarily and politically
powerful) European civilization. Japan found its answer on the path of
modernization (reform) back in the second half of the 19th century, China spent
a century immersed in the quagmire of semi-colonial dependence and bloody civil
wars, until the new leadership of Deng Xiaoping was able to articulate itsown vision
of modernizing reforms.
This point leads us
to the conclusion that a system can be preserved only if it is safeguarded from
any unwanted external influences, i.e., if it controls the globalized world.
The contradiction between the concept of escaping the crisis, which has
been adopted the US elite, and the alternative concept – proposed by Russia and
backed by China, then by the BRICS nations and now a large part of the world –
lay in the fact that the politicians in Washington were working from the
premise that they are able to fully control the globalized world and guide its
development in the direction they wish. Therefore, faced with dwindling
resources to sustain the mechanisms that perpetuate their global hegemony, they
tried to resolve the problem by forcefully suppressing potential opponents in
order to reallocate global resources in their favor.
If successful, the
United States would be able to reenact the events of the late 1980s – early
1990s, when the collapse of the Soviet Union and the global socialist system
under its control allowed the West to escape its crisis. At this new stage, it
has become a question of no longer simply reallocating resources in favor of
the West as a collective whole, but solely in favor of the United States. This
move offered the system a respite that could be used to create a regime for
preserving inequitable relationships, during which the American elite’s
definitive control over the resources of power, raw materials, finance, and
industrial resources safeguarded them from the danger of the system’s internal
implosion, while the elimination of alternative power centers shielded the
system from external breaches, rendering it eternal (at least for a
historically foreseeable period of time).
The alternative
approach postulated that the system’s total resources might be depleted before
the United States can manage to generate the mechanisms to perpetuate its global
hegemony. In turn, this will lead to strain (and overstrain) on the forces that
ensure the imperial suppression of those nations existing on the global
periphery, all in the interests of the Washington-based center, which will
later bring about the inevitable collapse of the system.
Two hundred, or
even one hundred years ago, politicians would have acted on the principle of
“what is falling, that one should also push” and prepared to divvy up the
legacy of yet another crumbling empire. However, the globalization of not only
the world’s industry and trade (that was achieved by the end of the 19th
century), but also global finance, caused the collapse of the American empire
through a policy that was extremely dangerous and costly for the whole world.
To put it bluntly, the United States could bury civilization under its own
Consequently, the
Russian-Chinese approach has made a point of offering Washington a compromise
option that endorses the gradual, evolutionary erosion of American hegemony,
plus the incremental reform of international financial, economic, military, and
political relations on the basis of the existing system of international law.
America’s elite have been
offered a “soft landing” that would preserve much of
their influence and assets, while gradually adapting the system to better
correspond to the present facts of life (bringing it into line with the
available reserve of resources), taking into account the interests of humanity,
and not only of its “top echelon” as exemplified by the “300
families” who are actually dwindling to no more than
In the end, it is
always better to negotiate than to build a new world upon the ashes of the old.
Especially since there has been a global precedent for similar agreements.
Up until 2015, America’s elite (or at least the ones who determine US
policy) had been assured that they possessed sufficient financial, economic,
military, and political strength to cripple the rest of the world, while still
preserving Washington’s hegemony by depriving everyone, including (at the final
stage) even the American people of any real political sovereignty or economic
rights. European bureaucrats were important allies for that elite – i.e., the
cosmopolitan, comprador-bourgeoisie sector of the EU elite, whose welfare
hinged on the further integration of transatlantic (i.e., under US control) EU
entities (in which the premise of Atlantic solidarity has become geopolitical
dogma) and NATO, although this is in conflict with the interests of the EU
member states.
However, the crisis
in Ukraine, which has dragged on much longer than originally planned, Russia’s
impressive surge of military and political energy as it moved
to resolve the Syrian crisis (something for which the US did
not have an appropriate response) and, most important, the progressive creation
of alternative financial and economic entities that call
into question the dollar’s position as the de facto world currency, have forced a
sector of America’s elite that is amenable to compromise to rouse itself (over
the last 15 years that elite has been effectively excluded from participation
in any strategic decisions).
The latest
statements by Kerry and Obama which seesaw from a
willingness to consider a mutually acceptable compromise on all contentious
issues (even Kiev was given instructions “to implement Minsk “) to a
determination to continue the policy of confrontation – are evidence of the
escalating battle being fought within the Washington establishment.
It is impossible to
predict the outcome of this struggle – too many high-status politicians and
influential families have tied their futures to an agenda that preserves
imperial domination for that to be renounced painlessly. In reality, multibillion-dollar
positions and entire political dynasties are at stake.
However, we can say
with absolute certainty that there is a certain window of opportunity during
which any decision can be made. And a window of opportunity is closing
that would allow the US to make a soft landing with a few trade-offs. The
Washington elite cannot escape the fact that they are up against far more
serious problems than those of 10-15 years ago. Right now the big question is
about how they are going to land, and although that landing will already be
harder than it would have been and will come with costs, the situation is not
yet a disaster.
But the US needs to think fast. Their resources are shrinking much
faster than the authors of the plan for imperial preservation had expected. To
their loss of control over the BRICS countries can be added the incipient, but
still fairly rapid loss of control over EU policy as well as the onset of
geopolitical maneuvering among the monarchies of the Middle East. The financial
and economic entities created and set in motion by the BRICS nations are
developing in accordance with their own logic, andMoscow and Beijing are not
able to delay their development overlong while waiting for the US to suddenly
discover a capacity to negotiate.
The point of no
return will pass once and for all sometime in 2016, and America’s elite will no
longer be able to choose between the provisions of compromise and collapse. The
only thing that they will then be able to do is to slam the door loudly, trying
to drag the rest of the world after them into the abyss.
Rostislav Ischenko is the President of Centre for System Analysis and
Forecasting (Kiev) currently living in Moscow.
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