SEPTEMBER 11, 2020
Viewing the GOP convention seemed a little like binge-watching the last several years’ parade
of none-too-subtle signs of incipient fascism. We saw extreme nationalism,
scapegoating immigrants and foreigners in general, white supremacy, “strong
(narcissistic)-man” government, aggressive foreign policies, and hysterical
red-baiting. Those signs reflect how capitalism’s deepening crisis undermines
both the center-left (Democrat) and center-right (GOP) and shifts politics
further right and further left. Trump represents the anti-center right, Bernie
Sanders the anti-center left. Most capitalists want neither; the center worked
very well for them over the last 75 years. As that political center implodes,
U.S. capitalists favor the right over the left. They see the difference between
fascism and socialism very clearly. They are not fooled by the crumbling old
center’s self-serving efforts to equate socialism and fascism.
Fascism can
indeed “happen here,” but in a unique fashion. Fascism, like all other systems,
has varying forms. As 20th-century fascisms took shape in Italy, Germany,
Japan, and Spain—to take some major examples—the same basic system interacted
differently with each country’s particular history and conditions. The fascism
where U.S. capitalism is now headed will display unique features as well.
The fascism
taking shape here is not primarily the crude political theater that today’s
wannabe fascists offer. The Trump regime’s courting of white supremacists and
other extreme nationalists, it's virulent scapegoating of immigrants, Latinx,
and African Americans, and its encouragement of police repression is too often
counterproductive. Those symbols are similar enough to many of 20th-century
fascism’s horrors that they are too easily recognized as dangerous. Today, the United States moves more quietly and more effectively toward fascism via its
fast-evolving credit system. It’s time to expose borrowing as a path to
Today’s the crisis-ridden capitalist economy is more dependent on credit than at any time
in the system’s history. More than ever, credit sustains the purchasing power
of consumers and government programs. Capitalists depend on that purchasing
power. Corporations now routinely carry more direct debt than at any time in
the nation’s history. Zombie corporations—those whose profits no longer suffice
to service their direct debts—now figure sizably in U.S. capitalism.
Once it was mostly
private entities—rich families, banks, insurance companies, and pension
funds—that were the chief lenders to corporations. They bought and held corporate bonds and IOUs. Now those private lenders increasingly sell their
corporate bonds to the Federal Reserve. What happens when the corporate loans
get packaged into asset-backed securities sold to the Federal Reserve. More
recently, the Fed has undertaken the market purchase of exchange-traded funds
(ETFs) composed of corporate bonds and of corporate bonds direct from their
private issuers. It has also made “credit facilities” directly available to
corporations, tax-exempt entities, and municipalities. As the lender of last
(and fast-growing) resort, the state becomes ever more the social basis of credit.
The Federal Reserve is thus gathering the means to directly control the
allocation of credit in credit-dependent capitalism deeply threatened by its
inherent cyclical instability, a major viral pandemic, accumulated domestic
social problems, and growing international competition and isolation.
Key deals and
intimate relationships between major non-financial corporations and their banks
once drew the special attention of careerist politicians, students of
capitalism, and also capitalism’s critics. “Finance capitalism” became an
important new concept. As credit proliferated into all aspects of capitalism
and grew ever more central to its functioning, another new term emerged,
“financialization.” Once mostly private, that is no longer the case.
Perhaps we
should call this latest phase: “state financialization.” The state’s central
bank has become ever more important in controlling the conditions and
pathways of credit in capitalism. That has been increasingly evident as
capitalism lurched from the 2000 dot-com crisis to the 2008 subprime mortgage
crisis and since. Credit provision by the Federal Reserve is now crucial to the U.S.
capitalism’s passage through the COVID-19 mega-crisis and beyond. It is crucial
to capitalism’s very survival.
The Federal
Reserve now dispenses credit in historically unprecedented dimensions. As they
keep their system going, capitalists, the Federal Reserve, and the rest of the government are feeling their way to U.S.-style fascism. Step by step, they
recognize their mutual dependency and sense the possibilities of credit as the
cement—and perhaps the only cement—to hold an alliance among them together.
Yes, they worry about their newly created mountain of money and how it might
veer away from inflating the stock market to inflating and disrupting other
markets. But that concern has been eclipsed by the urgency of saving a badly
stumbling capitalism today. Capitalists who once bemoaned soaring government
deficits and exploding national debts are mostly silent. They know that
capitalism’s survival requires massive government, corporate, and household
debts and their monetization by the Federal Reserve. The system is teaching its
elites about the need for transition now from capitalism to fascism. Only for
many of those involved, that transition is not yet quite conscious or visible.
Fascism is what
happens in capitalism when employers feel that (1) their system’s accumulated
problems exceed its capacity to solve them and (2) strong (often dictatorial)
state intervention is needed for the capitalist system to survive. Fascism can
also be capitalism’s response when the victims of capitalism’s inequalities
(economic, political, and cultural) and instabilities (business cycles) will no
longer tolerate them. If and when capitalism’s critics—especially
socialists—build a sufficient mass consciousness and mobilize mass
organizations that threaten capitalism with major reforms or with revolution,
capitalists can seek an alliance with a strong political counterforce to construct fascism. Such a strong counterforce can be a politician or a political party
that captures the imaginations of masses of capitalism’s victims but blames not
capitalism but rather immigrants or ethnic or religious minorities. If such
politicians or parties attack and oppose socialism and offer capitalists a mass
base they need but lack, capitalists will support them. Fascism—a merger of
private capitalists and a state that reinforces their system—will have arrived
once a fascist party acquires state power. Where socialists advocate system
change, fascists advocate nationalism understood as a merger of private
capitalism and the state apparatus to exalt some national ideal.
In contrast,
socialism is what happens to capitalism when employees feel that capitalism’s
accumulated problems exceed the employers’ willingness or the system’s capacity
to solve them. Socialists are those victims and critics of capitalism who see
it as the problem and system change as the only real solution. By system
change, socialists have typically meant combinations of socialized (not
private) ownership of means of production, centrally planned (nonmarket)
distributions of resources and products, and democratic worker-coop-type
(non-hierarchical) organizations of enterprises. Socialists have long been
interested in acquiring state power as a means to accomplish system change.
Exactly how much and how far system change should extend has been fiercely
contested among differing kinds of socialists, and those issues are still hotly
debated. Socialists from Marx on to the present have likewise often associated
with anarchists around a goal many shared: what Lenin called “the withering
away of the state.” Socialists have usually advocated internationalism—“workers
of the world unite against capitalism”—as against fascist’s nationalism. These
are some key differences separating fascism from socialism.
Fascism merges
private capitalism and the state. Political power then enforces capitalism’s
basic rules: the economic dominance of the major shareholders and their top
directors and managers. In fascism, that dominance extends from the economic to
also political and cultural realms of social life. It goes well beyond the norm
in non-fascist societies based on capitalist economies. For example, labor
unions are suppressed or converted into state agencies. All independent labor
activity is proscribed. For another example, public education is restructured
to serve and feed directly into employment. Monetary policies, exchange rates,
and trade balances are managed to achieve nationalist objectives. Cultural
institutions are reconfigured and reorganized to celebrate fascism. In the
early histories of some fascist parties, socialist criticisms of capitalism
were borrowed and repeated to attract working-class adherents. Once those
parties made their deals and alliances with capitalists, those early socialist
criticisms were silenced and their authors expelled or worse.
In fascism,
major shareholders and the boards of directors they elect make all the key private
enterprise decisions (what to produce, how, and with which technology and how
to use net revenues or profits) as in private capitalism. However, top state
officials wield major influences on directors’ decisions or may join them to
take seats on the boards. The fascist state typically silences capitalism’s
opponents usually on the grounds that their activities constitute treasonous
disloyalty. It likewise destroys the political parties of socialists,
communists, and other critics of capitalism. For their part, the employers in
fascism celebrate and fund the fascist party and the state it runs.
The U.S.
capitalism’s passage from a private to a state system of credit creation is now
viewed as necessary by both of its constituent partners. Private capitalists, on
the one hand, and the top political circles in both major parties, on the
other, are thus merging into a particular kind of fascism. State
financialization facilitates that merger. That some of the partners disagree
with Trump and his traditional manipulations of fascist symbols do not change
the transition to fascism underway and accepted by the consenting partners.
Richard Wolff is the author
of Capitalism Hits the
Fan and Capitalism’s Crisis
Deepens. He is the founder of Democracy
at Work.
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