International Relations
by Chas W. Freeman,
This is the first of three lectures on the changing international
political, economic, and military environment after the Pax Americana.
The second will consider the impact of China’s rise on relationships in
Asia. The third will address the changes underway in the Middle East.
International reactions to the election of Donald Trump have
catalyzed a far swifter collapse of the American-led world order than anyone
could have imagined. Interactions between great and middle-ranking powers
are undergoing rapid evolution. The political, economic, and military
interests and influence of the United States still span the globe, as does
American popular culture. Nations and non-state actors in every region
continue to worry about American policies, activism, or passivity on matters of
concern to them. In short, the United States is still the planet’s only
all-around world power. But the clout that status confers is not what it
used to be.
The only other polity with the potential to rival America’s
worldwide influence at present is the European Union (EU). It has the
money but lacks the ambition or political and military cohesion to exert
decisive influence beyond its periphery. Until “Brexit,” the EU included
two former world powers, Britain and France. Now only France — which
retains a sphere of influence in Africa and overseas territories in the
Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Polynesia – can bring a global perspective to EU
China and Japan have great worldwide economic influence but little
political appeal and negligible ability to project conventional military power
to regions remote from them. Russia has a nuclear arsenal that can
devastate every corner of the globe. It has again become a major actor in
the Middle East, but otherwise lacks economic, political, or cultural reach
much beyond the confines of the former Soviet Union. Brazil and India
dream of global roles but exercise little influence beyond their immediate
regions and the parts of Africa that are closest to them.
The Trump administration’s rejection of multilateralism marks a
major step back from international leadership by the United States. It
signals that America no longer seeks to make and interpret the rules that
govern the world’s political, economic, and military interactions.
Instead, Washington will seek unilateral advantage through piecemeal bilateral
deals. This pivot away from preeminence has created a geopolitical and
geoeconomic power vacuum into which other great powers are being drawn.
Responsibility for the maintenance of global political, economic, and military
order is everywhere devolving to the regional level.
Meanwhile, the United States is increasingly isolated on
transnational issues. Official American antipathy to science on climate
change and similar issues has discredited the United States as a participant in
setting polices that address them. Washington’s escalating disdain for
the United Nations and international law has meanwhile delegitimized its role
as the “world policeman.” The uncertainties inherent in this situation
are everywhere accelerating the formation of regional groupings. But,
despite some stirring by China, there is as yet no credible successor to the
United States as a global order-setter.
The U.S. armed forces remain the only military establishment with
global power projection capabilities and experience in managing multinational
coalitions. Generals and admirals bestride the highly militarized foreign
policy apparatus of the United States government. This caps a longstanding
trend. Americans so thoroughly identify “power” as exclusively military
in nature that it has been necessary to invent an academic concept of “soft
power” to embrace measures short of war like diplomacy.
But global military primacy no longer translates into political
leadership at either the global or regional levels. It doesn’t even
guarantee dominance in the world’s regions.
Recent American military interventions abroad have consistently
evoked resistance that has frustrated the achievement of their goals. Unless
tied to clearly attainable political objectives, the use of force can
accomplish little other than the slaughter of foreigners and the destruction of
their artifacts. This generates more blowback than security.
As American influence has receded, regional great powers like
China, India, Iran, and Russia have begun to consolidate regional state
systems centered on themselves. This process was underway even before
“America first” impaired U.S. leadership by making American indifference to the
interests and concerns of other countries officially explicit. America
has now chosen publicly to redefine itself internationally as the foreign
relations equivalent of a sociopath[1] – a country indifferent to the rules,
the consequences for others of its ignoring them, and the reliability of its
word. No nation can now comfortably entrust its prosperity or security to
Washington, no matter how militarily powerful it perceives America to be.
In the United States, there has been a clear drift toward the view
that outcomes, not due process, are the sole criteria of justice.
Procedures – that is, judicial decisions, elections, or actions by legislatures
– no longer confer legitimacy. The growing American impatience with
institutions and processes is reflected in the economic nationalism and
transactionalism that now guide U.S. policy. Washington now reserves the
right to pick and choose which decisions by international tribunals like the
World Trade Organization (WTO) it will follow or ignore.
The idea that previously agreed arrangements can be abandoned or
renegotiated at will has succeeded the principle of “pacta sunt servanda”
(“agreements must be kept”). The result is greatly reduced
confidence not only in the reliability of American commitments but also in the
durability of the international understandings that have constituted the status
quo. In the security arena, this trend is especially pronounced with
respect to arms control arrangements. As an example,, Russia has cited
American scofflaw behavior to justify its own delinquencies in Ukraine and with
respect to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
When a hegemon fails to pay attention to the opinions of its
allies, dependencies, and client states or to show its adversaries that it can
be counted upon to play by the rules it insists they follow, it conjures up its
own antibodies. In the absence of empathy, there can be no mutual
reliance or collective security. Without confidence in the reliability of
protectors or allies, nations must be ready to defend themselves by themselves
at any moment. If covenants are readily dishonored, the law offers no
assurance of safety. Only credible military deterrence can protect
against attack.
The post-Cold War era began in 1990 when the international
community came together to affirm that the new order should not allow large
states to use force to annex smaller, weaker neighbors, as Iraq attempted to do
with Kuwait. But the opening years of the 21st century have taught small and medium-sized
nations a different lesson. They have learned that to preclude threats to
their independence and territorial integrity from great powers they must either
accommodate them, seek the protection of alliances with others, or possess the
capacity to inflict severe injury on any potential attacker, no matter how
militarily powerful.
They have learned that there is no longer any security to be found
in the United Nations Charter or its decision-making processes.
International law and vetoes in the U.N. Security Council did not protect
Serbia from great power intervention to detach Kosovo from it. Nor did
opposition in the Security Council prevent the coercive separation of Crimea
from Ukraine. No one even bothers to mention international law in
discussions of Syria, where external interventions to produce regime change
have been unabashedly overt. The old rules no longer provide
security. They are increasingly ignored.
An Indian general remarked after the 1990-91 Gulf War that its
lesson was clear. To be secure from attack by the United States one must
possess a nuclear deterrent. (Pakistan would no doubt say the same thing
about India, as would some in Iraq and Iran about Israel.) Lacking
nuclear weapons, Iraq and Libya saw their governments overthrown and their
leaders brutally murdered. Nuclear-armed North Korea – by any measure, a
far more dangerous regime – has so far been spared foreign attack. It is
telling that every non-nuclear weapons state now allegedly attempting to
develop such weapons and related delivery systems (including north Korea) is
said to be doing so to deter an attack by the United States.
Not one appears to be motivated by a desire to deter China, Europe’s nuclear
powers, India, Japan, Pakistan, or Russia.
Across the globe, the lessened security that results from the
erosion of rule-bound order has been compounded by hysteria over attacks by terrorists.
The spread of Islamophobia has paved the way for the revival of other forms of
xenophobia, like racism and anti-Semitism. Illiberalism looks like the
wave of the future. We are witnessing the consolidation of national
security-obsessed garrison states.
Some sub-global powers — like Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China —
are demanding deference to their power by the countries in their “near abroad”
or “near seas.” They thus negate the near-universal sphere of
influence that America asserted during the so-called “unipolar moment” of
worldwide U.S. hegemony that followed the Cold War. They are
imposing their own military precautionary zones (“cordons sanitaires”) to
manage and reduce external threats from other powers. This pushback is
resented by the United States, which – with no sense of irony, given its own
insistence on exclusive control of the Americas – charges them with
attempts to project illegitimate “spheres of influence” beyond their borders.
By disavowing longstanding U.S. commitments, the Trump
administration has inadvertently confirmed foreign doubts about American
reliability. Efforts to allay these concerns have garnered little
credence. The ebb of U.S. influence is forcing countries previously
dependent on Washington’s protection to make unwelcome choices between
diversifying their international relationships, decoupling their foreign
policies from America’s, forming their own ententes and coalitions to buttress
deterrence, or accommodating more powerful neighbors. Whatever mix of
actions they choose, they also boost spending to build more impressive armed
Almost all countries still under U.S. protection continue to
affirm their alliance with the United States even as they ramp up a capacity to
go it alone. Arms races are becoming the norm in most regions of the
world. Global military expenditures grew by fifty percent from 2001 to
Not long ago, geopolitics was largely explicable in bipolar terms
of US-Soviet rivalry. After a unipolar moment, the political and economic
orders have gone fractal – understandable only in terms of evolving
complexities at the regional or sub-regional level. Intra-regional
rivalries now fuel huge purchases by middle-ranking powers of state-of-the-art
weaponry produced by the great powers. No one should confuse increased
weapons purchases with a deepening of alliance commitments.
So, for example, Saudi Arabia’s arms purchases have tripled in the
past five years. Trends in other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member
countries are similar. At the same time, the Gulf Arabs are reaching out
to China, the EU, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, and Turkey and convening
pan-Muslim coalitions against Islamist terrorism and Iran. They have
undertaken unprecedentedly unilateral and aggressive military
interventions in places like Libya, Syria, and Yemen. As they have done
so, the countries of the Fertile Crescent – Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria – have
drawn ever closer to Iran. Iraqi Kurdistan has become a de
facto Turkish
Before a Western-supported coup ousted Ukraine’s elected
president, that country wobbled between East and West but was on its way into the
Russian embrace. The Philippines has distanced it from the United States
and bundled with China. So has Thailand. Myanmar and Vietnam, by
contrast, are seeking partners to balance China. The Baltic states of
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have doubled down on their reliance on NATO,
which they joined in 2004 to secure their independence from Russia. Cuba
and Venezuela look to Russia and China for support against ongoing American
policies of regime change.
Meanwhile, international governance of trade and investment
continues to devolve to the regional level and configure itself to supply
chains. Examples include new trade pacts, like the RCEP, the Pacific
Alliance, and the Eurasian Economic Union; preexisting blocs like the
GCC, Mercosur, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; as
well as well-established confederations like the 27-member post-Brexit EU and
the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Each of these
groupings has one or two heavyweight members at its core, constituting a
natural leadership.
Where such regional arrangements have been implemented, rules are
made and enforced without much, if any, reference to external powers.
Thus, the EU has had no role to speak of in shaping relations between Canada,
Mexico, and the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA). Conversely, the United States has had very little say in
decisions made in Brussels on rules for trade and investment in the EU and its
associated economies. Given the Trump administration’s aversion to
multilateralism, the United States will have no say at all in the
standard-setting that will take place in either the RCEP or the 65-country
pan-Eurasian economic community that is beginning to emerge from China’s “belt
and road” initiative. Regionalism limits the reach of great powers.
Bilateralism limits it even more.
The decentralization of authority over global economic, political,
and defense issues represents a net loss of influence by the U.S. and other
great powers over the evolution of the international state system. But it
presents both a challenge and an opportunity for middle-ranking powers.
On the one hand, as U.S. and EU influence atrophies, they have an expanding
role in international rule-making. On the other, they are now subject to
pressure from neighboring great powers that is unmoderated by any global rules.
Take Mexico as an example. This is a proud nation of nearly
130 million people, the world’s 13thlargest
country geographically and its 11th most populous. It has the world’s 11th largest economy. By every measure, Mexico
is a middle-ranking power. As such, even if it were not a member of NAFTA
and the Pacific Alliance, it would have a significant voice in the G-20, the
WTO, the United Nations, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Asia-Pacific.
Interdependence has mitigated but not erased historic Mexican
resentment of domineering American behavior. Mexicans have not
forgotten that the United States invaded their country and annexed 55 percent
of its territory in 1846 – 1848. But, since the entry into force of NAFTA
in January 1994, Mexico’s economy has become almost fully integrated with the
American economy through complex supply chains. Eighty percent of Mexican
exports now go to the U.S. Mexico has become the United States’ second
largest export market and its third largest trading partner (after China and
Canada). It has also quietly transformed itself into a reliably
pro-American bulwark against influences from extra-hemispheric powers like
Russia and China. It has proven the efficacy of economic opening and
reform and has become an influential advocate of liberal economics as opposed
to the perennial statism and mercantilism of most other Latin American nations.
Now Mexico is faced with demands from the Trump administration to
cooperate in dismantling its interdependence with the United States. At
the same time, the U.S. president is denigrating Mexicans, proposing to wall
them out, and threatening to deport masses of undocumented migrants and alleged
criminals to Mexico, whether they are Mexican or not and whether Mexico has any
legal reason to accept them or not. Not surprisingly, Mexican opinion is
now hostile to the United States. Mexico’s government has little leeway
for compromise. Surrender to American demands is not an option. But
Mexico currently has little leverage over Washington.
So Mexico faces highly unwelcome choices. It can bargain as
best it can on its own, risking its prosperity and stability on what is almost
certainly a bad bet. It can seek leverage over the United States by
suspending cooperation against transit by illegal migrants and the supply of
narcotics to American addicts. It can make common cause against the
United States by forming a global united front with other economies targeted by
the Trump administration for their bilateral trade surpluses, like China,
Germany, Japan, and south Korea. It can adopt Cuban-style defiance
of Washington’s efforts to bring it to heel, allying itself with
extra-hemispheric powers like China and/or Russia or Iran. Or it could
choose some mixture of all of these options. It is too early to predict
what course Mexican-American relations will take in the age of Trump.
They will be affected by many factors, including the state of relations between
the United States and other great powers – especially China and Russia.
Mexico is far from the only middle-ranking power now of necessity
maneuvering between the world’s great powers. Ukraine has yet to find its
place between Russia, the EU, and the United States. Turkey has distanced
itself from the EU and America and formed an entente (limited partnership for
limited purposes) with Russia. Iran has reached out to India as well as
Russia in order to counter the United States and the Gulf Arabs. Saudi
Arabia – once exclusively attached to the United States – is actively courting
China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Russia. Pakistan is seeking to avoid
having to choose between Saudi Arabia and Iran. At the same time, it has
accepted the task of coordinating the activities of a pan-Islamic military
alliance that implicitly counters both Iran and an ever more assertively
Islamophobic India. To reduce dependence on the United States and the
GCC, Egypt is courting cooperation with Iran, Russia, and Turkey. Old
global alignments are everywhere giving way to more complex patterns.
Despite an unprecedented degree of interdependence between them,
relations between the great powers are also in motion. Brazil, China, the
EU, India, Japan, Russia, and the United States are each one another’s largest
or second largest trading partners and sources of foreign direct
investment. They are linked to each other in global supply chains, which
tend to converge in and between large economies. All are members of the
Bretton Woods legacy institutions – the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Bank, and WTO. These institutions earlier accommodated the rise of
Japan. More recently, they have lagged in reflecting the rapidly
increasing weight of other non-Western economies in world trade and finance.
The formation of the “BRICS” group was a collective effort by
Brazil, Russia, India, and China (soon joined by South Africa) to develop
institutions to reflect the current distribution of global commercial and
financial power and contemporary governance requirements. When Bretton
Woods took place the world had just been crushed by World War II. America
dominated the world economy, justifying its preeminent role in global
governance. Recent shifts in economic balances of power have not been
reflected in legacy institutions. Washington remains the nominal leader in them
but finds itself increasingly sidelined as others feel obliged to work around
it. The Trump administration’s skepticism about the value of the international
economic institutions that earlier generations of Americans created has
accelerated the diminishment of U.S. managerial control over the global
Similar erosion of U.S. primacy is evident in international
politics. China, India, and Russia have met annually since 2002 to
discuss how to establish a multipolar world order in which U.S. unilateralism
cannot hold sway. Antagonism between the world’s greatest powers is
growing. With the United States pushing back against Russia in the West
and China in the East, the two are being nudged together to counter America.
To offset Sino-Russian partnership, Japan seeks rapprochement with
India and Russia, leavening its longstanding exclusive reliance on the United
States. China, Europe, Russia, and the United States are also courting
India, which is, as always, playing hard to get. Meanwhile, China is
reaching out to Europe and the EU is attempting to work with it to fill the
leadership vacuum in the Asia-Pacific created by the sudden U.S. abandonment of
the economic leg of its “pivot to Asia.” No region is immune from
realignment in its international relationships. Brazil’s membership in
the BRICS group symbolizes its cultivation of relationships with emerging
powers to balance those it has with the United States and middle-ranking powers
in the Western Hemisphere.
As a consequence of these trends, we are now well into a world of
many competing power centers and regional balances. Long-term vision and
short-term diplomatic agility are at a premium. Neither is anywhere
evident. In their absence, territorial disputes rooted in World War II
and Cold War troop movements and lines of control, arms races (nuclear as well
as conventional), shifting balances of prestige, and the reduced moderating
effect of international organizations are helping to escalate alienation and
tension between the great powers.
The stakes are high. Trade wars that could wreck the global
economy and degrade the prosperity of all are now all too easy to
imagine. Armed conflict could break out at any time along the unsettled
borders between China and India and China and Japan. The U.S. and Chinese
navies are maneuvering against each other in the South China Sea. The two
countries appear to be headed for a military confrontation over Taiwan.
The Peloponnesian War and World War I remind us that squabbles between lesser
powers can drag their patrons into existential strife despite their better
Notwithstanding ample opportunity to do so, the U.S., EU, and
Russia failed to craft a cooperative post-Cold War order to regulate their
interaction in Europe. There is no agreement on where NATO ends and
Russia begins. We now face the possibility that it will take an armed face-down
to define a dividing line between them.
All great powers now share an avowed interest in containing
Islamist terrorism and remediating its causes. Escalating antipathies
born of territorial disputes and Chinese and Russian opposition to U.S. primacy
prevent cooperation to this end. The politically expedient demonization
of strategic rivals in democracies like the United States inhibits cooperation
even where specific interests nearly completely coincide. The same
factors diminish the likelihood of cooperation on other matters where interests
substantially overlap — like Syria and Korea.
Meanwhile, U.S. deployments of ballistic missile defenses and the
increasing lethality of American nuclear warheads have convinced both Russia
and China that Washington is reaching for the ability to decapitate them in a
first strike. Russia and the United States are in a nuclear arms race
again. China seems to have provoked to develop a second-strike capability
that, like Russia’s, will be able to annihilate, not just maim America. The
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its “Doomsday Clock” the closest to midnight since 1954.
The risks the world now faces were not (and are not)
inevitable. They are the product of lapses of statesmanship and failures
to consider how others see and react to us. The setbacks to America’s
ability to shape the international environment to its advantage are not the
result of declining capacity on its part. They are the consequence of a
failure to adapt to new realities and shifting power balances. Raging
against change will not halt it. Pulling down the frameworks and trashing
the rules on which North American and global prosperity were built is far more
likely to prove counterproductive than empowering. Buying more military
hardware will not remedy the national strategy deficit. Gutting the
foreign affairs agencies and doubling down on diplomacy-free foreign policy
will deepen it.
Americans are badly in need of a national conversation about their
aspirations in foreign affairs and how to take advantage of the changing world
order to realize them. That conversation did not take place during the
run-up to the 2016 election. The inauguration did not mark an end to the
chaos of the presidential transition. Forty-eight
days later, most government policy positions remain unfilled. Policy
processes have yet to be defined.
In the current atmosphere, slogans displace considered judgments,
intelligence about the outside world is unwelcome, expertise is dismissed as
irrelevant or worse, and policy pronouncements appease the delusions of political
constituencies instead of addressing verifiable realities. The Congress
has walked off the job. Some sort of order must eventually reassert
itself in the U.S. government, but the prospects for intelligent dialogue about
the implications for American interests of developments abroad seem
exceptionally poor.
But such dialogue cannot be deferred for another four years.
It seems ever clearer that it will not originate in Washington. It must
begin somewhere. Why not here? Why not now?
Chas Freeman served as US ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the
war to liberate Kuwait and as assistant secretary of defense from 1993-94. He
was the editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on “diplomacy” and is the
author of five books, including “America’s Misadventures in the Middle East”
and “Interesting Times: China, America, and the Shifting Balance of Prestige.”
He is a senior fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public
Affairs at Brown University.
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