
Volcán Popocatépetl

viernes, 30 de junio de 2023

 The Third Intifada: A new chapter in the Palestinian struggle for liberation

As resistance activities intensify across the West Bank, indicating another potential uprising with similar causes as the previous two intifadas, the evolving armed resistance suggests a heightened level of sophistication and adaptability among the resistance groups.

By Ali Abou Jbara

June 29 2023


The occupied Palestinian territories have undergone a series of significant changes since last year, with the most notable being the escalation of resistance operations in the occupied West Bank. This development has transformed the territory into a frontline between Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation state, reminiscent of the atmosphere during the Second Intifada over two decades ago.

That the occupation army has reactivated its assassination policy through targeted air strikes against resistance figures has solidified this line of argument.

The question that has been circulating for some time now is whether this signifies the onset of a third Palestinian intifada. Alternatively, a more realistic inquiry would be to determine when exactly the current uprising began.

Following the battle of Sayf al-Quds (“Sword of Jerusalem”) in May 2021, the frequency and organization of resistance attacks significantly increased. What initially started as individual actions by Palestinian youth groups evolved into coordinated operations supported by various resistance factions across the West Bank.

Growing support for another Palestinian uprising

The intensification of resistance operations led to over 28 Israeli deaths by the middle of 2023, in comparison to 31 deaths the previous year. This dealt a significant blow to the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, who, alongside his far-right allies, boasted during their election campaign that only they could prevent such attacks. However, the passage of time proved otherwise for “Mr. Security” (as Netanyahu is often referred to).

On 20 June, 2023, four Israelis were killed near the illegal Eli settlement in the West Bank. Just a day earlier, during the storming of the Jabriyat neighborhood in the Jenin refugee camp, a booby-trapped device exploded, injuring seven Israeli soldiers. The operation, claimed by the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), compelled the Israeli army to deploy combat helicopters for the first time since the Battle of Jenin in 2002.

Israeli Channel 14 published statistics on the first six months of 2023. The report claims that 147 operations took place in the occupied West Bank against the occupation forces and settlers, 80 percent of them (120 operations) shooting operations. As for the entirety of 2022, a total of 202 operations were carried out, 74% of which (150 operations) involved the use of firearms.

Meanwhile, the year 2021 witnessed 117 operations in total, 51% of which (60 operations) were carried out with firearms. In just one week of June 2013, 15 shootings were recorded in the occupied West Bank.

The numbers clearly indicate that resistance operations in the occupied territories have been on the rise, along with the percentage of the usage of firearms.

Aside from resistance developments on the ground, Palestinian public sentiment also suggests another intifada is imminent. In March, an opinion poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research revealed a significant increase in the percentage of individuals supporting armed confrontations and an intifada.

Just over 60 percent in the West Bank expected the outbreak of a third armed intifada, while almost 70 percent expressed support for the formation of resistance factions, such as the Nablus-based Lions’ Den.

Another 70 percent of respondents also felt that “punitive measures” by the occupation forces against Palestinians would lead to further escalations and retaliatory attacks against Israeli soldiers and settlers.

Under the current extremist Israeli government, attacks against Palestinians have surged, exemplified by recent assaults by settlers on the towns of Turmusaya and Huwara. These attacks resulted in the death of two Palestinians and the destruction of numerous homes and vehicles, all under the watchful eye of the Israeli occupation forces.

This intifada will be different

Over the past year, the Israeli occupation forces killed 167 Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank, 50 in the Gaza Strip, and four in the occupied Palestinian territories. The grim reality continues for Palestinian prisoners, with approximately 4,700 individuals, including more than 500 Jerusalemites, enduring harsh and inhumane detention conditions.

Among them, about 700 are suffering from various illnesses, and tragically, four prisoners have lost their lives due to the occupation’s policy of medical negligence. Furthermore, the year 2022 witnessed the arrest of 7,000 Palestinians, including 850 children and 160 women.

On the other side of the conflict, the number of settlers killed in Palestinian resistance attacks has risen to 31 this year, a significant increase compared to 5 in 2019, 3 in 2020, and 4 in 2021. This surge in Israeli casualties evokes memories of 2002, when the Israeli army launched Operation Defensive Wall in the West Bank in an attempt to suppress resistance and quell martyrdom operations.

The Israeli Prime Minister at the time, war criminal Ariel Sharon, dubbed the month of March as “black,” when 105 Israelis were killed, including 26 soldiers, in martyrdom operations. Under the illusion of ending the Al-Aqsa Intifada (which he provoked in the first place by visiting the mosque’s compound), Sharon gave the green light for an invasion of the West Bank.

According to Daoud Shehab, a spokesperson for the PIJ, there have been attempts in the West Bank to extinguish the national spirit and create a new generation that embraces coexistence with the occupation and normalizes its presence. However, these efforts have proven unsuccessful. Shehab tells The Cradle that, “Today, it has been proven that all these attempts failed.”

In a March report by Reuters, it was argued that any new Palestinian uprising will be completely different from previous ones, as it will be disconnected from traditional Palestinian leadership, yet informed about Palestinian suffering through social media.

The report highlighted the escalation of “spontaneous” armed attacks in the West Bank against the occupation forces and settlers, the endeavor of some young people to announce their affiliation with Palestinian factions, and the emergence of armed groups such as the Lions’ Den and Jenin Brigade are all indications that something out of the ordinary is happening.

The Nablus-Jenin nexus

The Lions’ Den has garnered widespread popular support, transforming into more than just a group of individuals. It has become an idea that unites Palestinian across political parties and affiliations. Together with the Jenin Brigade, these groups pose a significant threat to the Israeli army, which can no longer storm Nablus and Jenin without encountering armed resistance.

Moreover, both groups have transitioned from a defensive stance to an offensive one – taking the initiative in attacking occupation checkpoints and settlements surrounding the two cities in an unprecedented manner not seen since the Second Intifada.

Confrontations with enemy soldiers have evolved beyond gunfire, now involving the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), raising serious concerns among the Israeli army and the Shin Bet security service. On 14 March, Haaretz newspaper reported the growing unease within the army and Shin Bet regarding the rising attempts to manufacture local IEDs:

“During the second intifada, in the first years of this century, terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were intensively involved in preparing explosive charges and explosive belts, which were the most lethal and effective weapons against Israel.”

Despite operating under siege and facing numerous challenges, the resistance groups have succeeded in transforming the occupied West Bank into a battlefield where the occupation army faces attrition.

The De-facto Intifada

Under the current Israeli government, the Palestinian people’s awareness of the occupation’s plans for Judaization and settlement is growing, along with their determination to confront the far-right.

On 13 March 2023, the spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza, called for a renewed intifada, stating:

“We call on all the fighters among our people and the free people in the West Bank and in Israel to mobilize for this war, so that there will be an overall intifada that will create the basis for the end of our enemy and its expulsion from all of Palestine.”

Hamas refugee affairs official Issam Adwan agrees on the likelihood of another uprising, informing The Cradle that “the people are the ones who resist and the pace will increase … neither the Palestinian Authority [PA] nor the Israeli occupation will be able to curb it.”

Developments are not restricted to the situation on the ground – Israel sends political messages to the Palestinian people, from which one can understand that the only option to liberate the land is through ‘revolutionary violence.’

In addition to the continuation of building settlements and the seizure of Palestinian property in Jerusalem and the West Bank, Hebrew media revealed on 26 June 2023 that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee in the Knesset that the idea of a Palestinian state must be “eradicated.”

His statement expresses the systematic Israeli policy towards the Palestinians for 3 decades – that the only option before them is to surrender. But recent events have revealed that the Palestinian people reject kneeling.

In February, CIA Director William Burns expressed his concern over the situation in the West Bank resembling the prelude to the second Palestinian intifada, signaling Washington’s apprehension about the Palestinian Authority losing control. He stated that the CIA is working in coordination with the PA and Israel to achieve stability.

However, it is not necessary for the current circumstances to resemble those preceding the previous two intifadas for them to be labeled as such. Clear distinctions existed between the first and second intifadas. The first, which erupted in December 1987, started as a popular struggle primarily characterized by stone-throwing incidents and became known as the “Stone-throwing Uprising.”

In contrast, the Second Intifada involved armed acts of resistance, whether in Gaza, the West Bank, or through special operations in the 1948 territories. It witnessed the participation of both the public and the Palestinian resistance factions, along with a significant portion of the official PA apparatus.

Israel closely monitors the developments in the Palestinian landscape and is deeply concerned about the level of confrontation with the occupation. The “Intifada of Knives” that emerged in 2015 has transformed into acts of resistance that are affecting Israelis across all of Palestine. While a precise name for the current situation may not yet exist, it is evident that a new uprising is in the making – and its true nature will become clearer with time.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

jueves, 29 de junio de 2023

Sueldos de mexicanos en EU son 412% más altos que aquí

Braulio Carbajal

Periódico La Jornada

Jueves 29 de junio de 2023, p. 19


La remuneración anual promedio de un mexicano que trabaja en Estados Unidos fue de 47 mil 115 dólares; aquí, en contraste, la de un trabajador formal registrado ante el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) fue de apenas 9 mil 292 dólares, revelan datos del Foro de Remesas de América Latina y el Caribe.

Lo anterior significa que un mexicano, ya sea inmigrante o nativo (hijo de inmigrantes), que labora en Estados Unidos, principalmente en sectores como el de la construcción, tiene un sueldo anual que es 412 por ciento superior al de uno que trabaja en México, es decir, la diferencia entre salarios es de aproximadamente cinco veces.

Según el organismo, que forma parte del Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (Cemla), al cierre del primer cuatrimestre de 2023, la remuneración media anual acumulada de mayo de 2022 a abril de 2023 por los trabajadores de origen mexicano en Estados Unidos fue de 832 mil 170 millones de dólares.

En contraste, en el mismo periodo los trabajadores asegurados en el IMSS recibieron 199 mil 87 millones de dólares. De esa manera la masa salarial en Estados Unidos fue 318 por ciento superior en comparación con la de los trabajadores formales de México.

El número de trabajadores mexicanos en la nación vecina es menor a los registrados en el IMSS, pues durante el primer cuatrimestre de 2023, en EU el número de trabajadores ocupados de origen mexicano ascendió a 17 millones 558 mil personas y se integró de 10 millones 335 mil nativos de origen mexicano y 7 millones 223 mil inmigrantes.

En tanto, al cierre de los primeros cuatro meses de este año el número de trabajadores asegurados en México se ubicó en 21 millones 634 mil trabajadores.

Para dimensionar el tamaño de los ingresos que obtienen los trabajadores en Estados Unidos, este es superior al producto interno bruto de países como Suiza, que en 2022 registró un PIB de 807 mil millones de dólares, también es superior al de otros como Polonia, Argentina, Suecia, Bélgica, Noruega, Tailandia, Irlanda o Israel, que no superan los 700 mil millones de dólares.

De acuerdo con datos del Foro de Remesas, en 2011, la masa salarial de los trabajadores mexicanos en EU fue equivalente a 32.2 por ciento del PIB de México, pero dicho porcentaje siguió una tendencia al alza en los siguientes años. De hecho, de 2017 a 2022, tal porcentaje pasó de 50.2 a 58.1 por ciento.

Lo anterior, explicó Jesús A. Cervantes González, coordinador del organismo que pertenece al Cemla, como reflejo de que en ese periodo de cinco años la masa salarial de los trabajadores mexicanos en Estados Unidos aumentó en 41.2 por ciento, mientras el PIB de México medido en dólares lo hizo en 22.1 por ciento.

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023


A trompicones la alianza opositora del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) y Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), dio a conocer su complicada forma de elegir a un posible candidato (a) presidencial[1] que se enfrente al de la coalición gobernante, que inició anticipadamente sus precampañas, desde hace una semana (aunque los cuatro principales precandidatos del partido en el gobierno llevan más de año y medio promoviéndose).

Uno de los puntos esenciales del complicado método de selección de la alianza opositora (que se denominará Frente Amplio Opositor) era que un grupo de ex consejeros del Instituto Nacional Electoral (o de su antecesor el Instituto Federal Electoral) y de magistrados (as) del Tribunal Electoral, participarían como un consejo técnico encargado de garantizar que el proceso de elección del candidato (a) se apegara a las normas vigentes electorales; así como la imparcialidad del proceso.

Pero da la casualidad de que sólo un día después de que los partidos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil dieran a conocer el método de selección, el grupo de exconsejeros y magistrados decidió ya no participar, pues consideraron que lo que se había negociado originalmente, no fue lo que los partidos políticos y las asociaciones de la sociedad civil finalmente dieron a conocer.

Mal comienzo de este ejercicio que supuestamente abre la posibilidad de que la ciudadanía participe en la selección del candidato (a) opositor, no sólo mediante encuestas (como lo hará la coalición gobernante), sino también, en la tercera etapa del proceso, mediante una especie de primaria, que junto con las encuestas, definirán al abanderado de la oposición.

Como el caso de Morena y sus aliados (PT y PVEM), no está totalmente claro cómo se financiarán los precandidatos, ni si rendirán algún tipo de cuentas de donde obtendrán los recursos para lograr reunir 150 mil firmas de apoyo para poder inscribirse en el proceso; y después recorrer el país para dar a conocer sus propuestas.

En el caso de Morena, ante tales dudas, la presidencia del partido otorgó magros 5 millones de pesos a cada uno de los cuatro de sus militantes que participan en el proceso (Sheinbaum, Ebrard, López y Monreal), mientras que los dos que no forman parte de Morena deberán recibir recursos de sus partidos (Velasco del PVEM y Fernández Noroña del PT).

Pero sin duda, esos 5 millones de pesos para una precampaña de 2 meses y medio por todo el país (el ex secretario de Gobernación López Hernández no los aceptó), no explican la enorme propaganda que se ha observado en bardas, espectaculares, transporte público, etc. de Sheinbaum, Ebrard y López Hernández (Monreal no cuenta con los apoyos necesarios para competir con sus rivales).

Y ahora que la oposición inicie la próxima semana un proceso similar, sin que quede claro de donde salen tantos recursos económicos y logísticos para campañas, que son ilegales, pues según la ley estas debían comenzar hasta noviembre de este año, quedará claro que la lucha por el poder en México se pasa por el arco del triunfo leyes, reglamentos y autoridades electorales; obtiene dinero “oscuro” de empresarios, del propio gobierno, de los partidos políticos y hasta del crimen organizado, sin que autoridad alguna pueda verificarlo y transparentarlo; y las élites políticas y económicas de este país se llenan la boca diciendo que todo este cochinero es por el bien del “pueblo”, de los “ciudadanos”.

La realidad es que todo se vale en la lucha descarnada por el poder político y económico, y tanto el gobierno actual y su coalición de partidos, como la oposición, están dispuestos a usar todos los recursos lícitos e ilícitos que puedan, para mantener u obtener el poder, que es lo único que realmente les importa. La gente es sólo el instrumento de sus ambiciones.

martes, 27 de junio de 2023

Who Is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, the Man Running US Foreign Policy

by Rick Sterling Posted on June 27, 2023


National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is arguably the key person driving US foreign policy. He was mentored by Hillary Clinton with regime changes in Honduras, Libya and Syria. He was the link between Nuland and Biden during the 2014 coup in Ukraine. As reported by Seymour Hersh, Sullivan led the planning of the Nord Stream pipelines destruction in September 2022. Sullivan guides or makes many large and small foreign policy decisions. This article will describe Jake Sullivan’s background, what he says, what he has been doing, where the US is headed and why this should be debated.


Jake Sullivan was born in November 1976. He describes his formative years like this:

"I was raised in Minnesota in the 1980s, a child of the later Cold War – of Rocky IV, the Miracle on Ice, and ‘Tear down this wall’. The 90s were my high school and college years. The Soviet Union collapsed. The Iron Curtain disappeared. Germany was reunified. An American-led alliance ended a genocide in Bosnia and prevented one in Kosovo. I went to graduate school in England and gave fiery speeches on the floor of the Oxford Union about how the United States was a force for good in the world."

Sullivan’s education includes Yale (BA), Oxford (MA) and Yale again (JD). He went quickly from academic studies and legal work to political campaigning and government.

Sullivan made important contacts during his college years at elite institutions. For example, he worked with former Deputy Secretary of State and future Brookings Institution president, Strobe Talbott. After a few years clerking for judges, Sullivan transitioned to a law firm in his hometown of Minneapolis. He soon became chief counsel to Senator Amy Klobuchar who connected him to the rising Senator Hillary Clinton.

Mentored by Hillary

Sullivan became a key adviser to Hillary Clinton in her campaign to be Democratic party nominee in 2008. At age 32, Jake Sullivan became deputy chief of staff and director of policy planning when she became secretary of state. He was her constant companion, traveling with her to 112 countries.

The Clinton/Sullivan foreign policy was soon evident. In Honduras, Clinton clashed with progressive Honduras President Manuel Zelaya over whether to re-admit Cuba to the OAS. Seven weeks later, on June 28, Honduran soldiers invaded the president’s home and kidnapped him out of the country, stopping en route at the US Air Base. The coup was so outrageous that even the US ambassador to Honduras denounced it. This was quickly overruled as the Clinton/Sullivan team played semantics games to say it was a coup but not a "military coup." Thus the Honduran coup regime continued to receive US support. They quickly held a dubious election to make the restoration of President Zelaya "moot". Clinton is proud of this success in her book "Hard Choices."

Two years later the target was Libya. With Victoria Nuland as State Department spokesperson, the Clinton/Sullivan team promoted sensational claims of a pending massacre and urged intervention in Libya under the "responsibility to protect." When the UN Security Council passed a resolution authorizing a no-fly zone to protect civilians, the US, Qatar and other NATO members distorted that and started air attacks on Libyan government forces. Today, 12 years later, Libya is still in chaos and war. The sensational claims of 2011 were later found to be false.

When the Libyan government was overthrown in Fall 2011, the Clinton/Sullivan State Department and CIA plotted to seize the Libyan weapons arsenal. Weapons were transferred to the Syrian opposition. US Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were killed in an internecine conflict over control of the weapons cache.

Undeterred, Clinton and Sullivan stepped up their attempts to overthrow the Syrian government. They formed a club of western nations and allies called the "Friends of Syria." The "Friends" divided tasks who would do what in the campaign to topple the sovereign state. Former policy planner at the Clinton/Sullivan State Department, Ann Marie Slaughter, called for "foreign military intervention." Sullivan knew they were arming violent sectarian fanatics to overthrow the Syrian government. In an email to Hillary released by WikiLeaks, Sullivan noted "AQ is on our side in Syria."

Biden’s Adviser During the 2014 Ukraine Coup

After being Clinton’s policy planner, Sullivan became President Obama’s director of policy planning (Feb 2011 to Feb 2013) then national security adviser to Vice President Biden (Feb 2013 to August 2014).

In his position with Biden, Sullivan had a close-up view of the February 2014 Ukraine coup. He was a key contact between Victoria Nuland, overseeing the coup, and Biden. In the secretly recorded conversation where Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine discuss how to manage the coup, Nuland remarks that Jake Sullivan told her "you need Biden." Biden gave the "attaboy" and the coup was "midwifed" following a massacre of police AND protesters on the Maidan plaza.

Sullivan must have observed Biden’s use of the vice president’s position for personal family gain. He would have been aware of Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board of the Burisima Ukrainian energy company, and the reason Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian special prosecutor who was investigating Burisima to be fired. Biden later bragged and joked about this.

In December 2013, at a conference hosted by Chevron Corporation, Victoria Nuland said the US has spent five BILLION dollars to bring "democracy" to Ukraine.

Sullivan Helped Create Russiagate

Jake Sullivan was a leading member of the 2016 Hillary Clinton team which promoted Russiagate. The false claim that Trump was secretly contacting Russia was promoted initially to distract from negative news about Hillary Clinton and to smear Trump as a puppet of Putin. Both the Mueller and Durham investigations officially discredited the main claims of Russiagate. There was no collusion. The accusations were untrue, and the FBI gave them unjustified credence for political reasons.

Sullivan played a major role in the deception as shown by his "Statement from Jake Sullivan on New Report Exposing Trump’s Secret Line of Communication to Russia."

Sullivan’s Misinformation

Jake Sullivan is a good speaker, persuasive and with a dry sense of humor. At the same time, he can be disingenuous. Some of his statements are false. For example, in June 2017 Jake Sullivan was interviewed by Frontline television program about US foreign policy and especially US-Russia relations. Regarding NATO’s overthrow of the Libyan government, Sullivan says, "Putin came to believe that the United States had taken Russia for a ride in the UN Security Council that authorized the use of force in Libya…. He thought he was authorizing a purely defensive mission…. Now on the actual language of the resolution, it’s plain as day that Putin was wrong about that." Contrary to what Sullivan claims, the UN Security Council resolution clearly authorizes a no-fly zone for the protection of civilians, no more. It’s plain as day there was NOT authorization for NATO’s offensive attacks and "regime change."

Planning the Nord Stream Pipeline Destruction

The bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, filled with 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas, was a monstrous environmental disaster. The destruction also caused huge economic damage to Germany and other European countries. It has been a boon for US liquefied natural gas exports which have surged to fill the gap, but at a high price. Many European factories dependent on cheap gas have closed down. Tens of thousands of workers lost their jobs.

Seymour Hersh reported details of How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline. He says, "Biden authorized Jake Sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan." A sabotage plan was prepared and officials in Norway and Denmark included in the plot. The day after the sabotage, Jake Sullivan tweeted

"I spoke to my counterpart Jean-Charles Ellermann-Kingombe of Denmark about the apparent sabotage of Nord Stream pipelines. The U.S. is supporting efforts to investigate and we will continue our work to safeguard Europe’s energy security."

Ellerman-Kingombe may have been one of the Danes informed in advance of the bombing. He is close to the US military and NATO command.

Since then, the Swedish investigation of Nord Stream bombing has made little progress. Contrary to Sullivan’s promise in the tweet, the US has not supported other efforts to investigate. When Russia proposed an independent international investigation of the Nord Stream sabotage at the UN Security Council, the resolution failed due to lack of support from the US and US allies. Hungary’s foreign minister recently asked,

“How on earth is it possible that someone blows up critical infrastructure on the territory of Europe and no one has a say, no one condemns, no one carries out an investigation?”

Economic Plans Devoid of Reality

Ten weeks ago Jake Sullivan delivered a major speech on "Renewing American Economic Leadership" at the Brookings Institution. He explains how the Biden administration is pursuing a "modern industrial and innovation strategy." They are trying to implement a "foreign policy for the middle class" which better integrates domestic and foreign policies. The substance of their plan is to increase investments in semiconductors, clean energy minerals and manufacturing. However the new strategy is very unlikely to achieve the stated goal to "lift up all of America’s people, communities, and industries." Sullivan’s speech completely ignores the elephant in the room: the costly US Empire including wars and 800 foreign military bases which consume about 60% of the total discretionary budget. Under Biden and Sullivan’s foreign policy, there is no intention to rein in the extremely costly military industrial complex. It is not even mentioned.

US Exceptionalism 2.0

In December 2018 Jake Sullivan wrote an essay titled "American Exceptionalism, Reclaimed." It shows his foundational beliefs and philosophy. He separates himself from the "arrogant brand of exceptionalism" demonstrated by Dick Cheney. He also criticizes the "American first" policies of Donald Trump. Sullivan advocates for "a new American exceptionalism" and "American leadership in the 21st Century."

Sullivan has a shallow Hollywood understanding of history: "The United States stopped Hitler’s Germany, saved Western Europe from economic ruin, stood firm against the Soviet Union, and supported the spread of democracy worldwide." He believes "The fact that the major powers have not returned to war with one another since 1945 is a remarkable achievement of American statecraft."

Jake Sullivan is young in age but his ideas are old. The United States is no longer dominant economically or politically. It is certainly not "indispensable." More and more countries are objecting to US bullying and defying Washington’s demands. Even key allies such as Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are ignoring US requests. The trend toward a multipolar world is escalating. Jake Sullivan is trying to reverse the trend but reality and history are working against him. Over the past four or five decades, the US has gone from being an investment, engineering and manufacturing powerhouse to a deficit spending consumer economy waging perpetual war with a bloated military industrial complex.

Instead of reforming and rebuilding the US, the national security state expends much of its energy and resources trying to destabilize countries deemed to be "adversaries".


Previous national security advisers Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brzezinski were very influential.

Kissinger is famous for wooing China and dividing the communist bloc. Jake Sullivan is now wooing India in hopes of dividing that country from China and the BRICS alliance (Brazil,Russia, India, China, South Africa).

Brzezinski is famous for plotting the Afghanistan trap. By destabilizing Afghanistan with foreign terrorists beginning 1978, the US induced the Soviet Union to send troops to Afghanistan at the Afghan government’s request. The result was the collapse of the progressive Afghan government, the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and 40 years of war and chaos.

On 28 February 2022, just four days after Russian troops entered Ukraine, Jake Sullivan’s mentor, Hillary Clinton, was explicit: "Afghanistan is the model." It appears the US intentionally escalated the provocations in Ukraine to induce Russia to intervene. The goal is to "weaken Russia." This explains why the US has spent over $100 billion sending weapons and other support to Ukraine. This explains why the US and UK undermined negotiations which could have ended the conflict early on.

The Americans who oversaw the 2014 coup in Kiev, are the same ones running US foreign policy today: Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan. Prospects for ending the Ukraine war are very poor as long as they are in power.

Rick Sterling is a journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He can be contacted at RSterling1@gmail.com.

lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

AMLO: hipocresía que iguala

Agustín Basave

Ciudad de México / 26.06.2023


Al presidente López Obrador le gusta llamar hipócritas a sus contrincantes. Se regodea al citar una frase de Monsiváis —“la verdadera doctrina de los conservadores es la hipocresía”— y con ella en ristre arremete una y otra vez contra quienes se le oponen. Cuando lo hace impregna la prosodia de mayúsculas e interjecciones: “¡Son unos reverendos HIPÓCRITAS!”, suele escupir con un rictus de ira cuando ve simular a sus opositores. Es decir, cuando se comportan como él se está comportando ante el ritual de Morena para entronizar a su corcholata favorita.

Como buen político mexicano, AMLO chapotea en la hipocresía de cara a una de nuestras muchas normas incumplibles. Fue él quien ordenó la simulación para legitimar la candidatura presidencial de Morena bajo el disfraz de un proceso democrático y es él quien niega violar la ley electoral simulando que su partido define la coordinación del comité de defensa de la 4T. Finge que no hay precandidatos ni precampañas; que hay precoordinadores en una precontienda cuya preganadora precoordinará una entelequia y, mágicamente, sin otro trámite de por medio, se convertirá en candidata. AMLO está actuando —nunca mejor aplicado este verbo— exactamente igual que sus predecesores y contemporáneos políticos en circunstancias similares y, de hecho, igual que cualquiera de sus compatriotas cuando paga una mordida.


¿Qué le impide aceptar esa identidad? Su maniqueísmo. AMLO divide el país entre pueblo bueno y ricos y clasemedieros malos y no encuentra ninguna semejanza entre uno y otros. Es más, la contradicción de su discurso de la “república amorosa” y su agresión cotidiana a los “hipócritas y corruptos” se resuelve si asumimos que su amor es para una clase social y su odio para otra. La división tajante que hace de nuestra sociedad es irreconciliable, y la frontera que marca solo puede cruzarse en un sentido y con una conversión a cuestas: previo juramento de obediencia, un fifí puede ser admitido en el paraíso de los bondadosos e incluso recibir trato fraterno del líder. Aquí cabe una enmienda a la resolución: su cariño es para el pueblo, su perdón para los burgueses redimidos y su aversión para la burguesía en “estado natural”.

No, AMLO no es marxista, pero sigue intuitivamente la lógica binaria del clasismo. Rechaza el hecho de que los rasgos identitarios se distribuyen en la población en general y decreta que los mexicanos de abajo acaparan las virtudes y los de arriba los vicios. Peor aún, confina la mexicanidad a la herencia de las civilizaciones prehispánicas, en las que según él no existía maldad ni corrupción, y juzga apátridas a quienes tienen ancestros en ese venero de perversiones que es España, con excepción de él mismo y algunos de sus ideólogos. Nunca aceptará, pues, que los mexicanos todos compartimos cualidades y defectos y que México, que durante siglos ha albergado un abismo entre norma y realidad, es una nación de reglas no escritas que propician simulación y corrompen a diestra y siniestra. Y no son los genes: son los incentivos.

El excepcionalismo de AMLO ha perdido su último asidero discursivo. La parte irrealista de nuestra ley electoral lo ha refutado al descubrir al creador del mantra del “no somos iguales” como es: igualito a los “reverendos hipócritas” que zahiere.

domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

Kremlin reveals details of Wagner deal

The PMC's founder Evgeny Prigozhin will "go to Belarus," Dmitry Peskov says

24 Jun, 2023


The criminal case against Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) founder Evgeny Prigozhin will be dropped and he will leave Russia, the Kremlin announced on Saturday evening.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed that Prigozhin, a Saint Petersburg tycoon who made his initial fortune in catering, "will go to Belarus."

He added that Wagner's fighters will not be persecuted, taking into account their efforts on the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. Peskov explained that President Vladimir Putin's team "have always respected their exploits."

PMC contractors who refused to take part in the mutiny – and whole units did not – will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, Peskov stated.

Wagner launched a major mutiny in Russia overnight, seizing control of the Southern Military District headquarters in the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as advancing towards Moscow. The insurrection was stopped late on Saturday, following talks between Prigozhin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, with the PMC leader agreeing to return his units to their “field camps.”

sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

Key points of Putin’s address to nation over PMC Wagner coup attempt

A criminal investigation had been opened into Evgeny Prigozhin for calling for an armed rebellion

24 Jun, 2023


Russian President Vladimir Putin has delivered an address to the nation amid a coup attempt by the private military company Wagner. He described the mutineers’ actions as “backstabbing” and called for unity.

Late on Friday, PMC Wagner’s boss Evgeny Prigozhin accused the Russian military of striking his group’s base – something the Defense Ministry has strongly denied.

Russian authorities, in turn, have launched a criminal investigation into Prigozhin over staging an armed insurrection.

Importance of unity

President Putin argued that “Russia is today waging a grueling fight for its future,” facing off with the “neo-Nazis and their masters.” He went on to stress that “essentially the entire might of the West’s military, economic and information machine” is being directed against the country.

This battle, when the fate of our people is being decided,” calls for national unity and consolidation, Putin said in his address. According to the president, all internal conflicts and bickering must be put aside at present as “our external enemies can and use them to undermine us internally.

The Russian head of state emphasized that any actions driving a wedge between Russians are nothing short of “backstabbing of our country and our people.

Bitter history lessons

Putin reminded Russians that a similar scenario played out in the country in 1917, when it was in the middle of World War I. He recounted how “intrigues, bickering, politicking behind the army’s and the people’s back” led to the “collapse of the state,” and the “tragedy of the Civil War.

Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while various political adventurers and foreign powers were capitalizing on it,” the president said.

Putin vowed to prevent this from happening as well as to defend Russia and its people, “including from internal mutiny.

Nature of the threat

In his address, Putin clearly labelled the PMC coup attempt as a “betrayal.” He cited “enormous ambitions and personal interests” of certain individuals as the reasons behind this “betrayal of their country and its people.” He went on to accuse those responsible, without naming Prigozhin in particular, of turning their back on the joint military cause in Ukraine and the memory of the fallen fighters.

If successful, the coup would lead to “anarchy and fratricide,” resulting, in the long run, in Russia’s “defeat” and “capitulation,” according to Putin.

The president characterized “any internal mutiny” as a death threat to the Russian state and nation. The president pledged to take “tough measures” against the mutineers, who have “willingly entered the path of betrayal” and prepared “armed insurrection.

Those responsible will be brought to account before the Russian people, the president assured the public.

Measures taken

All the necessary orders have been issued to the armed forces and other authorities,” Putin revealed. He added that a special anti-terrorist security protocol had been enacted in Moscow, Moscow Region and several other locations.

The Russian president acknowledged that the situation in Rostov-on-Don, southern Russia, remains “difficult,” with the functioning of local civil and military authorities being “effectively blocked.” However, the state will take “decisive actions to stabilize” the situation in the city.

Concluding his address to the nation, President Putin promised to do everything he could to defend the “country, [and] defend the constitutional order, life, security and liberty of citizens.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2023

The Truth About Ukraine’s Failing Counteroffensive And The Peace That Could Have Been


JUNE 20, 2023

How long will Biden be able to perpetuate a proxy war of choice that could have easily been avoided?


With each passing day, it’s becoming clear that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is failing to achieve any of its originally stated objectives. Recall: The Biden administration’s bet was that the counteroffensive would roll back Russian territorial gains, cut the land bridge to Crimea, and force Russia to the negotiating table. That is almost certainly not going to happen. On the contrary, a stalemate is more likely, or even that Russia will take more territory and win the war, as John Mearsheimer has predicted.

What are President Biden’s options now? Either escalate or admit defeat. In preparation for NATO’s Vilnius Summit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been floating a proposal to give “Israel status” to Ukraine. This means multi-year security guarantees including weapons, ammunition, and money that would continue even if Biden loses the next election.

This is not what the American people signed up for. Many Americans supported the $100-plus billion in appropriations for Ukraine, believing it was a one-time deal to reverse Russian territorial gains. If they had been told it was the basis for an annual appropriation in a new Forever War, they would have preferred an alternative, especially if they had known that one was available.

The Peace that Could Have Been

New evidence is emerging that a peace deal was achievable at the beginning of the war. At a recent meeting with the African delegation, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly showed the draft of an outline or preliminary agreement signed by the Ukrainian delegation in Istanbul in early 2022. It allegedly provided that Russia would pull back to pre-war lines if Ukraine would agree not to join NATO (but Ukraine could receive security guarantees from the West).

This document has not been publicly released yet, but no one seriously contests that it exists. The only dispute is over what happened subsequently; Ukraine contends the deal fell apart. However, the availability of a deal based on Ukrainian neutrality is consistent with previous comments from Naftali Bennett, who said among other things that a deal was attainable but rejected by the West.

Why would the West do this? Ukrainska Pravda (UP), a pro-Ukraine publication, reported in May 2022:

As soon as the Ukrainian negotiators and Abramovich/Medinsky [the Russian negotiators], following the outcome of Istanbul, had agreed on the structure of a future possible agreement in general terms, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared in Kyiv almost without warning. ‘Johnson brought two simple messages to Kyiv. The first is that Putin is a war criminal; he should be pressured, not negotiated with. And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not. We can sign (an agreement) with you (Ukraine), but not with him. Anyway, he will screw everyone over’, is how one of Zelenskyy’s close associates summed up the essence of Johnson’s visit.”

Johnson (who must have been speaking not just for himself but for the Western alliance) wanted to pressure Putin, not make peace, and promised new weapons systems if Ukraine would keep fighting.

At the time of UP’s article, Ukraine appeared to be doing well, so UP portrayed Zelensky’s decision to accept Johnson’s offer as a smart gamble. Now, in hindsight, it looks like a disaster.

Afghanistan Redux?

I know some of you may find it hard to believe that the realities on the ground are so at odds with the corporate media’s coverage. But it’s worth recalling that the American public was assured for two decades that we were winning in Afghanistan. All of that reporting was revealed as a pack of lies when the Afghan army that we were supposedly “standing up” collapsed within a matter of weeks. At that point, the media stopped reporting on Afghanistan, just like it had stopped reporting on Iraq, instead of holding anyone accountable.

Unfortunately, it looks like we’re headed for a similar kind of outcome in Ukraine. The only question is when, and how long Biden will be able to perpetuate a proxy war of choice that could have easily been avoided.

David Sacks is an entrepreneur and author who specializes in digital technology firms. He is a co-founder and general partner of the venture capital fund Craft Ventures and was the founding COO of PayPal. He is also co-host of the @theallinpod.

jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

Mexico demands extradition of ‘torturer’ evading justice in Israel

Israel has reportedly 'dragged its feet' in processing the extradition of Tomas Zeron, who was involved in the 2014 disappearance of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers' College

By News Desk- June 21 2023


Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on 20 June called on Israel to extradite the former head of Mexico’s criminal investigation agency, Tomas Zeron, who is wanted in connection to the disappearance of 43 students in southwestern Mexico in 2014.

Zeron is also accused of embezzling over $50 million and torturing suspects.

“It can’t be that Israel protects a torturer under any circumstance. Nobody in the world must protect torturers, much less those who suffered from repression, torture, extermination,” Lopez Obrador told reporters on Tuesday.

“I am sure that the Jewish community in Mexico will help us,” he stressed before questioning whether Tel Aviv is protecting Zeron because of his role in negotiating Mexico’s purchase of Israeli spyware.

“Imagine! For a business, for a sale, for money, to protect human rights violators,” Lopez Obrador added.

This is the second time the Mexican president has called on Israel to extradite Zeron. Tel Aviv has mostly remained silent over Mexico’s demands.

According to a New York Times (NYT) report released in February, Israeli authorities are “unlikely” to extradite Zeron, alleging that “delays and missteps” in Mexico’s requests have left the petition “all but dead.”

Nonetheless, one Israeli official that spoke with the NYT confirmed that Tel Aviv “dragged its feet” on the extradition request as payback for Lopez Obrador’s support of the Palestinian cause and Mexico’s approval of UN inquiries into Israeli war crimes against Palestinians.

Two weeks ago, Mexico fully recognized Palestinian statehood, upgrading Palestine’s special delegation to a full embassy.

Despite being wanted by Interpol, Zeron has been living in an upscale apartment building in Tel Aviv since late 2019 due to his ties to the Israeli tech sector, including embattled firm NSO Group — makers of the Pegasus spyware.

“Thanks to the solid ties that he forged with Israeli security technology vendors during the six-year term of [former president] Enrique Peña Nieto, Tomás Zerón was able to travel to Israel,” Mexican magazine Proceso revealed in 2020.

Zeron stepped down from his position in 2016 after a video was revealed showing him handling evidence that was never officially recorded. Three years later, he fled to Canada before making his way to Israel.

The disappearance of the 43 students in Iguala, Mexico, has rocked the North American country for the past nine years. Last August, a truth commission tasked with investigating the case concluded that all levels of the Mexican government were involved.

“Their actions, omissions or participation allowed the disappearance and execution of the students, as well as the murder of six other people,” Mexico’s top human rights official, Alejandro Encinas, said last year, referring to former government and military officials — including Zeron.

For the past several decades, Israel has become a haven for wanted criminals thanks to lax extradition laws and the so-called ‘law of return,’ which grants Israeli citizenship to Jews across the world based on ancestral claims that are two millennia old.

Those enjoying a haven in Israel include many Jewish-American pedophiles, as well as countless fraudstersmoney launderers, and war criminals.