Truth About the War in Aleppo
by David Stockman,
October 11, 2016
This is starting to sound pretty
ominous. The Washington War Party is coming unhinged and appears to be leaving
no stone unturned when it comes to provoking Putin’s Russia and numerous
The recent collapse of cooperation in Syria – based on the false
claim that Assad and his Russian allies are waging genocide in Aleppo – is only
the latest example.
So now comes the U.S. Army’s chief of staff, General Mark
Milley, doing his best imitation of Curtis LeMay in a recent speech dripping
with bellicosity. While America has no industrial state enemy left on the
planet that can even remotely challenge its economic might, technological
superiority and overwhelming military power, General Milley unloaded a
fusillade of bluster at the Association of the United States Army’s annual
meeting in Washington DC:
“The strategic resolve of our nation, the United States, is
being challenged and our alliances tested in ways that we haven’t faced in
many, many decades,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told the audience.
“I want to be clear to those who wish to do us harm … the United
States military – despite all of our challenges, despite our [operational]
tempo, despite everything we have been doing – we will stop you and we will
beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before. Make no mistake about
That is rank nonsense. We are not being “tested” by anyone. To
the contrary, Imperial Washington is provoking tensions and confrontations
everywhere – from the South China Sea to Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, the Black
Sea, the Baltics and Ukraine – that have no bearing whatsoever on the safety
and security of the citizens of Spokane WA, Topeka KS and Springfield MA.
Indeed, the clear and present danger to peace and freedom in the
homeland lies not in the machinations of foreign capitals, but in the arrogant
and bombastic groupthink that has overtaken the denizens of the Imperial City.
The latter is again on display in the full-throated fulminations
about the siege of Aleppo being emitted by the Washington War Party and its
trained poodles in the establishment media – most especially the New York Times.
We are told that the Russian Air Force and Assad’s military are
targeting schools, hospitals and the 200,000 or so civilians of Eastern Aleppo
for indiscriminate bombing and slaughter. It’s shades of Benghazi 2011 all over
again – an incipient genocide that Washington must stop in the name of R2P
(Responsibility to Protect).
No it’s not!
What is happening in Aleppo is a raging sectarian civil war and
a proxy battleground for the regional political maneuvers of Turkey, Saudi
Arabia and Iran. They are none of America’s business and haven’t been since the
so-called Arab spring uprising spread to Syria in 2011.
Indeed, Syria is a lawless, bombed-out, economically decimated
failed state today owing to Washington’s heavy-handed intervention at the
behest of the War Party’s bloody twin sisters. That is, the neocons and the R2P
liberal interventionist claque around Hillary Clinton, including UN Ambassador
Samantha Powers and National Security Council head Susan Rice.
We name names in this context for a reason. A nation of 22
million back in 2011, which had been reasonably stable in modern times under
the authoritarian but secular rule of the Assad family, does not suddenly give
rise to a human tsunami of 5 million refugees spilling all over the
Mediterranean and Europe and to the reduction of virtually every one of its
ancient cities and towns to rubble and rivers of blood on its own volition.
To the contrary, all of this mayhem was instigated by the War
Party’s armchair warriors and the “indispensable” nation hegemonists in
Washington. Literally billions in aid, weapons, munitions, training and logistics
have flowed into Syria from all directions on the outside. And all of it was
either financed by American taxpayers or by regional powers which have been
armed and greenlighted by Washington.
The fact is, the Assad regime in Syria was from the same mold as
the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Both arose out of military coups in the
postwar period and espoused a secularist Arab nationalism. The aim was to
stimulate economic progress and a renaissance of Arab culture under the
leadership of a strong state and prodigious public sector, which in practice
meant rule by economic bribery and heavy-handed police-state repression of
Still, it was the antithesis of jihadism and the religious
fanaticism represented by the Wahhabism exported from Saudi Arabia, the various
offshoots of al-Qaeda and now the murderous caliphate established by ISIS in
the Sunni lands of western Iraq and the Euphrates Valley of Syria.
The Assad regime in Syria, in fact, was the guardian of
religious pluralism. The Assad family was from the minority Alawite branch of
Shiite Islam, which was heavily concentrated in the northwest coastal
provinces. Its coming to power broke a centuries old dominance of the majority
Sunni population and was therefore welcomed by other minorities including
Christians, Druze, Jews, Kurds, and countless more.
There is no denying that the rule of the Assad regime was harsh,
but it was also absolutely par for the course among middle eastern governments
before or since.
Of course, Saudi Arabia is the worst of all. You can be beheaded
there for apostasy, infidelity, drug possession or insulting the king. Last
year they chopped nearly 200 heads – even as the War Party claims Riyadh as an
indispensable ally in the battle against the far less prodigious head-choppers
of the Islamic State.
So when the uprising began in Syria during 2011 there was no
reason for Washington to take sides – any more than there was in Libya. But in
both cases false propaganda about allegedly imminent massacres of civilians by
the incumbent regimes was deftly conveyed to the establishment media –
especially CNN – by the various War Party think tanks and official agencies.
The subsequent slide down the slippery slope of regime
destruction did not take long. Thanks to Hillary’s harpies of war, the White
House’s bombing campaign resulted in the butchering of Khadafy within the year,
and Libya’s descent into the anarchy of rule by warlords and jihadist killers
that has metastasized since then.
And that brings us back to Syria and Aleppo. Whatever the merits
of the original peaceful protests against the Assad government in the spring of
2011, the movement turned violent and quickly descended into civil war only
because of the flow of fighters, arms and agitators from outside of Syria.
The first of these was the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), but
that was a creation of Turkey and the Washington regime change advocates who
wanted Assad gone. Erdogan wished to eliminate Assad because he was unwilling
to suppress the large Kurdish population on Turkey’s border, while Washington’s
motivation was no less untoward.
It’s beef against Assad had nothing to do with humanitarian
considerations, but, instead, was all about Washington’s fatwa against Iran.
The latter was allied with the Assad government based on the confessional
politics of the Shia/Sunni divide, but when it comes to Washington’s imperial
writ, the sovereign state of Syria was not entitled to a foreign policy and
alliances of its own choosing.
Accordingly, Turkey provided sanctuaries for the FSA inside its
borders, allowed fighters and arms to move freely to the FSA training camps and
staging areas and provided safe transit of soldiers and supplies across its
borders into Syria. In fact, after the Libyan regime fell, the CIA opened up
Khadafy’s arsenals and transshipped weapons to Turkey through what was called
the “ratline”. That’s what we going on in the CIA annex in Benghazi when
Ambassador Stevens was killed.
Needless to say, the Assad regime reacted brutally to this
militarized attack on its very existence, and thereby begat the “humanitarian
crisis” which is the inexorable result of civil war prosecuted with modern
weaponry in dense urban areas. So without missing a beat, the liberal
interventionist faction of the Obama White House was also soon beating the war
drums on R2P grounds.
Meanwhile, the so-called “moderate” FSA fighters armed and
enabled by Turkey were allied with the Moslem Brotherhood.
Moreover, still other so-called rebel factions have been
recruited, trained and armed by the CIA in camps based in Jordan. For the most
part these fighters, when they eventually get to the battlefronts in Syria,
have tended to sell or abandon their weapons, disappear across the Turkish
border or defect to the Nusra Front and even ISIS.
Last summer, in fact, the 55 fighters recruited and vetted under
a $500 million Congressional authorization were gone within weeks. Their
commander and his deputy was captured during their first day on the
battlefield, a dozen or so were killed and the rest defected. Worse still,
within days jihadist fighters showed up on propaganda videos brandishing their
brand new American weapons.
Is it any wonder that Syria has become hell on earth? Or that
what remains of Eastern Aleppo is crawling with Jihadist radicals aligned with
Nusra Front? Or that they have attempted to use the 200,000 or so remaining
civilians as human shields?
The whole thing is madness. Yet at this very moment Washington
is risking a military clash with Russia owing to the breakdown of the truce in
Aleppo, and a renewed campaign to establish a no fly zone in the immediate
Really? The US Air Force is going to shootdown Russian bombers
to protect civilians in a small part of what is left of Aleppo who are being
used as human shields by affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda?
Madness indeed.
Stockman was a two-term Congressman from Michigan. He was also the Director of
the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After
leaving the White House, Stockman had a 20-year career on Wall Street. He’s the
author of three books, The Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failed, The Great Deformation: The
Corruption of Capitalism in America andTRUMPED! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… And How to Bring It Back.
He also is founder of David Stockman’s Contra
Corner and David Stockman’s Bubble Finance Trader. This article is
reprinted from Daily Reckoning with the author’s permission.
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