Who Hacked the DNC?
Was it the Russians – or an inside job?
by Justin Raimondo,
July 29, 2016
haven’t seen this kind of hysteria since the darkest days of the cold war: a
spy scare that is being utilized by one political party against another in a
national election, with charges of disloyalty and even “treason” being hurled
by one side against the other. The publication of the Democratic National
Committee’s emails by WikiLeaks has caused a storm of spin and counter-spin
that threatens to throw the entire election discourse off balance – not that it
was all that centered to begin with – and cause an international incident with
perilous consequences for us all.
media, one and all, have decided that the DNC hack was the work of the Russian
government, and the Democrats have taken this one step further and declared
that Moscow is pushing the candidacy of Donald Trump due to his oft-stated hope
to “get along” with Vladimir Putin. And US government officials have added
their voices to this chorus, with the New York Times reporting
that unnamed members of the “intelligence community” believe “with high confidence” that the Russian state is behind the
hack. This is impressive, at least in
Washington, D.C., where the pronouncements of government officials are taken as
holy writ. For the rest of us, however, who remember that this same
“intelligence community” declared with certainty that Saddam Hussein had
“weapons of mass destruction,” this assertion should be taken with a very large
grain of salt. Indeed, one might almost be tempted to write this conclusion off
as quite obviously erroneous and self-serving, given the record of the people
who are making it.
Indeed, the whole narrative reeks of
confirmation bias in the context of what preceded it: a systematic campaign by
cold war liberals and Democratic party hacks (or do I repeat myself?) tagging
Trump as “Putin’s puppet,” “Putin’s poodle,” not to mention “Putin’s pawn.”
Aside from the rhyming scheme, what all these smears have in common is the simple
assertion that anyone who doesn’t want to start World War III over who shall
rule over the ramshackle mess that is Ukraine, and who questions in any way our
commitment to an obsolete and increasingly expensive alliance, is quite
obviously a Manchurian candidate controlled by the Kremlin.
So when the DNC hack made headlines,
the anti-Trump media – i.e. the entire “mainstream” media – pushed the Kremlin
conspiracy narrative hard. But what is the technical evidence for such a
charge? As it turns out, it is thin-to-nonexistent.
Carr, author of Inside Cyber Warfare, who runs Taia Global, a
cybersecurity firm, and founded the “Suits and Spooks” annual cyber-warfare
conference, showsthat the identification of the hacker groups – dubbed
“Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear” – as Russian state actors is based on arbitrary
definitions that exclude all exculpatory evidence.
covering the political and foreign policy scene are not usually conversant with
the technical details of computer science: and this is a real handicap when
dealing with the question of attributing a hacking to a state or nonstate
actor. The issues are complex, impossibly nerdy, and go against the popular
conception of “science” as identical with precision and even a kind of
omniscience. Because, when it comes to attribution in these cases, there is no
such thing as certainty. As Carr puts it:
“It’s important to
know that the process of attributing an attack by a cybersecurity company has
nothing to do with the scientific method. Claims of attribution aren’t testable
or repeatable because the hypothesis is never proven right or wrong.”
Cyber-security companies like
CrowdStrike, which was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack, are in the
business of assuring their clients that they can know what isn’t knowable
unless a) a hacker is caught in the act, and b) a government employee leaks the
truth. It doesn’t help their profit margin to make these facts widely known,
and so they hide the inherent subjectivity of attribution behind the mantle of
“science.” This is what Carr calls “faith-based attribution,” and plenty of
journalists – who are already prone to believe the worst of the Russians (and
Trump) – are fooled, or have managed to fool themselves. As Carr writes:
“When looking at
professions who use an investigative process to determine a true and accurate
answer, the closest profession to the attribution estimate of a cyber
intelligence analyst is that of a religious office like a priest or a minister,
who simply asks their congregation to believe what they say on faith. The
likelihood that a nation state will acknowledge that a cybersecurity company
has correctly identified one of their operations is probably slightly less
likely than God making an appearance at the venue where a theological debate is
underway about whether God exists.”
“hard” evidence of Russian state involvement in the DNC hack is dutifully
provided by Vice technical writer Thomas Rid, but, as Carr points out, it turns to mush when
examined up close. Rid purports to identify “fingerprints” of two allegedly
Russian groups identified by the German intelligence agency as associated with
the Russian GRU, but the reality – as usual – is ambiguous:
IP address 176.31.112[.]10 used in the Bundestag breach as a Command and
Control server has never been connected to the Russian intelligence services.
In fact,Claudio Guarnieri,
a highly regarded security researcher, whose technical analysis was referenced by Rid, stated that ‘no evidence allows to tie the attacks to
governments of any particular country.’”
So much for the “fingerprints” that
supposedly identify the Russians as the culprits. Carr also points out that the
conclusion drawn by German intelligence is based on subjective assertions
rather than hard evidence of the sort that would be admissible in a court of
This is precisely the flawed
methodology that had every “intelligence” agency in the West telling us that
those “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq were primed and ready to launch.
Now they tell us that “everybody made the same mistake” – and they’re making it
again, because they’re never held accountable.
fits the media narrative that we’ve been presented with about Putin and Russia,
and it suits the pro-Clinton journalists to ignore what’s actually in those
incriminating emails, and so we have a perfect storm of confirmation bias. And
of course the War Party is pushing their narrative that Trump’s anti-NATO
stance is “dangerous,” and outrageous, with our shiftless European allies
adding their voices to the chorus: the latter don’t like being exposed
as deadbeat welfare cases. So everybody’s agenda is served by this latest wave
of anti-Trump anti-Russian hysteria – except the interests of the American
striking is that for all this subjective “analysis” and cyber-sleuthing, no one
is pointing to what should be the first suspicion in such a case: that the
hacking of the DNC server was an inside job. Is it all that improbable that
someone working for the DNC is a supporter of Bernie Sanders – or just someone
who believes in elemental fairness – who saw how the DNC was rigging the
game and used their access to supply WikiLeaks with the emails? As WikiLeaks
founder Julian Assange told “Democracy Now” in an interview, “If we’re talking about the DNC, there’s lots of
consultants, lots of programmers” with means, motive, and opportunity.
Why isn’t this very broad hint by
someone who’s in a position to know who was responsible admissible evidence?
It’s being studiously ignored because it doesn’t fit the narrative that the
media and the Democrats – or do I repeat myself – want to push on the public.
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