EU – A CIA Covert Operation
Will it end in failure on June 23?
by Justin Raimondo,
May 02, 2016
upcoming British referendum on whether to stay in the European Union (EU)
represents the culmination of a long term project by the United States to
destroy the concept of national sovereignty in the Old World and replace it
with a supranational entity with ironclad links to Washington.. Whether that
longstanding ambition has succeeded will be decided on June 23 – which is why
President Barack Obama made a special trip to the Mother Country to give them a little lecture on the alleged evils of nationalism and
the goodness of the EU.
Some were shocked at the brazenness
of such an aggressive intervention into a purely British affair by a sitting US
President, but to anyone who knows the real history of the “European idea,”
Obama’s pushiness is hardly surprising.
European Union was born in the bosom of the Central Intelligence Agency: that’s
what declassified documents tell us about the origins of the European project
and its progress since the Truman administration.
the midst of the cold war, the United States and its European allies conceived
the EU as the political concomitant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO). The basic idea was to counterpose a European identity against the
“internationalist” ideology of the Soviets and their increasingly powerful
fifth columns in the West. The “European Movement,” which was and still is the
“grassroots” organization that relentlessly pushed for the creation of a
European super-state, was financed to the tune of $1 million a year by the “American Committee for a United Europe” (ACUE), which was
founded by Allen Dulles, who was at that point chairing a committee
tasked with looking at how to organize the nascent CIA, and William “Wild Bill” Donovan, who had been head of the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), forerunner of the CIA. Allen Dulles, who would become
a CIA’s director, was the Vice President. On the board was Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s first director, as well as
number of spook-ish figures who played various roles in the American
intelligence community at one time or another. Prominent politicians such as
Herbert Lehman and businessmen, such as Conrad Hilton, were involved, as well
as left-leaning labor leaders, such as David Dubinsky and the ex-Communist Jay
Lovestone. CIA agent Tom Braden served as Executive Director.
US financial support to the European federalist movement never amounted to “less than half” of the various groups’
budgets. The money was funneled through the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller
Foundation, and other private conduits. The head of the Ford Foundation was
Paul Hoffman, a former OSS official who played a major leadership role in the
The ACUE was organized at the behest
of Winston Churchill, although support for European federalism in Britain was
limited to a small minority. European unity was seen by Washington and
Churchill as the indispensable glue that would hold NATO together and provide
resistance to what they saw as an imminent threat of a Soviet takeover. Yet the
British contingent, centered in the Conservative Party, began to pull back when
they felt the project was moving too far, too fast, and this almost led to a
public split that was, however, eventually papered over by the Americans.
bulk of support came from the non-Communist left on the Continent, and was
closely linked to the CIA’s support for noncommunist left elements in an effort
to battle the Kremlin’s allies in France and Italy. The Social Democrats and
other leftists were enthralled with the idea of the Schuman Plan, a scheme cooked up by French foreign minister
Robert Schuman, that would put the production and sale of French and German
steel and coal under the direction of a central authority: the arrangement
would then be opened up to other European countries. This was the precursor to
the vast apparatus of economic planners and regulatory agencies that today make
up the EU’s notorious bureaucracy, which controls every aspect of economic life
in the member states.
ACUE agitated for the Marshall Plan – a giant serving of globaloney that funneled billions of American taxpayer
dollars to postwar Europe – sponsoring speaking tours by pro-unity
European politicians and cultural figures, and putting direct pressure on
Congress to release the funds. Radio programs, print media, and all forms of
mass communication were utilized – at taxpayers’ expense – to push the
“European idea.” An academic section was established, which promoted all sorts
of “research” projects pushing not only Euro-federalism but also “world
federalism,” i.e. the concept of a world government.
secrecy and authoritarianism that characterizes the ruling style of the
Eurocrats was prefigured in the memos sent back and forth between US government
officials, the ACUE, and their European sock puppets. As the Telegraph reports:
“A memo from the
European section, dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the
European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by
stealth. It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which ‘adoption of
such proposals would become virtually inescapable.’”
the American sponsors of this “European” project directed every aspect of the
pro-unity Astro-turf “movement.” As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard points out, “Papers show that it treated some of
the EU’s ‘founding fathers’ as hired hands, and actively prevented them finding
alternative funding that would have broken reliance on Washington.”
All of this ancient history should
give us a new perspective on current events. When thousands of demonstrators
showed up in the streets of Kiev waving EU flags, and demanding the ouster of
President Viktor Yanukovych, there was nothing spontaneous about it. The “deep
state” covert agencies of the Western powers were in it up to their necks, of
that we can be sure. Even though the Soviet Union is long gone and the Russian
“threat” to Europe is largely a figment of the neoconservative imagination, the
function of the EU as the political complement to NATO is today clearer than
The fact of the matter is that it is
far easier for Washington to control Europe with one central authority at the
reins than it is dealing with dozens of separate sovereignties. Indeed, the
very idea of national sovereignty as the foundation of international relations
is something the empire-builders of the Beltway, and their bag-men in the
capitals of Europe, would like to do away with. For this time-honored idea
stands in the way of the “democracy”-promotion crusades we have been engaged in
since the end of the cold war, and contradicts the left-internationalist
doctrine of the “responsibility to protect” that has sparked wars from the
Balkans to Libya and Syria.
is the name of the game for our deracinated elites,
and nationalism – ofany kind, including the American variety – is
the enemy. That’s why we’re seeing both the Obama administration and the
ostensibly “Conservative” Party leadership of the British state undertake a
combined assault against Euro-skepticism and the threat of “xenophobia.” If you
don’t want to see your country absorbed into the Euro-Borg, then you’re a
“racist,” a right-wing extremist, and a hate-criminal to boot.
the EU never had popular support in the countries it now lords over: that’s why
they had to stage multiple elections until they got the “right” result in France, Irelandand Denmark. Which brings to mind that State Department memo about
creating an aura of the inescapable around the EU project.
Britain, which has been the most
resistant to European “integration,” has never had a referendum, and this
upcoming test is crucial to the survival of the EU. If the Brits vote to exit,
the CIA’s longest-running campaign, begun under the administration of Harry
Truman, will have ended in failure.
The globalist idea is a central canon
of the War Party. For if national borders are to be erased – and the very
concept of national sovereignty relegated to the dust heap of history – then
the job of justifying Washington’s wars is made much easier. The claim that
there is a “higher” principle operative in international affairs than the
inviolability of national borders – “humanitarianism,” “democracy”-promotion,
women’s rights, gay rights, etc. – gives the War Party a green light to rampage
over the earth to its heart’s content.
What they want is a world empire with
no borders – and June 23 is a day when they could very well be turned back.
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