Aid to Israel Is ‘Too Much’ Say 61.9% of Americans
Yet additional secret U.S. aid may
have ballooned to $1.9-$13.2 billion annually
by Grant Smith,
April 06, 2016
majority Americans say US foreign aid to Israel is excessive – either “much too
much” (32.5 percent) or “too much’ (29.4 percent). The single-question March 10, 2016 opinion survey, fielded through Google Consumer Surveys, reveals only slight changes since it
was first asked on September 27, 2014. (For details on sample size, bias and
other findings, see the survey data links above).
While Adult Internet users believing
US aid to Israel is either “too little” or “much too little” increased a net
1.5 percentage points overall, those believing it to be “too much” or “much too
much” rose 1.2 percentage points. Americans believing aid was “about right”
declined 2.6 percentage points.
US has provided more aid since Israel’s creation in 1948 – $250 billion
adjusted for inflation – than to any other foreign country according to unclassified government
figures (PDF) adjusted for inflation. These figures do not
include separate funding flows from state and municipal governments that Israel
affinity organizations quietly lobby in order to provide even more aid to
Israel. The quarter-trillion-dollar figure also excludes classified US federal
government support.
military and intelligence aid is now at “unprecedented” levels according to President Obama in a 2015 speech delivered
at American University. If true, secret intelligence support may now have
reached an additional $1.9-$13.2 billion annually depending on whether Obama
adjusted for inflation. Since annual military aid is publicly reported, unreported
intelligence aid would have to be within that range in order for the total to
truly historically be “unprecedented.” However, the CIA refuses to disclose how
much the Obama administration is secretly funneling to Israel, a matter now
subject to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
1948 – and even more so after the collapse of the Soviet Union – annual US aid
packages to Israel have largely been driven by the lobbying efforts of Israel
affinity organizations in the United States rather than strategic or national
defense calculations. Today, the annual combined revenue of 336 distinct Israel
affinity organizations is closely correlated to the total unclassified annual
US Israel aid package. On a chart, unclassified US foreign aid resembles an
enormous “matching grants” program under which US elected officials, appointees
and captured agencies give away taxpayer dollars in roughly the same amounts
the Israel lobby raises – tax-exempt – in order to advocate, educate, subsidize
and lobby Israel’s priorities in America. Another nonmilitary or intelligence
agency has also played a role in gutting the accountability of Israel affinity
organizations, such as the Weizmann Institute for Science which conducts nuclear weapons research.
Internal Revenue Service thwarted Israel affinity organizations’ transparency
and accountability in reporting their own annual transfers of billions of
tax-exempt contributions raised in the US to Israel. In the 1960s, IRS
commissioner Mortimer Caplin refused to cooperate after the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee formally requested an IRS investigation after the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) parent organization was
ordered to register as an Israel foreign agent. During the reign of IRS
Commissioner Douglas Shulman the IRS faced heightened public scrutiny over
billions in tax-exempt illegal settlement funding from US charitable
organizations that received tax-exempt IRS status. Rather than investigate or
revoke tax-exempt status, the IRS ordered that beginning in 2008 tax-exempt
organizations could stop reporting recipient entities in all foreign
destinations – including Israel and Israeli-occupied territories – on their
publicly filed tax returns – effectively eliminating the IRS’s own oversight capabilities. (PDF)
the Israeli government overtly and covertly attempted to defeat a 2015
international agreement on Iran’s nuclear program last year – the Joint
Comprehensive Plan for Action – Israel is now seeking a massive increase in US aid. A July, 2015 survey revealed 67.8 percent of Americans
also opposed compensating Israel over the JCPA that both Israel and its US
lobby worked so diligently to overturn.
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