APRIL 22, 2016
It is
common for activists to decry the enormous sums of money spent on the military.
Any number of social programs, or schools, or other public benefits could
instead be funded.
Not least is this the case with the United States, which by far spends
the most of any country on its military. The official Pentagon budget for 2015
was $596 billion, but actual spending is far higher. (Figures for 2015 will be
used because that is the latest year for which data is available to make
international comparisons.) If we add military spending parked in other
portions of the U.S. federal government budget, we’re up to $786 billion,
according to a study by the War Resisters League. Veterans benefits add another
$157 billion. WRL also assigns 80 percent of the interest on the budget
deficit, and that puts the grand total well above $1 trillion.
War Resisters League notes that other organizations estimate that 50 to 60
percent of the interest would be more accurate. Let’s split the difference — if
we assign 65 percent of the interest payments to past military spending (midway
between the high and low estimates), then the true amount of U.S. military
spending was $1.25 trillion. Yes, that is a gigantic sum of money. So gigantic
that it was more than the military spending of every other country on Earth
China is second in military spending, but far behind at US$215 billion
in 2015, according to an estimate by
the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Saudi Arabia ($87.2
billion), Russia ($66.4 billion) and Britain ($55.5 billion) round out the top
five. And lest we chalk up the bloated Pentagon budget to the size of the U.S.
economy, the official $596 billion budget constituted3.5 percent of its gross domestic
product, the fourth-highest ratio in the world, while China spent
2.1 percent of its GDP on its military. But if we use the actual total of U.S.
military spending, then U.S. spending as a share of GDP leaps to second place,
trailing only Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. maintains military bases in 80 countries,
and has military personnel in about 160 foreign countries and territories.
Another way of looking at this question is the number of foreign military
bases: The U.S. has around 800 while the rest of the world combined has perhaps
30, according to an analysis published in The
Nation. Almost half of those 30 belong to Britain or France.
Asking others to pay more is endorsing imperialism
there some sort of altruism in the U.S. setting itself up as the gendarme of
the world? Well, that’s a rhetorical question, obviously, but such
self-deception is widespread, and not just among the foreign-policy
line of critique sometimes heard, especially during this year’s presidential
campaign, is that the U.S. should demand its allies “pay their fair share.”
It’s not only from Right-wing quarters that phrase is heard, but even from Left
populist Bernie Sanders, who insisted during this month’s Brooklyn debate with
Hillary Clinton that other members of NATO ought to pay more so the Pentagon
budget can be cut. Senator Sanders said this in the context of pointing out the
superior social benefits across Europe as compared to the U.S., but what it
really implies is that militarism is justified.
Setting aside that Senator Sanders’ record on imperialism is
not nearly as distant from Secretary Clinton’s as his supporters believe, it is
a reflection of how deeply imperialism is in the bones of United Statesians
when even the candidate positioning himself as a Left insurgent doesn’t
seriously question the scale of military operations or their purpose.
So why is U.S. military spending so high? It’s because the repeated use
of force is what is necessary to maintain the capitalist system. As top dog in
the world capitalist system, it’s up to the U.S. to do what is necessary to
keep itself, and its multi-national corporations, in the driver’s seat. That
has been a successful project. U.S.-based multi-nationals hold the world’s highest share in
18 of 25 broad industrial sectors, according to an analysis in New Left
Review, and often by commanding margins — U.S. multi-nationals hold at
least a 40 percent global share in 10 of those sectors.
A partial list of U.S. interventions from
1890, as compiled by Zoltán Grossman, a professor at Evergreen State College in
Olympia, Washington state, lists more than 130 foreign military interventions
(not including the use of troops to put down strikes within the U.S.).
Consistently, these were used to impose U.S. dictates on smaller countries.
At the beginning of the 20th century, U.S. President William Howard Taft declared that his foreign policy was “to
include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists
opportunity for profitable investment” abroad. Taft overthrew the government of
Nicaragua to punish it for taking a loan from a British bank rather than a U.S.
bank, and then put Nicaragua’s customs collections under U.S. control and
handed two U.S. banks control of Nicaragua’s national
bank and railroad. Little has changed since, including the
overthrows of the governments of Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Brazil (1964)
and Chile (1973), and more recently the invasion of Iraq and the attempted overthrow of the
Venezuelan government.
Muscle men for big business
We need only recall the statement of Marine Corps general Smedley
Butler, who summarized his highly decorated
career in 1935, in this manner:
spent thirty three years and four months [in] the Marine Corps. … [D]uring that
period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business,
for Wall Street and for bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.”
The bipartisan refusal to acknowledge this is exemplified in U.S.narratives concerning the Vietnam
War. The “debate” that is conducted in the corporate media is only
between two “acceptable” viewpoints — an honorable effort that tragically
failed or a well-intentioned but flawed effort that should not have been
undertaken if the U.S. was not going to be “serious” about fighting. Never mind
that tonnage of bombs dropped on Vietnam were greater than what was dropped by
all combatants in World War II combined, 3 million Vietnamese were killed,
cities were reduced to rubble and millions of acres of farmland was destroyed.
By what sane measure could this be said to be fighting “without really trying,”
as Right-wing mythology still asserts?
modern corporate enterprise would be complete without subcontracting, and the
Pentagon has not stinted here. That is not a reference to the massive, and
often guaranteed, profits that military contractors enjoy as more supply
operations are handed over to connected companies, but rather to the teaching
of torture techniques to other militaries so that some of the dirty work of
maintaining capitalism can be undertaken locally.
The U.S. Army’s infamous School of the Americas, lately masquerading
under the deceptively bland-sounding name Western Hemisphere Institute for
Security Cooperation, has long been afinishing school for the personnel enforcing
the rule of military and civilian dictatorships throughout Latin America. Major
Joe Blair, who was the director of instruction at the School of the Americas
from 1986 to 1989, had this to say about the curriculum:
doctrine that was taught was that if you want information you use physical
abuse, false imprisonment, threats to family members, and killing. If you can’t
get the information you want, if you can’t get that person to shut up or stop
what they’re doing, you assassinate them—and you assassinate them with one of your
death squads.”
The change of the name more than a decade ago was cosmetic, Major Blair said while testifying at
a 2002 trial of School of the Americas protestors:
are no substantive changes besides the name. They teach the identical courses
that I taught, and changed the course names and use the same manuals.”
The entire history of capitalism is built on violence,
and violence has been used to both impose and maintain the system from its
earliest days. Slavery, colonialism, dispossession of the commons, draconian
laws forcing peasants into factories and control of the state to suppress all
opposition to economic coercion built capitalism. The forms of domination
change over the years, and are often financial rather than openly militaristic
today (although the armed fist lurks in the background); regardless,
exploitation is the lifeblood of wealth. Demanding that the cost of this should
be spread around is a demand to continue exploitation, domination and
imperialism, and nothing more.
Dolack writes the Systemic Disorder blog and has been an
activist with several groups. His book, It’s Not Over: Learning From the Socialist Experiment,
is available from Zero Books.
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