Donald Trump’s Hardcore
Fans Don’t Want Him To Be More ‘Presidential.’ And Neither Does He.
front-runner was the same Trump he’s always been at a Thursday rally in
Scott Conroy Senior Political Reporter, The Huffington Post
HARRISBURG, PA. — By the time Donald Trump was scheduled to take
the stage on Thursday night, the wait to get through the metal detectors and
into the indoor arena was still several thousand people deep.
But there was plenty
to draw the eye’s attention among the people who were still stranded in the
long line that snaked around the Pennsylvania Farm Show Expo Center & Expo
Center, where an alpaca show was splitting the bill with the Republican
The sartorial choices
of Trump’s younger-leaning, mostly male fans who turned out for the event
ranged from cutoff T-shirts and shorts to full suits and ties.
There was also the
broad-shouldered gentleman in a tank top who displayed his
stars-and-bars-themed iron cross tattoo on his arm, as well as the unsubtle duo
standing next to him, whose own outfits showed off the slogans, “Don’t Ever
Think That The Reason I Am Peaceful Is Because I Forgot How To Be Violent” and
“If You Don’t Bleed Red, White & Blue, Take Your Bitch Ass Home.”
Vendors, meanwhile, hawked T-shirts to men, women and pre-adolescent children alike that said, “Hillary Sucks But Not Like Monica.”
Vendors, meanwhile, hawked T-shirts to men, women and pre-adolescent children alike that said, “Hillary Sucks But Not Like Monica.”
There was something
for everyone — as long as you weren’t advocating for
multiculturalism, inclusiveness and any of that other namby-pamby stuff.
A small group of
protesters just outside the arena chanting, “Black Lives Matter” was drowned
out by the louder retorts that came from the pro-Trump faithful, which included
one man who demanded to know why the agitators didn’t all just move to Syria,
if they loved Muslims so much. For these efforts, he was rewarded with a
boisterous round of cheers and high-fives from the people standing in line next
to him.
But it wasn’t just
Trump’s fans who were intent on serving up a big bowl of abuse to anyone who
disagreed with them.
When a
Trump-supporting woman stepped out of line for a brief moment to continue the
verbal sparring she’d been conducting with a female protester, a young man from
the anti-Trump forces presented himself inches from her face, and called her a
“skank.” A couple of people “oohed” and then got back to the business of
spewing their own animosities.
“Did you see the black
lady in Chicago?” a goateed man in a black T-shirt asked his companion, just
before entering the arena. “Trump’s, like, ‘Get her out!’ So they picked her up
and dragged her out kicking and screaming!”
“Oh, man,” his buddy
replied. “I hope something like that happens tonight.”
For all of the talk
about how a kinder, gentler Trump found his presidential
footing in the New
York primary by way a staff shakeup that
“professionalized” his
seat-of-the-pants campaign operation and public bearing, the vibe among the
people who attended his latest rally was as volatile and abrasive as ever. And
so was the candidate.
Trump’s central
Pennsylvania fans didn’t want to see a “more presidential” version of the man
who’s broken all of the rules of political decorum and decency. And if Trump
knows how to do anything, it’s giving his fans what they want.
“Now my wife is constantly saying, ‘Darling, be more
presidential,’” Trump said at the rally here, a few moments after the latest in
a series of protesters was escorted off the premises by local police. “I just
don’t know that I want to do it quite yet.”
Trump’s wife isn’t the
only one who’s been giving him that advice.
At a closed-door
briefing with RNC members in Florida on Thursday, the Associated Press
reported, Trump’s new Senior Adviser Paul Manafort promised those
who were present that his boss understands the need to tamp down the vitriol
and had been merely “projecting an image” thus far that he would now adjust
“The part that he’s
been playing is now evolving,” Manafort said, according to the AP. “The
negatives will come down. The image is going to change.”
But in spite of those
assurances from his staff — or perhaps because of
them — Trump went the extra mile at his rally to make clear to some
of his most zealous supporters here in central Pennsylvania that he was still
the same guy, thrilling his fans and exasperating his detractors in the same
manner as always.
Even before he took
the stage, Trump made it clear that he wasn’t about to throw out his
non-playbook by making an announcement to the fraction of people who’d showed
up early enough to get into the building on time.
“I’m supposed to
wait a half hour because there are thousands of people outside, but I can’t do
that to you,” Trump said from behind the curtain, with a touch of “Wizard of
Oz” mystique. “I’m going to come on right now!”
Yes, the candidate
was still the boss of his campaign.
During his speech,
Trump did allow a few moments to touch on some of the messages that his new
overseers — the so-called adults in the room — want desperately for him to
emphasize, decrying the loss of manufacturing jobs and promising to repeal
But Trump spent far
more time being, well, the guy we’ve seen since day one of his campaign. He
belittled the protesters who interrupted him at regular intervals, boasted
about his crowd sizes (“far bigger than Bernie’s, by the way”), and, of course,
made particular pains to try to emasculate “Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”
“This guy, I mean,
he went to New York, and they threw him around like a rag doll,” Trump, who
we’ve all been assured is set to tone it down a notch and move toward uniting
the party, said of his top Republican opponent.
Though he took
particular delight in trashing Cruz, Trump appeared equally intent on sticking
a thumb in the eye of anyone who had the gall to tell him — the
guy who defied all the pundits by getting this far — that he was somehow
doing it all wrong.
“At some point, I’m
going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored, and I’ll come
back as a presidential person, and instead of 10,000 people, I’ll have about
150 people,” Trump said, his voice oozing with the sarcasm of someone who
thought that would be a terrible idea. “And they’ll say, ‘Boy. He really looks
Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and
is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has
repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire
religion — from entering the U.S.
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