Will Congress
Stop the Iran Deal?
Long after the nuclear agreement was settled,
opponents are undermining an already fragile peace.
THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE (theamericanconservative.com)
Since July the Israel Lobby and
other opponents of the understanding reached by the White House and other
parties to limit the Iranian nuclear program have been warning that any
celebration would be premature, as the agreement is far from a done deal.
President Obama survived initial attempts to create legislative hurdles
hindering implementation of the pact, but there are clear signals that the
battle is far from over.
Congress is
again cranking up its
efforts to overturn
the agreement, incorporating conditions into sometimes unrelated legislation
that seek to circumvent or limit the authority of the president to conduct the
nation’s foreign policy. This is being referred to as “round two” by critics of
the White House, and Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the neoconservative
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, is warning that “there will be many,
many more rounds” if needed.
sustained challenge to long-established executive prerogatives in foreign
policy is unprecedented and can only be resisted if the White House retains
sufficient Democratic votes in Congress to avoid the overriding of a
presidential veto. That is by no means certain in an election year in which
there will be considerable media and constituent focus on how individual
congressmen have voted on contentious issues.
The first
measure seeking to marginalize and punish Iran was House Resolution
158, which passed through the House of Representatives by a lopsided
407 to 19 vote on December 8th. The bill, entitled “The Visa Waiver Program
Improvement Act of 2015,” altered the existing Immigration and Nationality Act.
Rather than going through the Senate independently, where it might have been
amended before going to a vote, the act was subsequently rolled into the
“must-pass” omnibus spending bill that passed through both the House and Senate on December
18th, and was then signed by President Obama. It is now law.
The Visa Waiver
Program includes 38
countries, mostly in Europe, whose citizens can travel to the United States
without first obtaining a visa. The program has been in place since 2005 and
has generally been regarded as beneficial both for purposes of tourism and
business travel. There have been no known security breaches connected to the
The bill was
a panicked response to the two recent terrorist incidents in Paris and San
Bernardino, California, though the changes mandated would in no way have
prevented either attack. The concern was that radicalized European citizens who
might have traveled to countries known to harbor large numbers of ISIS
supporters could use their visa waiver passports to freely enter the United
States with the intention of carrying out terrorist acts.
The concern
is legitimate, if almost certainly overstated, as an estimated tens of thousands of young Europeans
have reportedly joined ISIS, but the proposed legislation creates a number of
problems both in terms of international law and agreements that the United
States government has entered into. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that
it will actually prevent terrorist incidents.
The legislation
specifically cites Iran, a persistent and fully committed enemy of ISIS,
together with Iraq and Syria, identifying them as countries where either travel
or former residency triggers automatic suspension of visa waiver rights. H.R.
158 requires the Department of Homeland Security to designate additional
countries where there is increased likelihood that a visitor might become
engaged in a credible threat to the U.S., where there is a significant foreign
terrorist organization presence, or where there is a safe haven for terrorists.
“Dual nationals” of such countries shall be denied visa waivers even if they
are traveling on a passport from a visa waiver country. In addition, other
travelers from a visa waiver country who have visited any one of the target
countries in the past five years shall also be denied entry under the waiver
program. Both “nationals” and those who have visited the target countries will
be required to apply for normal travel visas, a process that will include
mandatory “sharing of information” with the country that issued the prospective
traveler’s passport.
In practice
this means that any European passport holder who either visits or is by birth
from Iraq, Syria, or Iran will be denied an automatic visa to the United
States. Ironically, Iran arguably has never carried out a terrorist bombing or
suicide attack against the United States while countries whose citizens have
done so, including Libya and Pakistan, are not on the list. Saudi Arabia,
exporter and supporter of Sunni Muslim terrorism globally, and also the source
of nearly all the 9/11 terrorists, is also exempted. This means that someone
could visit Pakistan or Libya for weapons training and not be flagged, but if
he or she visits Iran for any reason, they could be denied the right to travel
to the United States.
The U.S.
bill is in violation of World Trade Organization rules
against “politicizing trade” and abridging the ability of businessmen to travel
freely. In this case, visiting Iran would be punished by denying onward travel
to the U.S., so many foreign visitors will avoid Tehran. The law would also be
contrary to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that recently
resolved the issue of the Iranian nuclear program. The agreement guaranteed
that the ability to conduct normal business and trade with Iran would not be
inclusion of Iran in the bill does not, of course, have anything to do with the
war against ISIS. The American neoconservatives and their congressional allies
continue to believe that Iran constitutes the most serious threat against
Israel, so it has to be pressured incessantly no matter how it behaves.
Other initiatives
are in the works. Recent moves in the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) seeking to review Iran’s alleged steps taken to develop a nuclear
weapon prior to 2003 have regurgitated the same lies that were surfaced back in
2011, claims regarding Iranian behavior and intentions that were based on empty
insinuations and forged documents.
investigated by the IAEA are generally confidential and sometimes even
anonymous but it is known that Israel and the United States were behind the
latest moves. The IAEA, which is largely funded by Washington, can be relied on
to keep the pressure on Iran.
This week’s
incident in which Iran briefly detained 10 U.S. Navy personnel who had
unintentionally entered into Iranian territorial waters is being magnified in
the media, with some questioning whether it was an “act of war.” It was not, by
any reasonable standard, and would be quickly forgotten if it had involved
anyone but Iran. It will surely be exploited for emotional value over the next
few days.
There also
have been stories popping up in the Israel-friendly media claiming that Iran is testing ballistic
missiles in violation of United Nations resolutions, allegations that are being
exploited in a bid to impose new sanctions and wreck the nuclear agreement. The
White House is under pressure to impose sanctions, as Obama
maintains that the missiles are an element in the nuclear agreement, a point of
view not shared by Iran. For the moment, the relatively mild sanctions being
considered are on hold as the administration is keen to have the nuclear
agreement move forward.
Congress has still more up its sleeve. Later this month,
Senators will likely seek to extend the Iran Sanctions Act for 10 years,
including specific provisions targeting the country’s energy and financial
sectors. Ironically, the extension will likely be debated while President Obama
will actually be trying to finalize the lifting of the existing sanctions as
part of the JCPOA. Supporters of the extension argue that the new authorization
will only be on the table, available for the president to use if Iran
misbehaves. The intention is clearly to exercise “rigorous” congressional
oversight to pressure Iran into responding aggressively to the violation of the
spirit of JCPOA, leading to a tit for tat escalation that would put the overall
agreement in jeopardy.
worrying to President Obama is the fact that the sanctions extension effort is
being spearheaded by two Democratic Senators, Bob Menendez of New Jersey and
Ben Cardin of Maryland. If two more Democratic Senators can be convinced to
join them, it could mean a veto proof majority in the Senate of 67 votes. Six
Democratic representatives, including Democratic National Committee head Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz, have also
written to Obama
demanding sanctions against Iran. On a bill that came to a vote this
week intended to restrict Obama’s ability to lift Iranian sanctions, the
House voted 191-106 in favor along party lines with 137 abstentions, many of
them Democrats, suggesting that support for the president on the issue is very
The proposed
Senate extension of sanctions is still somewhat speculative, while the House
visa waiver bill will undoubtedly be difficult to enforce as intended, since
many Muslims living in France and Britain were born in those countries and have
never traveled to the areas where their families originated generations ago.
The legislation is so transparently offensive and even illegal that many
international friends normally accommodating to U.S. interests will speak up.
Visa waiver countries offer reciprocity to visiting Americans, a practice that
could easily be amended to pushback against U.S. policies. Indeed, David
O’Sullivan, the European Union ambassador to the United States, is already warning that “some of these ideas are being
rushed through without necessarily thinking out fully the consequences.”
European citizens with Muslim names will continue to be eligible for visa
waivers but will inevitably come under suspicion every time they choose to
travel to the United States. Their mistreatment by U.S. immigration authorities
will no doubt be reported in the international media, but it is the punishing
of Iran even when it is blameless that has, disgracefully, become reflexive
action for many in the United States government. Worse still, Congress and the
Israel Lobby will continue to be creative in adding to the indignities, doing
their best to scupper the nuclear agreement even though it is clearly in
everyone’s interest.
The latest
threats from Washington will accomplish absolutely nothing constructive and
will restore the tense state of no-war and no-peace between the U.S. and Iran.
If pushed to its logical conclusion, the truculent meddling could very easily
lead to a real war.
Philip Giraldi,
a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National
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