Neocons Are Now Supporting Hillary Clinton
by JP Sottile,
August 09, 2016
What’s a Neocon To Do?
Bill Kristol is downright despondent after
his failed search for
an alternative to Donald Trump. Max Boot is indignant about
his “stupid” party’s willingness to ride a bragging bull into a
delicate China policy
shop. And the leading light of the first family of military interventionism – Robert Kagan –
is actually lining up Neoconservativesbehind the Democratic
nominee for president of the United States.
At the same time, the Democrats have become the party of
bare-knuckled, full-throated American Exceptionalism. That transformation was
announced with a vein-popping zeal by
retired general and wannabe motivational screamer John Allen at the Democratic
convention in the City of Brotherly Love. During his “speech,” a few plaintive
protests of “no more war” were actually drowned-out by Democrats chanting
This is the same Democratic Party often criticized by Kagan
& Co. as the purveyors of timidity, flaccidity, and moral perfidy. It’s not
that Democrats haven’t dropped bombs, dealt arms, and overturned regimes. They
have. And they’ve even got the Peace Prize-winning Obama-dropper to
prove it. But unlike enthusiastically belligerent Republicans, the Dems are
supposed to be the party that does it, but doesn’t really like to do it.
But now, they’ve got Hillary Clinton. And she’s weaponized the
State Department. Shereally likes regime
change. And her nominating convention not only embraced the military, but it
sanctified the very Gold Star families that Neocon-style interventionism
creates. It certainly created the pain of
the Khan family who lost their son in the illegalwar in Iraq. But the Dems didn’t mention that sad fact
as they grabbed the flag away from the Republicans.
Now that’s truly Neo-confusing.
It kinda feels like reality has slipped off its axis and we’ve
landed on a Bizarro Worldversion
of America. Democrats are acting like Republicans. Pat Buchanan is championing
the GOP’s “Peace Candidate.” And the Neocons are fleeing from a party
they’ve used like a geopolitical cudgel for the better part of three decades.
At first glance, it all makes sense. Trump captured the GOP
nomination in no small part by trashing two of the Neocons’ favorite things
ever – the Bush family and the Iraq War. He also suggested early on that he’d
approach the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as (gasp!) an honest
broker. Trump said he really wanted to “make that deal.” Without irony, one-time Neocon wonderboy Marco
Rubio remarked that it isn’t a “real estate deal” when, in fact, that’s exactly what it is.
But the ever-pliable Trump quickly got religion on
Israel. He did an about-face, marched into AIPAC’s annual confab, and staked out a claim on
the reflexively pro-Israel side
of the issue. But it wasn’t enough to assuage the angst of the GOP’s
forever-circling hawks.
nothing seems enough to sway the Neocons in Donald’s direction. But it’s not
for lack of trying on Trump’s part. Really, he’s checked off many of the boxes
that make Neocons smile.
Trump wants a “yuuge” military … the biggest and baddest ever!
So big, that no one in a million years will ever challenge it. That sure sounds
a lot like Reagan’s “peace through strength.” Neocons do love Reagan. And, as
if on cue, the Kristol/Kagan-led “Foreign Policy Initiative” just posted a
clarion call to spend more bucks to buy bigger bangs for an already gargantuan military.
Doesn’t that fit with Donald’s plan to spend defense dollars like a drunken
Maybe Neocons don’t want the military to be so big that no one will ever try anything.
Maybe they want a few challenges here and there, just for a little creative destructionto keep the world on its toes. But Trump’s
right there with them. He wants to “bomb the shit”
out of ISIS. And he even said America
has “no choice but to bomb Libya” and “take out” the Islamic State.
C’mon, Neocons … what’s not to
And how about Trump’s Islamophobia? It sure seems simpatico with
the last two decades of Neoconservative drum-beating. Trump repeatedly uses the
magic words – “Radical Islamic Terrorism.” Can’t you just hear the longing
sighs coming out of theAmerican Enterprise Institute? He also wants to ban Muslims.
Or “just” ban people coming from countries where Muslims have committed
terrorism. Who knows? Either way, the message is “Muslims bad.” It even gave
Neocon bushwacker Frank Gaffney a serious man-crush on The
To be fair, other less “fringy” Neocons like Kristol have repudiated the
Muslim ban idea. But, as filmmaker Robbie Martin showed in his just-completed series on
the Neocons and their “very heavy agenda,” even the most intellectually renowned
among them has engaged in the dangerous stereotyping of all Muslims as
In fact, Martin featured a frightening clip of
two Kagans (Robert’s dad Donald and his brother Fred) making the case that the
US military should clean out the Occupied Territories in the aftermath of 9/11
because radical Muslims and “the Arabs” are all basically the same. Oh, by the
way, they only respect brute force. So why not take advantage of the “New Pearl
Harbor” and show them all who’s boss?
It’s kinda like the “dancing Muslims” Trump – and only Trump –
saw celebrating the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey. Even if he didn’t see them, or
just conflated them with anisolated incident in
East Jerusalem, what’s the difference? It’s all the same to him. Just like
aggrieved and aggressive Muslims were all the same to the Kagans on 9/11.
Doesn’t that make Trump’s persistent suspicion of Muslims a perfect match for
the Neoconservative wrecking crew?
And then there’s the Iran nuclear deal, which Trump has
relentlessly criticized as being so bad that it’s downright suspicious. He said he wants to “renegotiate” immediately after taking office. And he wrongly claims the
deal is a fast-track to a nuclear-armed Iran (an error that puts him squarely in
the Neocon camp). As a rule of thumb, he’s livid about all
things related to Iran. So, what’s the problem? Why can’t the Neocons wrap
their arms around Donald Trump?
In a word – it’s Russia.
It’s framed as a troublesome “bromance” between Vladimir Putin
and Trump. Critics don’t like Trump’s comfort with a “dictator” who, as Kagan’s wife Victoria Nulandrecently told the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, engages in “aggression.” She’s currently
the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. Shebasically managed the 2014 coup in
Ukraine. And she’s outraged by Russian aggression in Ukraine. But she’s
nonplussed by her husband’s role in
pushing for the most blatant and wanton act of aggression thus far this century
– the unwarranted destruction of Iraq.
Go figure.
On the other hand, Putin has the unmitigated gall to
move military forces aroundinside the
borders of his own country. He’s blamed for
hacking the Democratic Party – despite a lack of actual evidence and
the NSA’s own hacking hijinks. And he’s accused of “meddling” in U.S. elections – a pretty rich accusation given
America’s long history of surreptitious electioneering around
the world.
There is no doubt that
“Bad Vlad” likes Donald. And Donald likes Vlad. But
the real problem isn’t their bromance. This is about the Neoconservative desire
to make sure the United States is the lone guarantor of the geopolitical order.
This is about Pax Americana. This is about resurrecting the faded dream of a
new American century.
And what
stands in the way of the type of the Neocon dream of global “full-spectrum
dominance?” Russia’s nuclear arsenal.
Russia is the only nation with an arsenal big enough to
withstand the subtle nuclear blackmail of America’s trillion-dollar nuclear “upgrade.” That’s why Russia is concerned about
the missile defense systems arrayed
on their border. Those systems can knock down retaliatory strikes, thus making
a first strike with new nuclear cruise missiles at
least theoretically possible.
The United States is also using NATO expansion to increasingly encircle a
nation that once was America’s geopolitical equal. That’s why Trump’s criticism
of America’s outsized support for NATO must’ve been the tipping point from
disdain to panic among Neocon and Neoliberal interventionists
The oddity is that there does seem to be more than a passing
affinity between Trump and Putin. Trump’s statements on Ukraine would
be easily dismissed if his campaign manager Paul Manafort hadn’t worked as a political consultant to the pre-Nuland leadership of
Ukraine. And Trump’s statements on Crimea might be written off if he’d release
his taxes and end speculation of financial ties to Putin’s regime.
But the visceral reaction against his repeated calls for cooperation
– “By the way, wouldn’t it be great if we got along with Russia?” – exposes the extent to which the
entire foreign policy and political establishments are squarely on the same
page. They are angling for Cold War 2.0, and Trump is the only major figure
willing to challenge that orthodoxy.
Unlike Hillary Clinton, of course, which brings the whole thing
back to the miasma of confusion hanging over this strange election. Hillary is on the Neocon team –
if not in name, certainly in deed. She will “stand up” to Bad Vlad. She’s targeted by Russian hackers
because Putin prefers his “unwitting agent” Donald Trump. And Donald is,according to an emerging narrative, a latter-day Neville
Chamberlain just inviting the Ruskies to take over the Baltic States, Ukraine,
and God knows what else.
The greatest
irony of all is that Trump catapulted over the Neocons’ preferred presidential
options by slamming their pet project – the War on Iraq. Trump’s criticism of that
war and the chaos it unleashed resonated with the very voters the Neocons took
for granted as pliable, fear-responsive bumpkins. That left them out in the
cold just as they were angling to trump the disorderly, hard-to-prosecute mess
they call “The Global War on Terror.”
What they
really want, and have always wanted, is to revive the greatest war of all – the
Cold War. That’s the grand chessboard they yearn to play on once again. The War
on Terror was really just a stopgap, like methadone for imperialists. But now
they’ve scored because it looks like the supposed party of imperial
intransigence is, under the guidance of Hillary Clinton, poised to take the
reins from a Trump-addled GOP.
And if a recent article in Der
Spiegel is right,
Kagan’s wife Victoria has emerged as a candidate for the prized position of
secretary of state should Hillary win. If that comes to pass, the Neocons may
not have succeeded in their initial plan for a new American century, but they
will have hastily completed their last-minute project for a new Democratic
Party. And that means this election isn’t that Neo-confusing after all.
JP Sottile is a freelance journalist, radio co-host, documentary
filmmaker, and former broadcast news producer. Follow @newsvandal. Visit his website. This
is reprinted from AntiMedia with the author’s permission.
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