'resetting' US-Russia relations face insurmountable challenges?
By Gao Fei
and Yu You Published: Jan 28
US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their
first conversation Tuesday in a phone call that underscored troubled relations.
Media reports noted that the readouts from the two capitals emphasized
different elements, while the two sides expressed a desire to do no harm but
also no urgency to repair existing damage in bilateral ties.
There will be many obstacles in the process of any
future reset between the US and Russia.
First of all, both countries have fundamentally
different views about the international order. The US seeks to maintain its
global hegemony, and Russia is an advocate of multipolarity. As the two
powerful military powers in the world, each perceives its own security dilemma,
which makes it difficult for both sides not to view each other as threats.
Under such circumstances, it will be difficult to
ease tensions between the two countries. The game between the two in the sphere
of strategic security will not stop, nor will their overall competitive posture
diminish. This can be seen in matters ranging from the Syrian crisis to the
Iranian nuclear issue.
Second, Russia has been considered a major threat
by the US. US diplomatic elites have treated Russia as the world's most
threatening country to US national interests from the Cold War era to the
Regarding geopolitics and ideology, from
Washington's perspective, Russia is a geopolitical opponent that seeks to
undermine the international status of the US, as well as its democratic beliefs
and liberal values. Since 2016, US Democrats have criticized Russia for
meddling in the US elections, and the "Russiagate" investigation was
led by the Democratic Party. Thus, the new Democratic administration is not
expected to suddenly improve relations with Russia.
Third, the improvement of US-Russia relations has
been hampered by the European factor. For historical reasons, some Eastern
European countries hold strong anti-Russia attitudes. The US has also often
used Russia to sow dissension between the "new" and "old" Europe
to maintain its influence in the continent.
In the past four years, the Trump administration
has supported Brexit, imposed heavier tariffs, and pressured US allies to spend
more on defense. These measures have seriously weakened relations between Europe
and the US.
With Biden in office, the US will focus on
repairing relations with its European allies. Using the "Russia
threat" as a strategy can bridge the differences between the US and
Europe, but it will also pose obstacles to the improvement of US-Russia
Over the last two decades, US-Russia relations
have gone through ups and downs, and they have been "reset" several
times. The Trump administration had tried to encourage the improvement of the
bilateral relations. However, the reality is that bilateral relations did not
get better, but both countries engaged in more intense competition in the
spheres of military, diplomacy, and security. US-Russia relations are difficult
to reset mainly because of the inherent structural contradictions that cannot
be reconciled in the short term.
Moreover, when dealing with foreign affairs, the
US has always adhered to the Cold War mentality and the principle of a zero-sum
game. It has followed the rule of confrontation and checks and balances only, making
it more difficult to improve its relations with other countries.
Today, the systematic foundations for maintaining
international security and stability between the US and Russia are in a
precarious situation. The ABM Treaty and the INF Treaty, two of the three major
arms control treaties signed by the two countries to maintain the stability of
the international arms control and disarmament systems, have already expired;
the two countries have "agreed in principle" to extend the START
nuclear treaty by five years following the phone call between Biden and Putin.
Following the US withdrawal from the Open Skies
Treaty in November 2020, Russia said in mid-January that it will also withdraw
from this treaty. The vicious competition between Washington and Moscow is
seriously affecting global strategic stability.
The stability of US-Russia relations has great
significance for world peace and development. Only by upholding the principle
of mutual respect and win-win cooperation can countries achieve peaceful
coexistence with others.
Gao Fei is vice president and a professor of China
Foreign Affairs University. Yu You is a scholar at the Renmin University of China.
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