The Endless War to Preserve American Primacy
Unable to achieve victory abroad, the
United States has been battered by an accumulation of crises at home. The two
are related.
Published on
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
For nearly two decades now, the United States has been waging a war to
preserve American primacy. That’s not the official name, of course, but that
describes the war’s actual if unacknowledged, purpose. Much depends on how the
incoming Biden administration appraises the war's prospects. The fate of his
presidency may well turn on Biden’s willingness to expedite the war’s long
overdue termination.
During the heady days following the collapse of communism, American
political elites had delighted in preening about the singular status of the
United States as the sole superpower and indispensable nation. That the United
States was history’s locomotive, with the rest of humankind dutifully trailing
behind in the caboose, was taken as given. During the 1990s, the way ahead
appeared clear.
When the terrorist attacks of 9/11 blew a hole in claims of American
primacy, President George W. Bush immediately opted for war as the means to
revive them. Pursued ever since in various venues and employing varied
approaches, the subsequent military effort has met with little success.
As early as 2009, when President Barack Obama inherited the war to
preserve American primacy, it had become apparent that the United States lacked
the wherewithal to fulfill Bush’s ambitious Freedom Agenda, which he
described as “the spread of freedom as the great alternative to the terrorists’
ideology of hatred.” But calling off the war and thereby abandoning the conceit
of America as sole superpower required more political courage than Obama was
able to muster. So the war dragged on.
In 2016, denouncing the entire effort as misguided helped Donald Trump
win the presidency. Yet far from terminating the war once in office, Trump
merely rendered it inexplicable. Trump had promised to put “America First.” Instead,
his erratic behavior gave the world “America the Capricious.” All but
rudderless, the war proceeded of its own accord.
Just weeks from now,
President-elect Joe Biden will become the fourth engineer to put his hand on
the throttle with expectations of getting history back on track. From the day
he takes office, Biden will confront a host of pressing challenges. Let me suggest
that ending the war to preserve American primacy should figure as a priority.
to its essentials, the choice at hand is stark: Either restore some overarching
sense of purpose to continuing US military efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and
other active theaters of war throughout the Middle East and Africa; or admit
failure and bring the troops home.
To put it another way: Either persuade Americans that the war to
preserve American primacy is enhancing the nation’s standing on the global
stage and should continue; or cut our losses and concede that the United States
is no longer the engine of history.
Initial signs suggest that
Biden will finesse the issue. While promising to “end the forever wars, which
have cost the United States untold blood and treasure,” he will instead
redefine the mission. Relying on airstrikes, special operations troops, and
American advisers working with local forces, he will continue the fight against
Al Qaeda and ISIS, with strategy thereby taking a back seat to political
In effect, Biden will probably pursue a policy of evasion, unwilling to
reckon with what two decades’ worth of military failures, frustrations, and
apparent successes that turn out to be illusory actually signify. Yet while
evasion may delay, it cannot avert such a reckoning. In the end, the truth will
out. The only question is how much more Americans will be obliged to pay.
The truth is that far from shoring up American primacy, the war to
preserve American primacy has accelerated American decline. Unable to achieve
victory abroad, despite the prodigious expenditure of resources, the United
States have been battered by an accumulation of crises at home. The two are
As the war has dragged on, preexisting divisions within American society
have deepened. Endemic racism, economic inequality, political dysfunction, the
alienation that has emerged as a signature of late modernity: None of these
qualify as recent phenomena. Yet as long as fantasies of the United States
serving as history’s designated agent persist, so too do illusions that the
muscular assertion of American global leadership will ultimately put things rights.
There is today no chance that the
war to preserve American primacy will achieve any of the myriad objectives
offered up since 2001 to justify its perpetuation. Acknowledging that fact is a
prerequisite to repairing all that is broken in our country. The sooner the
work of repair begins the better.
When it
comes to initiating wars, post-Cold War American leaders have displayed
remarkable audacity, throwing prudence out the window. When it comes to ending
wars, however, caution kicks in. Ending them “responsibly” becomes a rationale
for inaction.
Yet ours
is a moment that calls for audacity in terminating wars that are both needless
and futile, and for boldness in repairing the damage that the United States has
endured in recent years. Whether Joe Biden possesses the requisite audacity and
boldness to chart a new course remains to be seen.
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