Why the scenario of Russia invading the Baltics is unlikely
12, 2016 Sumantra Maitra
A recent RAND Corporation war gaming report presented an interesting scenario. The report, titled “Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Front” by RAND analysts David A. Shlapak and Michael Johnson, attempts to find answers primarily to two important questions: What would be the consequences if Russia seeks to reclaim the Baltic countries and territories? And how might that be avoided in light of NATO deterrence?
A recent RAND Corporation war gaming report presented an interesting scenario. The report, titled “Reinforcing Deterrence on NATO’s Eastern Front” by RAND analysts David A. Shlapak and Michael Johnson, attempts to find answers primarily to two important questions: What would be the consequences if Russia seeks to reclaim the Baltic countries and territories? And how might that be avoided in light of NATO deterrence?
The situation highlighted in the report is the following: The Russian
invasion of Georgia, annexation of
Crimea and subsequent interference in Ukraine challenged two decades of peace and
a relatively stable global order in Europe. While there have been questions
regarding Russian capabilities vis-à-vis intentions, it is an acknowledged fact
that Russia is still capable of militarily dominating its near abroad.
The report therefore claims that, given the worst-case situation of
Russia trying to invade the Baltics, it would be impossible for NATO’s current
force projections to stop a Russian advance. Russia could reach Riga, Tallinn,
and Vilnius within three to five days. While underscoring that Russia’s army is
a shadow of its Soviet self, the report concludes they appear to be adequate to
penetrate and overwhelm Baltic defenses.
The report differentiates the force structures of NATO and Russia. While
NATO forces have 12 maneuverable battalions, they are mostly light tactical, as
compared to Russian battalions, which are mostly motorized and mechanized. Even
Russian airborne battalions contain self-sustaining light armor, unlike their
NATO counterparts.
Without the benefit of countering with an equally capable force,
therefore, NATO would have to rely solely on offensive airpower. This would
take a heavy toll on Russian forces, but eventually they would be stretched too
thin to simultaneously counter advancing Russian armor, respond to Russian air
support, and suppress Russian anti-air components.
The report concludes by saying that the resulting action of NATO would
be to escalate and therefore risk Russian counter-escalation, which might give
the Baltic states an option of seeing their capital cities essentially
destroyed in drawn-out, open-ended urban combat, as in Grozny.
The second option is a Cold War type of threat of massive retaliation
with nuclear weapons, which would bring Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) into
The third option is accepting the new fait accompli, and prepare for a
new Cold War, while accepting that the Baltics are part of Russia, like Crimea
post-annexation. The paper suggests as a matter of policy that if seven
divisions of NATO troops are placed in the Baltics, then that might prove
sufficient deterrence to stop Russia from any misadventure.
The paper is a fine academic exercise, and provides the linear narrative
of military policy between NATO and Russia, although serious questions are being raised: How
accurate is it militarily and methodologically? Might it just be a complete
waste of army funds? But it’s not necessary to go into a lengthy methodological
debate; rather, it’s more important to focus on the policy implications of the
In this instance, however, the report also suffers from a notable
disadvantage: it’s deeply flawed. While accepting the premise that, in a worst-case
scenario Russia would occupy and annex the Baltics, the paper never attempts to
answer some important policy questions: Why would Russia do that, and to what
purpose would that benefit Russia and at what cost would Russia inflict this
unaffordable permanent damage on itself?
Where’s the
evidence of Russian irrational aggression?
First of all, there is no evidence of the inclination of Russia
attempting to annex or invade the Baltics. Several commentators have pointed out how rational Russia’s strategy is. In fact, Russia didn’t try that with Georgia in 2008, when it was
actually much easier for Russia to have annexed a massive chunk of a defeated
small post-Soviet country. Russia did annex Crimea as a matter of fact,
however, showed no inclination to repeat that performance in Eastern Ukraine.
Instead, the Russian modus operandi strongly suggests that Russia was perfectly happy to keep
the fuel of conflict simmering rather than occupy and annex, not unlike any other great power anywhere
else, when their interests matter or align. Russia also reportedly discarded the
Novorossiya project for Eastern Ukraine.
Any great power has the singular intention that is based on its
interests and survival in an anarchic system, and will take great pains to
safeguard what they perceive rightly or wrongly as their own interests. Russia
here is no exception. The Russian military and political establishment has
shown no inclination of acting irrationally. On the contrary, one might argue, in
every Russian foreign policy “aggression,” for lack of better word, there is a
common thematic pattern of extreme calculation.
One might argue whether, in the long run, all these “aggressions” will
be beneficial or costly to Russia, as has already been argued before, but that’s a
question for another discussion. Suffice it to say that one can safely argue
that Russian actions have been in line of an interest-based realist grand
strategy. It is hard to imagine Russia would risk destruction or total war with
NATO, which would ultimately also result in not just Russian annihilation, but
essentially would unleash an unspeakable global catastrophe. While it looks
plausible on military tabletop simulations, it is an unlikely option for policy
makers of any country including Russia and the U.S.
Which brings us to the second point: the point of deterrence, mentioned
in the paper. The paper makes the same common assumption that deterrence means
going toe-to-toe, matching number to number. However, deterrence works even
with one single American soldier placed in the line of Russian fire. Any death
of NATO troops under direct Russian attack would be considered an act of war,
and would be met with direct retaliation, no matter how long it takes. One
doesn’t need to put seven divisions in East Europe to bolster deterrence. Given
the recent innovations in hybrid warfare, old school number-matching deterrence
wouldn’t be useful anyway.
Thirdly, the report misses another key point, again a point of policy.
No matter how much one tries, it would be hard for policy makers and politicians to sell war with Russia to the people of
the UK or U.S. if there is a Russian hybrid war or even military aggression in
the Baltics. To some extent, NATO itself is responsible for that. Realists like Stephen Waltand John Mearsheimer have consistently blamed
NATO expansion in East Europe to be a direct cause affecting the Russian
“security dilemma,” thereby affecting Russian asymmetric aggression.
Even when one might argue that
there is no direct correlation between the two, and that Russia and U.S.
cooperation still occurred on a number of issues when their interests aligned,
one can still agree that the NATO expansion in East Europe is a hard sell to
average Germans or Belgians, for example, who don’t find it in their interest
to be confrontational with Russia, to come to the defense of countries and
cultures of a faraway land.
Is escalation and
expansion the only way?
A realist would therefore discard this report, and prescribe a radically
different approach based on interest. A more traditional offshore balancing role for America would
have prescribed a radically different policy for Europe with regards to Russia.
It wouldn’t have allowed NATO to have expanded eastwards in the first place.
Secondly, provided that’s already a fact of the ground now, a realist
policy would suggest a break up of NATO in three different blocs, under
different command structures. One could imagine for example, the Eastern bloc
of countries more fearful of Russia, including Poland, the Baltic nations and
Ukraine, forming their own military bloc and joint command structure under a
U.S. umbrella and offshore support, would spend more money on their defenses,
bring out conscription if needed and invest on more asymmetric means like
intelligence gathering and cyber capabilities and defensive weapons systems,
rather than wait for a gigantic obsolete NATO behemoth with a Cold War
bureaucracy and containment mindset.
Unfortunately, reports like this RAND one attempt to provide the same
failed solutions, and perpetuate the same cycle of toe-to-toe expansion,
escalation and confrontation with Russia which brought NATO-Russia relations to
this stage. While the RAND report is a great military simulation exercise, it’s
best not to take its policy suggestions too seriously.
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