
Volcán Popocatépetl

jueves, 29 de febrero de 2024


Long before 9/11, Zionist groups like the Anti-Defamation League lobbied for counterterror legislation that singled out Palestinians, a new report reveals.

Alice Speri

February 21 2024


LAST OCTOBER, as protests against Israel’s war on Gaza swept U.S. campuses, two prominent pro-Israel groups wrote to nearly 200 university and college administrators urging them to investigate their students for possibly violating federal law by promoting pro-Hamas, anti-Israel messaging.

The Anti-Defamation League, or ADL, and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law suggested that members of Students for Justice in Palestine, the largest Palestine solidarity campus organization in the country, may have been violating a law that prohibits people from providing “material support” — a broad category that includes money as well as services or other assistance — to U.S.-designated terror groups. “We certainly cannot sit idly by as a student organization provides vocal and potentially material support to Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization,” the ADL and the Brandeis Center wrote.

There is no evidence SJP has ever provided material support to Hamas, and the letter prompted widespread condemnation. The American Civil Liberties Union called on leaders in higher education to “reject baseless calls to investigate or punish student groups for exercising their free speech rights.”

The federal material support law has been the most frequently cited law in prosecutions throughout the U.S-led war on terror. And its invocation by the ADL was a full-circle moment for the group, which helped pass it three decades ago largely to undermine support for Palestinians in the United States. Long before 9/11, U.S. terror laws were shaped by a distinctly anti-Palestinian agenda and often promoted by pro-Israel organizations, a new report published on Wednesday reveals.

“In the history of U.S. terrorism law, Palestine is the elephant in the room,” said Darryl Li, an anthropologist and legal scholar at the University of Chicago and author of the report.

The legal analysis, co-published by the Center for Constitutional Rights and Palestine Legal, a group that fights the legal harassment of pro-Palestine activists, draws on five decades of legislative history to trace how moments of upheaval in Israel and Palestine were exploited by Israel advocates in the U.S. to expand counterterrorism legislation and enshrine antidemocratic principles in a range of domestic laws.

“Many foundational antiterrorism laws arose during or were adapted to pivotal moments in the Palestinian liberation struggle, often pushed by Israel-aligned groups to reflexively cast the veil of ‘terrorism’ almost uniquely on Palestinians,” the report notes. “The same Zionist organizations that pushed for expanded antiterrorism laws — most notably the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — now brazenly tar all advocacy of Palestinian liberation as support for terrorism.”

Todd Gutnick, a spokesperson for the ADL, disputed the characterization as “false and a complete distortion of our position.” In an email to The Intercept, he wrote that the group’s advocacy of antiterrorism legislation was aimed at different organizations it was monitoring at the time, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, and Hamas. “This advocacy did not extend to the Palestinian movement or its supporters broadly — unless those supporters were providing material support to a terrorist organization in violation of federal law,” Gutnick added.

He also dismissed criticism of the ADL and Brandeis Center’s letter to campus leaders. “We fully recognize and support students’ First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, even odious speech, and have made that clear,” he wrote. “But at a time when some SJP leaders were echoing the position of Hamas so closely and with such intensity, and in a manner that was tinged with threats of violence, we strongly believe that an investigation is warranted.”

Emma Saltzberg, the U.S. strategic campaigns director for Diaspora Alliance, an organization that fights “antisemitism and its instrumentalization,” told The Intercept that the ADL’s call for terrorism investigations is contrary to its stated mission as a civil rights group.

“It’s an active attempt to deny Palestinian students and students who are in solidarity with them — many of whom are Jewish — their civil rights to free expression and free speech,” Saltzberg said, “and to smear legitimate political activism as outside the bounds of acceptable discourse and to attach real material penalties to that.”

She added that the effort, while focused on advocacy for Palestinians, could have far-reaching implications. “Advocating this kind of investigation, criminalization against activists for Palestinian rights, is laying the groundwork for future repressive state activity,” Saltzberg said. “And that is something that should scare people.”

An Anti-Palestinian History

U.S. counterterrorism legislation and policies since 9/11 have predominantly targeted Muslims abroad and at home, but earlier efforts to codify terrorism in U.S. law specifically singled out Palestinians, according to the new report.

The earliest reference to “terrorism” in federal legislation dates back to the 1969 Foreign Assistance Act and involves the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, which is once again under attack amid Israel’s current war on Gaza. Congress stipulated at the time that no UNRWA funding should go to “any refugee who is receiving military training as a member of the so-called Palestine Liberation Army … or who has engaged in any act of terrorism,” the report notes. The main sponsor of the provision, late New York Rep. Leonard Farbstein, singled out U.N.-run refugee camps, claiming — not unlike some legislators today — that “these camps are being used for training purposes and the young children for whom the schools are being built and who are being fed and clothed are being trained as terrorists in these refugee camps.”

While the bill offered no definition of terrorism, the reference “set down a decades-long pattern that legally inscribed the Palestinian — and especially the refugee — as the default terrorist,” the report notes.

Throughout the 1970s, Congress passed a series of laws aimed at restricting assistance to states that were hosting or otherwise supporting members of the Palestinian resistance movement. Zionist groups advocated for those laws, according to the report, and pushed for creating a mechanism to trigger such sanctions. In 1979, those efforts culminated in legislation that endowed the secretary of state with the authority to designate foreign countries as “state sponsors of acts of international terrorism.” Since then, the U.S. has repeatedly applied the label to countries in the Middle East and North Africa, excluding them from aid and trade and isolating them from the broader international community.

In 1987, weeks after the outbreak of the largely nonviolent First Intifada, Congress for the first and only time designated a nonstate group, the Palestine Liberation Organization, a “terrorist organization.” The move was part of an effort to oust the PLO from the U.S., including from the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where it had a mission as a nonstate “observer.” While the ouster endeavor failed, the congressional legislation also created the State Department’s “foreign terrorist organization” list, requiring the executive branch to make annual designations of terror groups. Within a year, the State Department added dozens of groups, many pro-Palestinian ones, to the list, which has since ballooned to include a wide range of primarily Muslim groups.


In the following years, U.S. lawmakers inscribed “terrorism” provisions in immigration and civil law, primarily in an effort to target members of the Palestinian resistance movement. In 1990, Congress amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to list “terrorism” as a basis for deportation and the denial of entry into the United States. The legislation once again singled out the PLO, noting that any “officer, official, representative, or spokesman” for the group would be considered to be engaging in terrorist activity.

Two years later, Congress passed the Antiterrorism Act, incentivizing U.S. citizens to file civil suits over acts of international terrorism abroad. The law came on the heels of the 1985 killing by members of the Palestine Liberation Front of Leon Klinghoffer, a U.S. citizen who had been onboard the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise ship. A small conservative think tank drafted the bill, and several Zionist groups, including the ADL, advocated for it. The Klinghoffer family twice testified in favor of the bill on the behalf of the ADL, according to the new report. In the first decade after the law was passed in 1992, some 63 percent of the lawsuits citing it were related to Palestine, with the vast majority brought by dual Israeli American citizens in the aftermath of the Second Intifada, the report notes.

Material Support

The ban on material support to foreign terrorist organizations alone accounted for more than half of federal terrorism prosecutions brought in the aftermath of 9/11, according to an Intercept analysis.

Federal courts have interpreted the material support statute broadly, chilling efforts to provide humanitarian aid in areas, like Gaza, where groups that the U.S. government deems to be terrorist entities operate. But while the legislation exclusively applies to support for foreign groups, it originated domestically, in the aftermath of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by the white supremacists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

The bombing — the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil at that time — prompted calls for sweeping counterterrorism legislation that would give the government ample powers to target domestic and foreign actors. And it was shaped heavily by the ADL.

The Clinton administration supported a version of the legislation that included several elements from the ADL’s “counterterrorism agenda,” including bans on entry and fundraising for “members and supporters” of terrorist groups, the report notes. Members of the ADL testified in Congress in favor of the legislation, and when Republicans concerned about government overreach struck many of the terrorism provisions in the draft legislation, the ADL condemned legislators for “gutting” it. As Democrats and Republicans disagreed over expanded federal law enforcement authorities, the ADL led a campaign by a dozen pro-Israel groups to fuel fears that Hamas would fundraise in the U.S. and convince legislators to reintroduce the terrorism provisions aimed at foreign groups. In the end, the Oklahoma City bombing led to no legislative action against domestic extremism, but it set the legal foundations upon which U.S. prosecutors have targeted hundreds of people since 9/11.

“Responding to a deadly mass-casualty attack perpetrated by two white men with radically scaled up repression of Black, Brown, and Muslim communities is an all-too-American response,” said Li.

Understanding that history, he added, is essential to keeping the current war in Gaza from engendering even more draconian legislation. Already, in the aftermath of the Hamas attacks, the Biden administration has stepped up surveillance of Palestine supporters, while state governments have cited their own terrorism statutes in crackdowns against critics of Israel’s war. At the federal level, legislators have floated extreme proposals like expelling Palestinians from the U.S. and setting up a committee to investigate antisemitism.

“Since October 7, members of Congress have been trying to out-grandstand each other by proposing racist anti-Palestinian bills,” said Li. “While we must push back against the most outrageous initiatives, the proposals that seem innocuous may end up doing the most harm.”

¡México sube al primer lugar en crimen organizado! Revelan la lista de los países más peligrosos

Publicado: 27/02/2024



Una organización civil hizo un estudio sobre los países con más índices relacionados con el crimen organizado, donde México terminó ubicado en el primer lugar.

¡México ya es líder a nivel mundial! Sin embargo, lamentablemente encabeza el listado con los mayores índices de crimen organizado, donde reúne las “mejores calificaciones” al acumular la mayor cantidad de puntos en distintos rubros relacionados con este tipo de delincuencia estructurada.

Esta conclusión surge a raíz de un estudio realizado por una organización civil independiente, quienes publicaron el “Índice Mundial de Crimen Organizado” correspondiente al 2023, donde México alcanzó el primer lugar y ya puede ser nombrado el país con mayor cantidad de delitos relacionados con este rubro.

Quienes se encargaron de difundir esta noticia fue Informal Economy, quienes a través de sus redes sociales compartieron la lista, donde se ve cómo México está a la cabeza, por encima de países como Myanmar, Irán, Nigeria y Colombia, naciones que acompañan a la República Mexicana en la cima de esta deshonrosa lista.

¿Cuáles son los países con más crimen organizado?

De acuerdo con Índice Mundial del Crimen Organizado, entre los primeros 10 países del listado, tres son de América Latina: México, Colombia y BrasilEcuador y Paraguay siguen en el listado hasta los lugares 14 y 15, respectivamente.

1.   México

2.   Myanmar

3.   Irán

4.   Nigeria

5.   Colombia

6.   Emiratos Árabes Unidos

7.   Afganistán

8.   Brasil

9.   Kenia

10.               Sudáfrica

11.               Rusia

12.               Tailandia

13.               Turquía

14.               Ecuador

15.               Paraguay

Este estudio fue realizado por la Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, una organización independiente de la sociedad civil, con sede en Ginebra, Suiza. En este diagnóstico fueron considerados los siguientes puntos para evaluar el nivel del crimen organizado:

Mercados criminales

Trata de personas

Tráfico de personas


Cobros ilegales por protección

Tráfico de armas

Comercio de productos falsificados

Comercio ilícito de bienes de consumo sujetos a impuestos especiales

Delitos contra flora y fauna

Delitos Cibernéticos

Delitos financieros

Tráfico de drogas

¿Qué es el Índice Global de Delincuencia Organizada?

De acuerdo con la organización civil que busca combatir la delincuencia organizada, este índice es una herramienta multidimensional que evalúa el nivel de criminalidad y resiliencia al crimen organizado en 193 países a lo largo de tres pilares clave: mercados criminales, actores criminales y resiliencia.

El objetivo, según establece en el sitio web, es proporcionar información basada en métricas que permita a los formuladores de políticas y a los organismos continentales y regionales priorizar sus intervenciones.

miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024



Las élites política, económica y militar de la “anglósfera” (Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Canadá, Australia y Nueva Zelanda), Israel y sus vasallos de Europa, Asia-Pacífico y América Latina han tomado la decisión de que el reto a su hegemonía que desde hace 20 años les han planteado las dirigencias políticas de China y Rusia, ya no puede arreglarse mediante amenazas o sanciones económicas, sino mediante la guerra.

En Washington los neoconservadores que manejan la política militar, exterior y económica del país, se encuentran en una encrucijada estratégica, ya que después de haber logrado mediante continuas provocaciones que Rusia[1] iniciara una guerra contra Ucrania, para así poder aislarla internacionalmente; desgastarla económica y militarmente; y, finalmente desestabilizarla políticamente, con objeto de lograr una nueva partición (como la que se hizo de la antigua URSS en 1991), para dejar 4 o 5 países vasallos de Occidente enfrentados entre sí, a los que se pueda dominar y explotar sin dificultad; ahora tiene detenido su plan debido a las disputas internas dentro de la política estadounidense, que han evitado la aprobación de la ayuda militar a Ucrania por 61 mil millones de dólares, lo cual está dando una ventaja a las tropas rusas que han podido detener la contraofensiva ucraniana y con ello comenzar a recuperar poblaciones que habían perdido en los últimos meses.

Para Washington y sus aliados y vasallos, el plan era armar continuamente a Ucrania, apoyarla logística y económicamente con objeto de desgastar a Rusia y eventualmente lograr que se retirara de la mayoría de los territorios de Nova Rossiya que ha conquistado desde 2014; y posteriormente con el inicio de la “Operación Militar Especial” en 2022.

Pero para ello se requería un financiamiento masivo y continuo, con objeto de seguir alimentando a las maquinarias bélicas de Occidente (con todo y el gran negocio que esto ha significado para las empresas armamentistas), para que de esa forma el ejército ucraniano pudiera mermar las capacidades del ejército ruso. Al tiempo que Occidente y sus vasallos le cerraban los mercados financieros y de mercancías y servicios a Rusia, para asfixiarla económicamente.

Los estrategas de Washington pensaron que Rusia no soportaría tal presión y cedería a las demandas de Occidente: Retiro total de los territorios ucranianos, incluida la península de Crimea; pago de reparaciones a Ucrania; entrada de Ucrania a la OTAN y a la Unión Europea sin reparos por parte de Moscú; instalación de bases militares en todos los países de la OTAN fronterizos con Rusia, sin oposición de Moscú; y cambio de régimen en Rusia, para tratar con una dirigencia política vasalla a Occidente.

Pero Putin y la dirigencia política y militar rusa, han logrado sostener a la economía rusa a pesar del bloqueo y las sanciones aplicadas en su contra[2]; han mantenido la ocupación de los territorios ucranianos, que tienen mayoría de población ruso parlante; y Rusia no ha quedado completamente aislada en el plano internacional, gracias a su pertenencia al grupo de los BRICS; al apoyo de China y a la negativa de muchos países del Sur Global a seguir las directivas y exigencias de Occidente.

Ante ello, las élites occidentales comienzan a ver que las poblaciones de muchos de sus países no están ya tan dispuestas a seguir financiando una guerra que parece no tener fin, cuando en dichos países se acumulan las demandas de mejores servicios, empleo, vivienda, etc.

Asimismo, los países del Sur Global no están dispuestos a entrar en una confrontación mundial (otra vez) sólo porque así conviene a Washington y a las capitales europeas; prefieren además que existan equilibrios entre las grandes potencias, que eviten que una de ellas o un pequeño grupo, defina los destinos del mundo, por lo que tampoco están apoyando al cien por ciento las medidas anti rusas y anti chinas de Occidente.

De ahí que, para las élites occidentales su grandioso plan para aplastar a Rusia, y una vez logrado esto, ir sobre China, comienza a encontrar sus límites; por lo que la desesperación los está llevando a iniciar medidas que muy pronto pueden llevar a una guerra directa entre Occidente y las potencias que consideran que retan su hegemonía.

Por ejemplo, en la reciente reunión de los líderes de la OTAN[3], Francia señaló la posibilidad de que tropas de la OTAN ya participen abierta y directamente en favor de Ucrania, lo que evidentemente implicaría una guerra entre la alianza atlántica y Rusia[4].

Si esto llegara a suceder, la dirigencia política rusa ya ha dicho que si sus fuerzas convencionales son derrotadas y la integridad territorial rusa se encuentra en peligro, no tendrán ningún reparo en utilizar su arsenal nuclear, el mayor del mundo (además ahora con misiles hipersónicos de última generación) contra sus enemigos.

No parece importarle a Occidente, pues Reino Unido, Polonia y otros países de la alianza atlántica están a favor de que Ucrania cuente con armas (drones, aviones, misiles, etc.) que puedan usarse contra Rusia dentro de su propio territorio (lo que por lo demás ya han estado haciendo los ucranianos), lo que evidentemente obligará a Rusia a extender sus ataques a todo el territorio ucraniano y no sólo a la zona Este como lo ha hecho de manera primordial.

Las expresiones del presidente de Estados Unidos, llamando “hijo de perra” a Putin, además de demostrar sus problemas de disminución en su capacidad mental, también expresan la frustración dentro de Washington al no haber podido lograr sus objetivos de sumisión de Rusia, lo que implica que están cada vez más convencidos de intervenir directamente en la confrontación, lo que provocaría una guerra nuclear con Rusia.

En el frente asiático las cosas no van mejor, pues Washington sigue buscando armar todavía más a Taiwán (se ha detenido este apoyo en vista de las disputas en el Congreso de Estados Unidos); así como apoyar a Filipinas, Vietnam, etc. en sus disputas marítimas con Pekín, lo que cada vez acerca más la posibilidad de una confrontación entre ambas superpotencias, debido a un mal cálculo o decisiones incompetentes de los comandantes en los buques de guerra.

El genocidio israelí a los palestinos en Gaza, sumado a su nada secreto plan de limpieza étnica en Cisjordania y la propia Franja de Gaza; más el intento de la ultraderechista dirigencia política israelí, para comprometer a Washington y Occidente en una guerra regional que implique la destrucción de Irán, Siria, Hezbollah, la Autoridad Palestina, lo que quede de Hamas, la Jihad Islámica y los Houthis en Yemen, están generando una presión enorme en Estados Unidos y Europa, pues adicional a su lucha estratégica contra Rusia y China, se ven  obligados a cumplir en la medida de sus posibilidades, con las exigencias israelíes, dado el vasallaje de las clases políticas occidentales ante los lobbies pro Israel que tienen una influencia decisiva en las políticas económica, exterior y militar de dichos países.

Por más que Washington y los europeos tratan de hacer comprender a los gobernantes israelíes que una guerra como la que ellos quieren solo jugaría en favor de los intereses de Moscú y Pekín, y lo único que lograrían es que el “eje de la resistencia” chií fuera visto con mayor simpatía entre la mayoría de las poblaciones de los países de Medio Oriente, Norte de Africa, e incluso en el Sur Global; los sionistas tanto de Tel Aviv y Jerusalén, como los más radicales de Washington y Nueva York (nucleados sobre todo en AIPAC, ADL y el Congreso Judío Mundial) consideran que esta oportunidad para lograr la “solución final” del “problema palestino” no se les presentará en mucho tiempo, por lo que siguen presionando a Washington y a los europeos para que se logre la expulsión de los palestinos de Gaza y Cisjordania, hacia Egipto y Jordania, para lo cual se están ejerciendo enormes presiones políticas y económicas sobre las dirigencias egipcia y jordana (al parecer Egipto comienza a ceder)[5].

De lograrse los planes de los neoconservadores en Washington, es decir una guerra abierta entre la OTAN y Rusia; y de los sionistas de Israel, es decir una guerra regional entre Occidente y el “eje de la resistencia” chií, el mundo entrara a la Tercera Guerra Mundial, que bien puede terminar con la vida en el planeta.

martes, 27 de febrero de 2024

Egypt Sells Out Palestinians for $10 Billion Loan Package



Despite public protestations, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is helping Israel transfer 1.4 million Palestinians from Rafah to tent cities in the Sinia Desert

On Saturday, western news agencies reported that closed-door negotiations took place in Paris that were aimed at reaching an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza. According to Reuters the talks represented “the most serious push for weeks to halt the fighting in the battered Palestinian enclave and see Israeli and foreign hostages released.” Regrettably, the reports from Paris were largely a media-engineered deception intended to divert attention from the real purpose of the confab. Keep in mind, the primary attendees of the gathering were not senior-level diplomats or trained negotiators, but the directors of the Intelligence services including the head of Israel’s Mossad, David Barnea, Egyptian spy-chief Abbas Kamel, and CIA Director William Burns. These are not the men one would choose to hammer-out a hostage exchange or a ceasefire deal, but to implement electronic surveillance, espionage or black ops. Thus, it is extremely unlikely that they met in Paris to settle on a plan for the cessation of hostilities. The more probable explanation is that the respective spy-chiefs are putting the finishing touches on a collaborative plan to breach the Egyptian border wall so that one and a half million severely-traumatized Palestinians can flee into Egypt without any serious opposition from the Egyptian army.

Such an operation would require considerable coordination in order to minimize the casualties while, at the same time, achieving its overall objective. Naturally, any breach would have to be blamed on Hamas who will undoubtedly be the convenient scapegoat for blowing up a section of the wall creating an opening for thousands of stampeding Palestinians. In this way, Israel could characterize the mass expulsion as a “voluntary migration” which is the cheery-sounding Zionist sobriquet for ethnic cleansing. In any event, the bulk of Gaza’s Moslem population will have been evicted from their historic homeland and forced into refugee camps scattered across the Sinai Desert. This is Netanyahu’s endgame which could take place at any time.

There is some doubt as to whether Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi will cooperate with Israel and allow the Palestinians to enter Egypt en masse, but those doubts are based on speculation not fact. For those who care to dig a bit deeper, there’s a clear money-trail connecting the dodgy Egyptian president to a policy-change that will more than accommodate Netanyahu’s ambitious ethnic cleansing plan. In other words, the fix is already in. This is from Reuters:

Talks with Egypt to boost its International Monetary Fund loan program are making excellent progress, the IMF said on Thursday, saying that Egypt needs a “very comprehensive support package” to deal with economic challenges, including pressures from the war in Gaza….

Asked about the impact on the talks from challenges posed by the expected entry of Gaza refugees into Egypt, Kozack said: “There is a need to have a very comprehensive support package for Egypt, and we’re working very closely with both the Egyptian authorities and their partners to ensure that Egypt does not have any residual financing needs and also to ensure that the program is able to ensure macroeconomic and financial stability in Egypt.” IMF sees progress on Egypt loan program amid Gaza pressures, Reuters

Repeat: “to ensure that Egypt does not have any residual financing needs”??

WTF? So the IMF now provides financial support for ethnic cleansing?

It certainly looks that way. The IMF wants to make sure that el-Sisi has sufficient money to cover the costs of feeding and housing one and a half million refugees. But is that where those billions of dollars will actually go; to the starving Palestinians who have lost their homes and all their material possessions, or will it vanish into the offshore accounts of corrupt Egyptian politicians just as it has in Ukraine. We’ve all seen this movie many times before and it doesn’t end well. Here’s more from the Financial Times:

Georgieva made clear that the war in Gaza was the main reason why the IMF was pushing ahead with an expanded loan deal despite having stopped disbursements on an earlier $3bn loan…..

Analysts say the Egypt-IMF discussions have focused on a package of at least $10bn, some of which would come from the lender and the rest from other donors likely to include the World Bank. IMF ‘very close’ to fresh Egypt loan deal, Kristalina Georgieva saysFinancial Times

Let me get this straight: The IMF halted payouts on a $3 billion loan to Egypt, but now they are prepared to hand-over $10 billion to a debt-ridden, credit risk nation whose currency suffered a 40% devaluation last year and whose economy is presently in the dumps? Does that make sense? Of course, not. Here’s more from The Cradle:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says there is “excellent progress” in talks with Egypt over a loan program that seeks to “support” the country in weathering its financial woes and handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that Israel seeks to ethnically cleanse from Gaza.

So, someone finally has the courage to say what everyone knows to be true already, that the IMF is financing the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Here’s more from the same article:

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said in November that the agency was “seriously considering” a possible augmentation of Egypt’s loan program due to “economic difficulties posed by the Israel–Gaza war.”

“The loan could reach up to $10 billion to help the Egyptian economy survive amid local and external factors, including the Israeli onslaught on the neighboring Gaza Strip and tensions in the Red Sea…

This coincided with the start of construction work on an “isolated security zone” in the eastern Sinai Desert on the border with the Gaza Strip, which many expect will serve as a buffer zone for displaced Palestinians.

“The construction work seen in Sinai along the border with Gaza – the establishment of a reinforced security perimeter around a specific, open area of land – are serious signs that Egypt may be preparing to accept and allow the displacement of Gazans to Sinai, in coordination with Israel and the United States.” IMF vows to support Egypt as nation braces for mass displacement of GazansThe Cradle

It’s worth noting, that by accepting the IMF loan of $10 billion, el-Sisi has agreed to peg Egypt’s currency to black market rates, which means its value will be cut in half on the day the deal is consummated. Egyptian working people—half of who already live below the poverty line—will be severely hurt by the bailout although not nearly as much as the Palestinians who be left to rot in tent cities in the desert.

Also, it appears that the IMF will continue to dangle the $10 billion loan(bribe?) beneath el-Sisi’s nose until the Palestinians finally cross-over into Egypt and the operation is concluded. This is how western oligarchs use international institutions like the IMF to coerce their puppets to do what they want. In this case, they needed a pliable Judas who would be willing to double-cross his fellow Muslims in order to line his pockets and those of his closest allies. They apparently found their man in el-Sisi.

This may also help to explain why Egypt is currently clearing a vast track of land just a stone’s throw from the Gaza border. Cairo is preparing the land to accommodate the burgeoning flow of refugees who will soon be pouring into the country. This is from Forbes:

Egypt is setting up a camp near its border with Gaza as a contingency for a potential exodus of Palestinians from the enclave if Israel goes ahead with a ground offensive on Rafah, the border region where more than half of Gaza’s population is taking refuge, Reuters reported….

Citing four unnamed sources, Reuters reported Egypt is preparing a “desert area with some basic facilities” to shelter potential refugees as a “temporary and precautionary measure,”

The human rights group, the Sinai Foundation, has shared images of the purported camps, showing trucks and cranes in the area setting up a “high-security area” surrounded by concrete fences.

The New York Times corroborated the images and spoke to contractors at the site who said they had been hired to build a 16-foot-high concrete wall around a five-square-kilometer patch of land near the border. Egypt Is Preparing Camps To Shelter Fleeing Palestinians Before Israel’s Offensive On Rafah, Report Says, Forbes

Let’s summarize:

1.   Israeli, American and Egyptian Intel chiefs met in Paris (IMO) to put the finishing touches on a plan to expel the Palestinians from Gaza.

2.   The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is about to provide Egypt with a $10 billion loan for “handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that Israel seeks to ethnically cleanse from Gaza.” (The Cradle)

3.   Egypt is preparing a “desert area with some basic facilities” to shelter potential refugees” in the near future.

4.   The IDF has continued its daily airstrikes on civilian sites in Rafah in order to intensify feelings of high-anxiety and panic that will help to trigger a stampede into Egypt.

5.   Food trucks are prevented from entering Gaza. Israel is deliberately starving the Palestinians so they will flee their homeland as soon as there is an opening at the border.

All of these measures are aimed at one objective alone, the complete eradication of the Palestinian population. And, now—after a bloody four month-long military campaign—Israel’s goal is clearly in sight.

It will take a monumental effort to stop this evil plan from going forward.

CIA Built 12 Spy Bases in Ukraine Near the Russian Border Over Past Decade

A report from The New York Times sheds more light on the CIA's involvement in Ukraine since the 2014 coup

by Dave DeCamp February 26, 2024


The CIA helped build 12 secret spy bases in Ukraine along the Russian border as part of the agency’s support for Ukrainian intelligence that started in 2014, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

The report described one of the CIA-built spy bases as an underground bunker used by Ukrainian soldiers to “track Russian spy satellites and eavesdrop on conversations between Russian commanders.”

The Times report sheds new light on the CIA’s involvement in Ukraine, which played a major role in provoking the Russian invasion. A European official told the paper that when Russian President Vladimir Putin was considering invading Ukraine toward the end of 2021, the head of one of Russia’s main spy services told him that the CIA and Britain’s MI6 were controlling Ukraine and turning it into a beachhead for operations against Moscow.

The report said the CIA’s relationship with Ukrainian intelligence could be traced back to February 24, 2014, right after former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in a US-backed coup. On that day, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, the new head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), called the CIA and asked for help in rebuilding Ukraine’s intelligence capabilities.

The CIA agreed to help as it saw an opportunity to collect more intelligence on Russia. The US spy agency helped form the Fifth Directorate in the SBU, which consisted of young Ukrainians who were born after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The idea was to assuage CIA concerns about the Ukrainian spy agency being full of older, more Russian-sympathetic Ukrainians.

The Washington Post first reported on the CIA’s creation of the Fifth Directorate back in October 2023. The Post report said that the CIA had spent tens of millions of dollars “to transform Ukraine’s Soviet-formed services into potent allies against Moscow.”

The CIA has also supported Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, known as the GUR. The GUR provided an opportunity for the US since it was allowed to collect intelligence outside of Ukraine, meaning it could be used inside Russia. A former US intelligence official speaking to the Post described the GUR as “our little baby.”

The Times report said the CIA started training Ukrainian spies who have operated inside Russia, across Europe, in Cuba, and other places where the Russians have a large presence. The CIA also helped create an elite commando unit known as Unit 2245, which collected Russian drones and other technology so the US could reverse-engineer them. One member of Unit 2245 was Kyrylo Budanov, who now heads the GUR.

Ukrainian intelligence services began assassinating separatist leaders in the Donbas in 2016 and has been credited with several killings inside Russia, including the car bombing that killed Darya Dugina, daughter of the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin. US officials insist the CIA isn’t involved in the assassinations, but the killings have not impacted the CIA’s support

The CIA’s and overall US intelligence support has significantly increased since Russia launched its invasion on February 24, 2022. Most US personnel were evacuated from Ukraine right before the invasion, but a group of CIA officers remained in a remote location in western Ukraine and provided intelligence support for the first weeks of fighting.

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024

UK banks accused of funding Israel's war on Gaza

UK banks are facing growing protest for their role in Israel's brutal assault on the Gaza Strip, and the occupation more broadly.

The New Arab Staff

23 February, 2024


Pro-Palestine activists are drawing attention to alleged complicity of British banks in the oppression of the Palestinian people, due to their massive investments in Israeli arms companies and links to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

On 15 February, protestors stormed the Manchester offices of Bank of New York (BNY) Mellon due to the bank's $10 million investment in Elbit Systems, Israel's largest weapons manufacturer.

Elbit Systems provides 85 percent of Israel's military drone fleet, land-based equipment, and missiles, bullets, and other weaponry that have been used against the Palestinians, marketing its deadly products as "battle-tested" as a selling point.

A protestor during the action at BNY Mellon stated: "The Palestinian people command action, they need action like this and it needs to be more than this…because there are people dying day after day after day."

A BNY Mellon spokesperson rejected some of the claims made by the protesters but did not dispute the investment figure.

"Protesters asserting that BNY Mellon is the largest shareholder of Elbit Systems are misinformed on the facts. As a matter of fact, BNY Mellon holds only a very small percentage of Elbit Systems' stock as a result of requirements by its passive index investment strategies on behalf of clients,"  a BNY Mellon spokesperson told The New Arab.

"The safety and wellbeing of our employees continues to be our highest priority."

On Wednesday 7 February, hundreds of activists shut down Barclays headquarters in Canary Wharf – London's financial centre – to protest at the bank's alleged links to Israel amid its bloody war on Gaza, where 29,000 people - mostly civilians - have been killed.

Activists asked passers-by to close their Barclays bank accounts and "stop banking on apartheid".

According to a 2017 report by War on Want, major financial institutions including Lloyds Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and the Cooperative Bank are funding Israeli arms firms and investing in them.

Neil Sammonds, a senior activist at War on Want, said to Al-Araby Al-JadeedThe New Arab's Arabic-language sister edition, claimed his group and partners had uncovered an alleged links between Barclays and Israel.

He alleged that research showed UK banks, particularly Barclays, had poured billions into companies that provide Israel with weapons used in the violent and unlawful oppression of Palestinians.

Sammonds pointed out Barclays had also supported the apartheid regime in South Africa until it had been "forced to change due to public pressure" in 1986.

"We will continue and escalate our campaigns against Barclays until it stops funding serious, widescale and systematic violations of international law," he said.

Another War on Want report from July 2022 entitled "Barclays Bank: Arming Apartheid" claimed that the bank owned large shares in nine complicit companies at least, including Elbit Systems, which has several UK sites.

report published by the Don't Buy Into Occupation (DBIO) Coalition in December 2023 alleged that Barclays is the sixth biggest creditor in Europe to companies operating in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. while UK-based HSBC was the second biggest.

Barclays didn't respond to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed's request for comment regarding the accusations.

This article is based on an article which appeared in our Arabic edition by Katia Youssef on 19 February 2024. To read the original article click here.