
Volcán Popocatépetl

lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021



Propongo que los mexicanos conscientes e informados salgan a votar, pero ANULEN SU VOTO.

Los que han visto a lo largo de muchos años cómo los políticos, el crimen organizado y las élites económicas de este país lo han devastado; los que no se venden por “ayudas” o “programas sociales”, ni se dejan engañar por los mismos corruptos de sexenios anteriores; los que no se dejan intimidar con amenazas de que van a perder tal o cual beneficio; los que no se dejan lavar el cerebro con eso de que “si no votas, otros decidirán por ti”, lo cual es una absoluta falacia, dado que los incompetentes, vividores, oportunistas y corruptos políticos de siempre (con sus socios del crimen organizado y de la oligarquía), son los que deciden según sus intereses; que esos mexicanos conscientes ejerzan su derecho de votar, pero enviando un potente mensaje (siempre y cuando fueran millones) a los miembros de la subclase política de este país, para decirles que ellos no nos representan, sólo se representan a sí mismos, a sus familias, a sus grupos políticos, criminales y empresariales, pero no a la ciudadanía, que sufre su incompetencia, su patanería, su imbecilidad, un día tras otro.

Desde hace 40 años he participado como votante, funcionario de casilla, o como representante de algún partido en el proceso electoral, y estas elecciones me parecen las más patéticas, ridículas y lamentables en todos estos años.

No sólo porque el crimen organizado se ha dado gusto matando e intimidando candidatos y funcionarios públicos (ya van 88 políticos asesinados); o porque las “familias políticas” de cada partido, incluyendo a los que se proclaman “diferentes”, han colocado como candidatos a sus parientes (hijos, esposas, hermanos, primos, etc.); o porque, con la posibilidad de la reelección, los mismos corruptos incompetentes pueden quedarse por varios ciclos electorales; o porque las cúpulas partidistas decidieron en un 99% las candidaturas (especialmente el impresentable presidente de Morena, la “veleta” Mario Delgado), sin una verdadera participación de las militancias; o porque se regalaron candidaturas a personas que tenían cierto conocimiento entre la población, como deportistas, actores, cantantes, etc. que han demostrado con creces, su absoluta ignorancia sobre los problemas de la ciudadanía y la forma de poder resolverlos, y sólo están ahí para ser manipulados por los dirigentes de los partidos que los postularon; o, en fin, por las ridiculeces que cientos de candidatos han realizado como vestirse de “superhéroes”, ponerse a bailar o a hacer “exhibiciones” de karate, o a cantar (berrear sería el término correcto), supuestamente para ganarse el voto ciudadano, pero demostrando con esas actitudes que consideran al electorado no sólo inculto y estúpido, sino francamente como un montón de zombis que harán lo que los partidos quieran.

Desgraciadamente, la mayoría de la población responde a distintas motivaciones, ya sea para votar por alguno de estos patéticos e impresentables candidatos (a todos los puestos de elección popular), o para no hacerlo.

Los partidos clientelares, como lo han sido por años el PRI y el PRD y ahora lo es Morena, utilizan el presupuesto que tienen a su disposición (a nivel federal, estatal y municipal), para amarrar votos a su favor, amenazando, intimidando, chantajeando y condicionando el voto de las clases populares, con el espantajo de que, si no votan por ellos, de la noche a la mañana, los programas sociales y de ayudas directas con los que cuenta la población más desfavorecida del país, desaparecerán.

De ahí que un porcentaje nada despreciable del electorado se ve obligado a votar por el partido que supuestamente es el que garantiza que esas ayudas sigan fluyendo.

Otra parte del electorado, principalmente las clases medias, votan casi siempre por el PAN y en ocasiones por el PRI, por costumbre (aún sin saber o importarles quienes son los candidatos, ni qué proponen), porque están convencidos de que representan sus intereses, a pesar de que durante décadas ambos partidos se encargaron de devastar la economía del país, de convertirlo en el paraíso del crimen organizado y de mantener estancado el nivel de vida de la mayoría de este sector del electorado.

Y, por último, un sector amplio del electorado es escéptico y desconfiado hacia la política y está tan harto de ella, que prefiere no votar, para no seguir legitimando un sistema podrido, que no genera beneficios para la población.

Hay otra parte del electorado, la más aislada y olvidada que por ignorancia, desconocimiento y su propia marginación, no participa de ninguna forma en el proceso electoral.

Pero sólo imaginemos que 10, 15 o 20 millones de mexicanos saliéramos a votar, pero anuláramos el voto, y se anotara en alguna de las boletas “ANULO MI VOTO, PORQUE USTEDES NO ME REPRESENTAN. SON UNA VERGÛENZA PARA EL PAÍS.”

Qué poderoso mensaje para esta subclase de incompetentes, vividores, oportunistas, trepadores y corruptos, de parte de un gran porcentaje del electorado, que así demostraría que sí le importa el voto, pero que en consciencia no puede votar por estas lacras, que lo único que representan es la podredumbre de la política en México.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021


Now it’s ‘antisemitic’ to say that Israel practices ‘apartheid’



As you are surely aware, advocates for Israel are using an apparent surge in antisemitic attacks to try to delegitimize pro-Palestine advocacy.

Part of that effort is a move to characterize the charge that Israel is practicing apartheid as antisemitic. Four pro-Israel congresspeople sent a letter to President Biden yesterday taking aim at fellow Democrats who are critical of Israel. The four — Josh Gottheimer, Elaine Luria, Dean Phillips, and Kathy Manning, all of whom are Jewish — say Israel protects Jews, so criticisms of Israel over “apartheid” or “terrorism” are “antisemitic at their core.”

We also reject comments from Members of Congress accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” and committing “act[s] of terrorism.” These statements are antisemitic at their core and contribute to a climate that is hostile to many Jews. We must never forget that less than eighty years ago, within the lifetime of our parents and grandparents, six million people were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust because they were Jews. Israel has long provided the Jewish people with a homeland in which they can be safe after facing centuries of persecution.

That reference to other House members is to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, who have charged Israel with “apartheid.” While Ilhan Omar has leveled the “terrorism” charge (per JTA).

The idea that it is antisemitic to say Israel practices apartheid is patently absurd. The apartheid accusation has been made for years by Palestinian human rights groups who rightly object to Palestinian conditions. Lately, other groups have joined on: In January Israel’s leading human rights group B’Tselem said Israel is an “apartheid . . . regime of Jewish supremacy from the river to the sea.” And a month ago Human Rights Watch issued a 213-page report saying Israel commits the crime of “apartheid” — with the systematic oppression of Palestinians, inhumane acts, and an intention to dominate Palestinians. Both B’Tselem and HRW are headed by Jews, by the way.

And let’s not even get into the long history of the apartheid charge from American visitors, including Jimmy Carter, who have been shocked by the limits on Palestinian movement and residency and representation in the West Bank. And by the way, two U.S. Jewish groups — IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace — state that Israel practices apartheid.

If the shoe fits, wear it. . .

Nonetheless, the Israel lobby has set up this new front in the battle for Israel’s legitimacy. They’re pushing it.

An Israeli reporter who was granted an interview with Antony Blinken on Tuesday asked him: “When we see, for example, known figures on the far left in the United States referring to Israel as an apartheid state, are you worried that this rhetoric could lead to more anti-Semitic incidents, instead of calming things down?” (Blinken dodged the question: “one of the great things about my job . . . is I don’t do politics, I just focus on policy.”)

Bernie Sanders flubbed the question on Face the Nation, Sunday. He accepted the view that “apartheid” contributes to antisemitism. Host John Dickerson asked:

“There are a number of liberals who use the word apartheid to describe Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, a number of them liberals in the House who use that language. The executive director of the American Jewish Congress who handled Jewish outreach for your campaign Sanders’ campaign ― Joel Rubin — has said that using the word has increased the level of vitriol that has contributed to this antisemitism. Do you think that those who share your view should not use that kind of language?”

Sanders said, “Well, I think we should tone down the rhetoric.” Though Sanders did speak about the inhumane siege of Gaza.

It’s actually not the rhetoric that is extreme here; it’s the underlying facts. And the willingness of prestigious organizations to accept the truth has helped to change the U.S. discussion. That makes this a good battle to have. “Call on your government to end its sponsorship of Israeli apartheid” (say the Sunrise Movement and Adalah Justice Project in this new video.)

Thanks to Adam Horowitz and Michael Arria.

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021


México, prioridad en la asistencia al exterior del nuevo programa de Biden

Entre los fondos están los destinados al combate al narco, capacitación militar y migración

Busca EU recuperar el liderazgo global con mayor gasto en diplomacia


David Brooks


Periódico La Jornada
Sábado 29 de mayo de 2021, p. 8

Nueva York. Dentro de su propuesta de presupuesto federal de 6 billones de dólares, elevando inversiones en infraestructura, educación y combate al cambio climático, el gobierno de Joe Biden tiene como prioridad recuperar el liderazgo internacional de Estados Unidos, por lo que elevó de manera sustancial el gasto en diplomacia, asistencia económica y de seguridad, en partidas destinadas a varios países, incluido México.

Biden ha declarado su objetivo de revertir el aislacionismo de su antecesor, restaurar alianzas internacionales y fortalecer la diplomacia; para ello propone elevar el presupuesto combinado del Departamento de Estado y la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (Usaid) en 5.5 mil millones –un incremento de más de 10 por ciento del actual y 50 por ciento más de lo que presupuestó el gobierno del ex presidente Donald Trump para el año fiscal 2022– a un total de 58 mil 500 millones.

Entre los fondos propuestos se incluyen 861 millones en asistencia a países centroamericanos para abordar las causas de origen de la migración hacia la frontera estadunidense –sería la primera entrega de los 4 mil millones en total a lo largo de cuatro años que se dedicarían a ese esfuerzo. La iniciativa fue en parte propuesta por el gobierno del presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, con el cual el gobierno de Biden está discutiendo formas de colaboración dentro de esta iniciativa –tema al centro de la próxima visita de la vicepresidenta, Kamala Harris, a México en junio.

Antony Blinken, secretario de Estado, declaró que estos fondos beneficiarán a los estadunidenses al mejorar las condiciones de salud ante la pandemia, abordar el cambio climático, ayudar a responder a las causas de fondo de la migración irregular desde Centroamérica, reafirmar el liderazgo estadunidense en la promoción de la democracia y contrarrestar el creciente autoritarismo, ofrecer liderazgo humanitario internacional y enfrentar la competencia directa de naciones que no comparten nuestros valores de libertad, democracia y respeto por los derechos humanos.

Agregó, al presentar la propuesta, que nuestra seguridad nacional depende no sólo del poder de nuestras fuerzas armadas, sino también de nuestra habilidad para conducir de manera efectiva la diplomacia y el desarrollo.

Lucha anticrimen

En la propuesta para el presupuesto del Departamento de Estado y Usaid presentada ayer, los fondos para México y otras partes del hemisferio occidental se administran por diversos programas e incluyen los destinados al combate del narcotráfico, capacitación militar, iniciativas de seguridad incluyendo la migración y para enfrentar a amenazas por fuerzas malignas.

De éstos, se proponen 570.4 millones para el hemisferio occidental bajo la oficina de Control Internacional de Narcóticos y Aplicación de Ley (Incle) del Departamento de Estado. Se destinarán a combatir el narcotráfico, el crimen organizado y fortalecer sistemas de justicia criminal incluyendo el combate a las drogas sintéticas fabricadas en México. De este total, se proponen 64 millones para Mexico, bajo Incle, para el año fiscal 2022 (una reducción de los 100 millones asignados para 2020).

Un total de 14.1 millones se destinará a América Latina, incluyendo Mexico, a través del programa de Educación y Capacitación Militar Internacional dedicado a fortalecer las alianzas militares y coaliciones internacionales críticas para los objetivos estadunidenses de seguridad nacional y estabilidad regional, cuyo objetivo es también exponer a participantes selectos a la cultura de Estados Unidos.

México fue designado como prioridad entre los países receptores de los fondos, junto con Colombia, Panamá y los del Triángulo del Norte en la región. Para México se propone un millón 575 mil dólares para el año fiscal 2022 (comparado con un millón 750 mil en 2020).

Fondos propuestos para México para el año fiscal 2022, a través de otros programas manejados por el Departamento de Estado, incluyen 50 millones a través del programa del Fondo de Apoyo Económico (ESF, frecuentemente, fondos relacionados con asuntos de seguridad); y un millón bajo el programa de No Proliferación, Antiterrorismo.

La Usaid está proponiendo un total de 659 millones 148 mil para el hemisferio occidental en 2022; aún no está detallado lo que se contempla asignar a México.

La propuesta de gasto del Departamento de Estado también incluye una aportación al National Endowment for Democracy, por 300 millones, parte de lo cual se distribuye en América Latina, incluyendo México.

Notable por su ausencia en referencias a México en esta propuesta es la Iniciativa Mérida –a través de la cual el Departamento de Estado y Usaid han invertido mas de 3 mil millones desde 2007.

En el año fiscal 2021, el total solicitado en asistencia estadunidense a Mexico fue de 63 millones 750 mil, de los cuales hasta la fecha sólo se han gastado 14 millones 371 mil 549, según datos oficiales.

Venezuela, China y otros malignos

Los fondos propuestos bajo ESF para el hemisferio occidental suman 455.3 millones, incluyendo fondos destinados a Venezuela para “fortalecer diversos actores democráticos para organizar internamente, ampliar la coalicion democrática… defender principios democráticos y promover el bienestar de los venezolanos”.

La propuesta de gastos para el ámbito internacional hace énfasis en enfrentar lo que llama la influencia maligna de China y Rusia. De hecho, incluye algo que se llama Fondo para Contrarrestar la Influencia Maligna de la RPC (la Republica Popular China).

Parte del esfuerzo contra esas influencias malignas se realiza a través de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para Medios Globales –agencia federal independiente cuya misión es informar, comunicar y conectar a personas alrededor del mundo en apoyo a la libertad y democracia. Está compuesta por dos entidades: La Voz de América y la Oficina para Transmisión de Cuba, y cuatro agencias no federales que incluyen a Radio Free Europe.

La propuesta completa esta disponible en: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/FY-2022-State_USAID-Congressional-Budget-Justification.pdf.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021


Biden team resorts to confrontation to 'cover declining confidence, failed governance'


Yang Sheng

Wang Cong

 and Zhang Han Published: May 28, 2021


On the surface, the Biden administration stresses "competition", instead of confrontation pursued by its predecessors, but the US is actually becoming more hostile as it hypes the issue of the COVID-19 origin to stigmatize China again, with Chinese experts warning that the US "competition" policy is in essence confrontation, and this has reflected the declining confidence of Washington's elites on healthy and fair competition with China. 

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at Thursday's routine press conference that China-US relations are just like other relations between major powers - the competition is inevitable. "But using 'competition' to define or dominate China-US relations is absolutely wrong, as this will only cause confrontation and conflicts."

The competition between China and the US should be healthy, which could help both sides improve together, to march forward together, rather than life-or-death competition, Zhao said, noting that "China firmly opposes the US to use competition as a pretext to contain, exclude and a crackdown on China."

Zhao's remarks are a response to Kurt Campbell, the US coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the National Security Council, who said the era of engagement with China is over. 

Campbell, who is Biden's Asia Czar, said Wednesday that US policy toward China will now operate under a "new set of strategic parameters," and "the dominant paradigm is going to be competition," according to Bloomberg.

However, even as Biden ordered the US intelligence community to probe the origin of the COVID-19, a move that apparently targeting China, and his Asia Czar declared an "end" to a period of engagement with China, Chinese and US senior trade officials held their first phone call since Biden took office and struck a relatively positive note in clear contrast to recent tense rhetoric from the US.

All of these recent actions made by the US have sent a sign - the US is losing confidence to win the competition fairly, so it needs to be nasty again, said Chinese experts, who hold that the communication is necessary as the decoupling with China can't be realized.

Nasty game

US President Joe Biden said Wednesday he has directed the US intelligence community to redouble its efforts in investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and report back to him in 90 days. The announcement comes after "a US intelligence report" hyped the "lab leak" theory that indicates "the origin of the COVID-19 is from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology."

"Biden's order has no respect to science. The investigation on the COVID-19 origin is a scientific issue that should be done by scientists with no political bias and without a deadline. He was just giving orders to his intelligence agencies to produce 'evidence' to smear China," Lü Xiang, an expert on US studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times.

The intelligence report for virus tracing, in essence serves the political agenda and the results won't favor China. "Otherwise, it should be scientists, not intelligence agents, to do the job," Diao Daming, an expert on US studies at the Renmin University of China in Beijing told the Global Times on Thursday.

Using intelligence agencies to "produce the evidence whatever they want" to serve a strategic purpose is a long-standing infamous tradition of the US, Lü said, adding that "everyone remembers the 'evidence' that the CIA provided to prove Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and now the Biden administration might want to play the same nasty trick again."

The US has realized that China's strength receives no significant impact amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and China's reputation and influence are even improving in some regions, especially in the third world, as China is the biggest supplier of vaccines and other medical materials in the world while the US makes no significant contribution, and politicians in Washington don't want to see this at all, said analysts.

The healthy competition should look like the US providing more vaccines to more countries, to stop meaningless propaganda warfare against China, and work together with China to save more lives, and let the rest of the world judge which country is doing better in the global fight against the COVID-19, said a Beijing-based expert on international relations who requested anonymity.

"The COVID-19 battle resembles anti-fascism fight in World War II. Who led the world to win the fight became the leader in the post-war era. Now is the crucial time to see who is more qualified to be that leader in the post-pandemic era," he noted. 

The Biden administration won't compete with China in a healthy way, because in nature, the capitalist system is selfish and those capitalists and big corporations behind the Biden administration won't let the White House do so, and the US has no confidence to win such competition with China due to lack of capability to produce a massive amount of vaccines and medical materials," he said. 

The so-called virus tracing report will be concluded in 90 days and the timing will overlap with some significant planned events in China such as the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and the Biden administration will likely use it to launch an ideological offensive against China, Diao said.

Zero-sum game enthusiasts 

Chinese officials and scholars have warned the US again and again that a zero-sum game is wrong, but US politicians are just obsessed in the zero-sum game, because they hate to see that China barely received harm while they are failing to heal America, said Chinese analysts. 

Besides the fight against the pandemic, political elites in Washington are also losing faith in US economic recovery as rounds of stimulus packages have only produced limited effects, and in late 2021 or early 2022, the US economy will hit serious problems, Lü said.

"Cracking down on China and saving the US are irrelevant, but the decision-makers and elites in Washington think this way - when I get a cold, you should have fever as well, and pneumonia would be better," Lü noted.

In other fields like the Taiwan question, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong affairs, or regional hot spot issues like the turbulence in Myanmar and upcoming power transitions this year in some Southeast Asian countries like the Philippines, the US will make efforts to create trouble for China, at least to slow down China's development, said, experts.

"In nature, the Biden administration is also playing the game of confrontation with China, not competition," Lü said.

Keeping in touch 

Although the Biden administration wants to put the "competition" at the center of the China-US relations, Washington still has a desire to communicate with China. 

During the phone call between Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, the two sides held "candid, pragmatic and constructive exchanges with an attitude of equality and mutual respect," the Chinese Commerce Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. For its part, the office of the US Trade Representative also described the exchange as "candid" in a statement.

While details of the talks remain unclear, "the dialogue itself is positive," He Weiwen, a former economic and commercial counselor at the Chinese consulates general in San Francisco and New York, told the Global Times on Thursday, adding that the talks mostly focused on issues of principle rather than specifics given huge differences between the two sides over trade issues.

However, the phone call, which took place at the US' request after weeks of calling for a meeting, underscored the Biden administration's core strategy of pursuing both confrontation and engagement with China, according to He. "We should see clearly the nature of the US' toughness toward China has not and will not change. We can't have any illusion about that," he said.

Still, the trade talks highlighted the role of trade between the two countries as a stabilizer for the bilateral relationship, despite major differences in policies, analysts noted, pointing to growing bilateral trade despite a free fall in bilateral relations. In the first quarter of 2021, China's exports to the US jumped 62.7 percent year-on-year, while China's imports from the US increased 57.9 percent, according to Chinese official data. Despite disputes, the two countries have also continued the phase one trade agreement.

"The ballast stone for China-US relations means economic and trade activities, not trade policies of the two countries. And economic and trade activities will continue to grow. That could not be changed by policies that are not based on economic rules," He said.  

The conversation between Liu and Tai is not surprising as the US had expressed willingness to have such communication, Diao said, noting even if the US wants to use "competition" to define bilateral ties, the two sides will have to communicate on the role of competition, and explore possible areas for cooperation. 

Different forces inside the Biden administration are competing for influence on the finalization of the strategy on China when the president himself seems not to have a clear and determined idea yet, so maybe Campbell's remarks can't represent the final stance. Other forces who still support the engagement with China might make their move as well, Diao noted.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021


To distract from Gaza slaughter, Israel lobby manufactures antisemitism freakout



With deceptively edited videos and dubious allegations, the Israel lobby has manufactured an antisemitism epidemic to turn the media’s gaze away from dead children in Gaza.

Following an 11-day assault on the Gaza Strip in which the Israeli army killed over 220 people, including more than 65 children, and days of videotaped rampages of Jewish extremist mobs against Palestinian people and property inside Israeli cities, Israel lobbyists in the US and Canada have launched a carefully coordinated public relations campaign to deflect outrage.

Having failed to successfully defend massacres of entire families in their homes and the deliberate demolition of civilian residential towers and media offices in Gaza City, the US Israel lobby and the Israeli government it advocates for have manufactured an epidemic of antisemitic violence with the goal of portraying American Jewry as the true victim of the crisis.

Led by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Israel lobbyists have portrayed a series of street scuffles between supporters of Palestine and pro-Israel activists as anti-Jewish pogroms. In nearly every case, no evidence exists to substantiate claims that Jews were targeted as Jews for violent assault. There is ample proof of deception, however, as video and photographic evidence reveals pro-Israel elements provoking demonstrators, initiating violence and falsifying or embellishing their testimonies.

Since the Israeli government and Palestinian political factions signed a ceasefire, the media has provided Israel lobbyists with an uncritical platform to baselessly accuse Palestine solidarity activists of triggering a wave of antisemitic violence, and even claim without a shred of evidence that Jews are being hunted in their homes.

Everyone from President Joseph Biden to members of the progressive congressional “Squad” have lent their voices to the chorus of condemnation. Meanwhile, celebrity influencers have posted blue squares on their Instagram accounts to symbolize solidarity with an American Jewish community supposedly under siege.

The Israel Foreign Ministry has capitalized on the moral panic with a tweet invoking the intersectional social justice lexicon of woke millennials:

To all of our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world, we see you, we hear you, we stand with you.

In an apparent bid to burnish their reputations and that of the movement they claim to represent, several prominent Palestine solidarity activists and Muslim online influencers have echoed the statements by elected officials. Rather than challenge a narrative designed to denigrate Palestine solidarity advocacy as bigoted and even criminal, these opportunistic elements have inadvertently legitimized it.

Now, as the Israeli police round up hundreds of young Palestinians citizens of Israel for participating in protests against their own dispossession, the New York Police Department has begun doing the same, arresting Palestinian American youth, jailing and investigating them for “hate crimes” over their involvement in videotaped tussles with pro-Israel demonstrators.

In many high-profile cases, however, video and photographic evidence examined by The Grayzone contradicts the allegations made by pro-Israel forces and reveals the stories of several accusers to be highly deceptive, if not entirely false.

The case of the invisible yarmulke

A May 19 incident in midtown New York City has become the centerpiece of the pro-Israel narrative of Palestinian pogroms targeting Jews across America. According to the official story, a mob of Palestinian youth hunted down and brutalized a lone Jewish man, Joseph Borgen, on his way to a nearby pro-Israel rally.

In an interview with Borgen, CNN host Don Lemon claimed he was “wearing a yarmulke,” or Jewish skullcap, when he was attacked. Borgen repeated this claim in several subsequent media engagements.

“Before I can even react,” Borgen told Lemon, “I was surrounded by a crowd of people who, as you saw in the video, proceeded to beat me down and then, after the fact, pepper spray and mace me.”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo quickly decried the violence as an antisemitic hate crime, and insinuated that Borgen was wearing a visible yarmulke. “I unequivocally condemn these brutal attacks on visibly Jewish New Yorkers and we will not tolerate antisemitic violent gang harassment and intimidation,” Cuomo declared.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York, a member of the progressive congressional “Squad,” also chimed in to portray the incident as an example of “antisemitic hate.”

The scuffle and its aftermath were captured on video by a bystander, yet CNN played only a short portion showing several men pummeling Borgen. The complete video and photographs taken immediately after the melee reveal that Borgen was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt – not a yarmulke. Unless video surfaces showing he was visibly wearing a yarmulke, Borgen appears to have misled the media to create the impression that he was targeted for simply being Jewish in public.

Further, footage shows that Borgen had to be restrained by three police officers as he attempted to charge at his accused attackers while they ran off, challenging them to fight. “One on one!” he barked repeatedly before lying back on the ground.

Moments after the incident, NYPD arrested a 23-year-old Palestinian man named Waseem Awawdeh and charged him with second degree assault as a hate crime and attempted first degree gang assault. Awawdeh, who was filmed striking Borgen with a crutch, was nursing an injury and appears to have been the easiest person on the scene for police to capture.

May 23 article in the right-wing, Murdoch-owned New York Post attempted to portray Awawdeh as an unrepentant thug, quoting an anonymous jailer claiming the accused had stated, “I would do it again.” Buried in the article, however, was an account by several friends of the accuser who were present: “Friends of Awawdeh’s who refused to give their names claimed Awawdeh was attacked first. ‘They picked somebody that was weak, that was on crutches,'” the Post reported.

The Grayzone received an identical account of testimonies gathered from witnesses of the incident. They said that several pro-Israel demonstrators attacked Awawdeh, who had a leg injury, triggering the violent response captured on video.

NY1, a local New York City news outlet, reported that “the clashes [in Midtown] started after several people threw water and juice bottles out of a window at the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. That’s when the two sides starting fighting each other.”

This version of events fits a pattern in which Israel sympathizers provoke Palestinian demonstrators, and even initiate violence, then mislead the media about the circumstances of the fighting to portray themselves as blameless victims of antisemitic hate crimes.

“How many pro-Palestinian demonstrators did you wail away on?”

On May 19, a pair of Israeli citizens, Snir Dayan and Amit Skornik, claimed a mob of Palestinian American demonstrators assaulted them in midtown New York City in what they described as an antisemitic attack.

According to an article in Fox News which painted the incident as a hate crime, “Dayan said he recalled seeing ‘a bunch of pro-Palestinian protests outside’ and decided to attach a small Israeli flag he had in his apartment to his motorcycle as a ‘quiet’ form of protest.” The Israeli claimed to Fox that a mob of 30 Palestinian protesters spontaneously attacked him and his friend after they heard him speaking Hebrew.

However, video of the incident shows Dayan throwing the first punch with an Israeli flag wrapped around his fist. It is unclear if any blows were exchanged before the recording began. After NYPD officers intervened to separate the dueling groups, they cuffed Dayan and escorted him to a police wagon as he taunted the demonstrators with Israeli nationalist chants. He was then arrested, ostensibly because he appeared to have initiated the violence.

It turned out that both Dayan and Skornik were Israeli soldiers who had served in the Golani Brigades, a special forces division that participated in Israel’s 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip during which Israeli forces killed 551 children.

What’s more, Skornik attempted to milk the street fight to raise money for his fellow Golani Brigade soldiers. On his Facebook page, he complained that GoFundMe refused to authorize the fundraiser, which was advertised with images of himself and Dayan proudly punching pro-Palestinian protesters.

Both Dayan and Skornik seem well-trained in mixed martial arts and other forms of close quarters combat. In fact, Skornik is part of a family dynasty of Israeli martial arts experts. His father, Guy Skornik, operates a company called Skornik Israeli Combat, while Dayan has posted video of himself sparring in martial arts.

Back home in Israel, Hebrew media turned the two self-proclaimed victims into heroic warriors, openly lionizing them for trading punches with pro-Palestine protesters on the streets of New York.

“How many pro-Palestinian demonstrators did you wail away on? That’s the question that interests me the most,” Israeli Channel 13’s far-right host, Avri Gilad, asked the two former soldiers.

“At the end end of the video,” Dayan said, “you can see that they tried to outflank us on the other side of the sidewalk. I ran towards them, I hit one of them, and two, three, four seconds later I was in handcuffs, with two to three police officers accompanying me to the cruiser.”

“You are first of all a source of pride!” the host, Gilad, told Dayan and Skornik. “You are exactly the Jews and Israelis we want there, and not all those bleeding hearts, the [Jewish] Americans that are being betrayed…”

A Facebook post promoting Skornik and Dayan’s appearance on Israel’s Channel 13 was deluged with supportive anti-Arab commentary.

Canadian politicians condemn assaults by violent Zionist hate group… as antisemitic hate crimes

The pattern of deceptively edited video appearing to show Palestine solidarity activists attacking supporters of Israel and triggering angry denunciations of antisemitic violence from top politicians has also surfaced in Canada.

On May 15, video surfaced from a Palestine Youth Movement protest in Toronto that seemed to show young Canadian Arabs beating a gray-haired pro-Israel man with a wooden stick. Doug Ford, the premier of Ottawa, and Toronto Mayor John Tory followed the Canadian Israel lobby’s lead in immediately denouncing the scene as an antisemitic hate crime.

“Hate, antisemitism and violence have no place in our city,” Tory said in response to the video. “Any violence against our city’s Jewish community or members of any other community in Toronto is absolutely unacceptable.”

However, more complete video of the scuffle revealed that pro-Israel forces initiated the violence against Palestine solidarity demonstrators who were attempting to retreat. Further, several of those among the pro-Israel mob were members of the Jewish Defense League, a violent extremist organization responsible for numerous brutal assaults and assassinations of Palestinian Americans, and were armed at the time with knives and baseball bats.

In a separate incident in Toronto, peaceful pro-Palestinian counter-demonstrators outside a rally organized by a who’s who of Canadian Israel lobby groups came under attack from Jewish Defense League thugs threatening to run them over with vehicles and maim them with weapons. Toronto police officers could be seen in video of the incident reaching for their service pistols in fear as they sought to hold back the mob of Zionist hooligans.

After video surfaced showing that Tory and Ford had wrongly denounced pro-Palestine forces and falsely accused them of antisemitic violence, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) asked the lawmakers if they planned to retract their statements.

Tory refused to back away from his erroneous comments, while a spokesperson for Ford declared, “The Premier’s statement stands.”

 Dishonestly framed video clips feed the media outrage

The deceptively edited and dishonestly framed video clips that underpin the Israel lobby’s antisemitism narrative are almost too numerous to track. However, two viral videos that purport to show anti-Jewish violence deserve closer scrutiny.

Breitbart, the far-right, xenophobic website conceived by the late Andrew Breitbart following a meeting in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, published a video headlined as follows: “At a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington, DC, Tuesday, several marches shoved and assaulted a counter-protester.”

Though the video shows pro-Palestinian demonstrators shoving a man, he was not a pro-Israel “counter-protester.” Ramsey Aburdene, a Palestinian American raised in Washington DC, said he had been falsely accused by a fellow protester of vandalizing the street near the Israeli embassy in Northwest DC, and was momentarily pushed around by demonstrators who mistakenly believed the allegation.

“This was in no way an antisemitic attack,” Aburdene told The Grayzone. “It was just a dumb situation that quickly got out of control because one individual was determined to escalate the situation. Everyone involved was apologetic to me and very embarrassed by the situation.”

Footage of another incident in West Los Angeles has elicited outrage and condemnations from politicians including LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, who slammed what he called “an organized antisemitic attack.” According to media coverage of the incident, a caravan of pro-Palestinian motorists parading down La Cienega Boulevard began attacking Jewish diners. “It was a hate crime. It was prepared, they came to fight with Jewish people,” a non-Jewish diner claimed to CBS.

Though a fight ensued between diners and members of the pro-Palestine caravan, it remains unclear if anyone at the restaurant was targeted based on their religion or ethnicity. In fact, the only person who sought medical treatment after the scuffle was the non-Jewish man.

Further, video posted on social media by Sia Kordestani, a staffer at the American Jewish Committee – a major Israel lobby organization – shows a diner shouting, “Fuck you!” at the caravan and throwing what appears to be glasses and cutlery at people in the cars. “Some threw things back” at the caravan, Kordestani wrote.

To be sure, footage of the ensuing fight was ugly, and some of those involved may have committed crimes. But like other high-profile videotaped incidents, the violence appears to have been motivated by an angry political dispute over Israel-Palestine, not ethno-religious animus. Indeed, despite claims by witnesses, there is little to no evidence to demonstrate that anyone at the sushi restaurant was targeted simply for being Jewish. Los Angeles police are nonetheless investigating the incident as a potential hate crime.

The ADL exaggerates antisemitism with bogus data and anti-Palestinian propaganda

At the forefront of the narrative alleging a nationwide crisis in antisemitic violence is the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL. The heavily-funded outfit is at once a public relations juggernaut that partners with Silicon Valley tech barons, corporate media and celebrity influencers; an Israel lobbying powerhouse that takes US law enforcement officers to Israel on propaganda junkets; and a private intelligence agency that spied on activists opposed to South African apartheid during the 1980’s, and which does the same to those battling apartheid today in Israel-Palestine.

ADL CEO and former bottled water salesman Jonathan Greenblatt has been a virtual fixture on CNN and other networks since the antisemitism outrage erupted. During a May 20 interview with CNN, Greenblatt claimed, “There was one report of cars driving through Jewish neighborhoods in Los Angeles throwing bottles at homes that had the Jewish mezzuzah on the doors.” He provided no evidence for the incendiary claim, and his host asked for none.

The ADL has also peddling a dubiously sourced report headlined, “Uptick in Antisemitic Incidents Linked to Recent Mideast Violence.” Claiming a whopping 193 “antisemitic incidents” in the mere span of a week, the ADL report classified “dozens of anti-Israel rallies” and chants of “Intifada” as acts of anti-Jewish bigotry.

In his 2009 documentary on the weaponization of antisemitism, Defamation, Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir exposed the farcical methodology the ADL has used to document supposedly antisemitic incidents. As ADL senior staff revealed on camera to Shamir, the organization enters virtually any complaint it receives into its database, including anonymous claims of anti-Israel media coverage and workplace disputes. It then cites the data to generate the specter of rising public hostility toward Jews – and fundraise off its constituents’ fears.

When Shamir asked the ADL for help following up on an antisemitic attack, its staff was unable to provide him with a single incident to cover.

Despite the ADL’s well-established record of hucksterism and its propagandistic conflation of Palestine solidarity activism with antisemitism, its recent report received promotional boosts from the National Basketball Association and Sacha Baron-Cohen, the British Jewish comedian best known for portraying Central Asians and Arabs as stereotypically barbaric and primitive antisemites. (Baron-Cohen was successfully sued in 2009 by a Palestinian Christian peace activist whom he falsely portrayed in his film, Bruno, as a terrorist in league with Osama Bin Laden.)

The Corbyn-ing of Palestine solidarity in the US

The US Israel lobby’s cynical manufacturing of a wave of antisemitism in the wake of rising Palestine solidarity activity closely resembles the campaign waged by its political counterparts across the Atlantic to remove Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the UK’s Labour Party. Though Corbyn was a veteran anti-racist campaigner – or perhaps because he was – the British Israel lobby and the Israeli embassy in London staged a coordinated effort to brand him and his progressive supporters in Labour as vicious Jew haters.

In most cases, the lobby’s accusations were based on wild distortions and outright lies, however, Corbyn and his allies routinely opted against pushing back, and even withdrew his own complaint that antisemitism inside Labour had been cynically exaggerated. In the end, supporters of Palestinian rights were purged from Labour in droves and Corbyn was replaced with Sir Keir Starmer, a grim centrist with strong Zionist sympathiesdeep national security state ties, and the charisma of a filing cabinet.

“The beast is slain,” a prominent UK Israel lobbyist declared, boasting that Corbyn had been “slaughtered” thanks to “our spies and intel.”

The Israel lobby’s latest blitz of antisemitism allegations has successfully deflected US media’s attention away from Israel’s deliberate bombing of civilian towers and extermination of entire families in Gaza, the pogroms Jewish extremists waged against Palestinians just minutes from Tel Aviv, and the ongoing police round-up of Palestinian citizens of Israel. In turn, it has cast an American Jewish community basking in almost unimaginable affluence and privilege as the true victims of the Israel-Palestine crisis, while impugning a movement agitating for the rights of a dispossessed and colonized people as bigoted criminals.

We are all Jeremy Corbyn now.



The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican GomorrahGoliathThe Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America's state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions.