Pentagon Obsession: China,
China, China
April 02, 2019
nuclear bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese carrier killer missiles.
Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weaponry. Chinese militarization
of the South China Sea. Chinese Huawei spying.
many Chinese “malign intentions”. And we’re not even talking about Russia.
people around the world are aware that the Pentagon for the moment is led by a
mere “acting” Defense Secretary, Patrick Shanahan.
did not prevent “acting” Secretary to shine in the red carpet when presenting
the Trump administration’s 2020 Pentagon budget proposal – at $718 billion – to
the Senate Armed Services Committee: the top US national security threat is, in
his own (repeated) words, “China, China, China”.
Shanahan has been in charge since Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis – the original butcher
of Fallujah in 2004 – resigned last December. His former employer happened to
be Boeing. The Pentagon’s inspector general is still investigating whether
Shanahan was in fact acting as a no holds barred Boeing commercial asset
whenever he met the Pentagon top brass.
of course, fits the classic Beltway “revolving door” pattern. Citizens for
Responsibility and Ethics, a Washington-based group, actually filed a complaint around the fact that “acting”
Shanahan blasted Lockheed Martin, Boeing’s competitor, in every top-level
Pentagon meeting.
told the Senate, “China is aggressively modernizing its military,
systematically stealing science and technology, and seeking military advantage
through a strategy of military-civil fusion.”
includes Beijing’s development of a nuclear-capable long-range bomber that,
according to Shanahan, will put it on the same level as the US and Russia as
the only global powers controlling air-, sea- and land-based nuclear weapons.
essential to remember that Mattis and Shanahan are the main authors of the
National Defense Strategy adopted by the Trump administration which accuses
China of striving for “Indo-Pacific regional hegemony in the near-term and
displacement of the United States to achieve global pre-eminence in the
compare it with
Col. Larry Wilkerson’s view; the whole
Pentagon show is all about offense while Russia and China are always
emphasizing defense.
Fighting the Trojan Horse
more enlightening is to directly compare the Pentagon approach with the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces under
its chief, Gen. Valeriy Gerasimov.
identified “the US and its allies” as engaged in permanent war of all types,
including “preparation for ‘global strike’, ‘multi-domain battle’, [and the]
use of the technology of ‘color revolutions’ and ‘soft power’. Their goal is
the elimination of the statehood of undesirable countries, undermining their
sovereignty, changing the legitimately elected public authorities. Thus it was
in Iraq, in Libya and in Ukraine. Now similar actions are observed in
there it is, graphically explained: Venezuela, geostrategically, is as
important to Moscow as Syria and Ukraine.
also detailed how, “the Pentagon has begun to develop a fundamentally new
strategy of warfare, which has been dubbed the ‘Trojan Horse’. Its essence lies
in the active use of the ‘protest potential of the fifth column’ in order to
destabilize the situation with simultaneous strikes by precision-guided weapons
on the most important targets.”
the clincher; “The Russian Federation is ready to oppose every one of these
strategies. In recent years, military scientists, together with the General
Staff, have developed conceptual approaches to neutralize the aggressive
actions of potential opponents. The field of research of military strategy is
armed struggle, its strategic level. With the emergence of new areas of
confrontation in modern conflicts, methods of struggle are increasingly
shifting towards the integrated application of political, economic, information
and other non-military measures, implemented with the support of military
it Russia’s response to Made in USA Hybrid War. With the major
incentive of being a value for money operation; after all the Russian General
Staff, unlike the Pentagon, is not in the business, for all practical purposes,
of stealing trillions of dollars from taxpayers for several decades.
no question the Chinese leadership, not exactly adept at state of the art
Hybrid War techniques, is studying the Russian military strategies in
excruciating detail.
course this is all intrinsically linked to Putin’s leadership. Last month, in
Moscow, Rostislav Ishchenko, arguably the top Russian analyst of the Ukraine
saga, explained it to me in detail:
“Putin does not ‘take over the
elites’ or ‘guide the nation.’ His genius lies in an acute intuitive sense of
the strategic needs of the nation (which creates a strong feedback and causes
absolute trust of the absolute majority of the people), but most importantly,
he is a master of political compromise, understanding the importance of
maintaining peace between different social, economic, and political groups
within the country, to ensure its stability, prosperity, and international
authority. Given that foreign policy is always a continuation of domestic
policy, we can clearly trace his desire for compromise in Russian international
Ishchenko added, “does not try to suppress the opponents
even in those cases when Russia is unconditionally stronger and the result of
the confrontation will clearly be in her favor. Putin understands that both the
loser and the winner lose in the confrontation. Therefore, he always offers a
compromise for a long time, almost to the last opportunity, even to those who
clearly do not deserve it, moving to other solutions only after the opponent
has clearly crossed all possible red lines and can pose a threat to the vital
interests of Russia. An agreement based on consideration of each other’s
interests is always stronger than any short-term ‘victories’, which tomorrow
will result in the need to reaffirm their status of the winner again and again.
It seems to me that Putin understands this well. Hence the effectiveness of his
actions. You can also take a look at his team. These are professionals who
adhere to a variety of ideological views (or do not adhere to any). The main
thing is that they perform their work qualitatively. The ability to manage such
a team is another of its undoubted advantages. After all, these are all
ambitious people who are aware of their professionalism and are able to defend
their opinion, which is not always the same for everyone. Nevertheless, they
work as a single mechanism and achieve really great results.”
Watch out for Yoda’s hordes
expect the same from the US industrial-military-surveillance complex would be
fact, “acting” Shanahan’s deputy, Under Secretary David Trachtenberg, doubled
down when addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee; he said that Washington will not relinquish
its self-attributed right for a nuclear first strike.
his own words; “A ‘no-first use’ policy would erode US allies’ belief that they
are protected.” As if all US allies were begging in unison to be “defended” by
US nuclear bombs. In true “war is peace” mode, this Orwellian state of affairs
is justified under the Pentagonese notion of “constructive ambiguity”.
2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) exhibits a long list of causes that may
detonate a US nuclear first strike – including a worryingly vague attack on
“allied or partner civilian infrastructure”. Even a clumsy false flag, for
instance in the South China Sea, could lead to such a stand off.
of the above is in fact directly linked to the death of Yoda.
is of course RAND asset Andrew Marshall, who was the director of the nefarious
Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon from 1973 to 2015.
scores of Atlanticist think tanks are celebrating Yoda as the winner in
devising the new rollback US “strategy” against China.
did groom scores of analysts across the whole spectrum of the
industrial-military-surveilance complex – including think tanks, universities
and mainstream media.
in the end Yoda did body-slam Bismarckian Henry Kissinger – who remains alive,
sort of (if Marshall was Yoda, would Kissinger be Darth Vader?) Kissinger
always advised containment in relation to China, disguised as what he termed
finished off not only Kissinger but also the Obama administration’s wobbly and
ill-defined “pivot to Asia”. Yoda preached hardcore confrontation with
China. There’s no question that even beyond the grave, he’ll continue to
rule over his warmongering Beltway hordes.
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