MAY 15, 2017
crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious,
remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to
hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power
worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant,
even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis;….. Language is actually
employed to keep thought at bay. The words ‘the American people’ provide a
truly voluptuous cushion of reassurance. You don’t need to think. Just lie back
on the cushion. The cushion may be suffocating your intelligence and your
critical faculties, but it’s very comfortable”
Harold Pinter’s Nobel speech, 2005
of world opinion considers Americans stupid. Are we really, or is it that the
people an empire needs most to propagandize are its own? Have we been duped, or
have we decided, in the interest of “getting along”, or perhaps moral laziness,
that it’s easier to feign acceptance of an unending stream of lies?
journalists” William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
refined techniques for whipping the public into war fever. Their competition to
sell newspapers led to wildly inflated stories of Spanish incursion into Cuba —
“our” sphere of influence — and stimulated anti-Spanish sentiment
integral to the Spanish-American War.
As the First World War was underway, anti-war America elected President
Wilson largely on the basis of his “He kept us out of the War” slogan. But the
sinking of the Lusitania changed all that. Despite
Germany’s warnings, the ship (which, as Germany suspected, carried war
materials) was sent forth in 1915 into waters harboring German U-boats. The
sinking, in which 128 Americans died, shifted mass opinion, and America entered
the war.
Before the 1941 Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor, 88
percent of Americans were against entry into the European War. Only years later
did it became evident that the Japanese had been pressured into the War, and
that the US Government knew of the impending attack, in which more than 2000
Americans died, and which, as intended, served to change public opinion.
In 1964, a relatively brief exchange off the coast of Vietnam between
destroyer USS Maddox and north Vietnamese torpedo boats was blown out of
proportion to such an extent that the US Congress passed the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution that freed President Johnson
to escalate military action into what became the Vietnam War full-blown.
That Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, a lie now claimed due
to “flawed intelligence”, was reported in 2003 as “slam dunk” fact. The lie served to justify the beginning
of the ghastly chain of wars in the Middle East. Every evening now, news
anchors report war factoids without reference to the lies that were their
genesis. God only knows how many have been killed or maimed or made refugees as
a result, and there is no end in sight.
And then there were the Iran-Contra “affair” and Operation Northwoods and the
amazing Kuwaiti baby incubator story and …..
many lies over the years does it take before a society comes to its senses and
realizes that its overriding worldview has been crafted largely by manipulative
lies? How many Americans ask themselves what right their country has even to
consider “regime change” in sovereign nations no threat to the US, much less
carry out military assaults, whether by proxy or candidly with US drones and
“boots on the ground”?
In a 2007 demonstration in Brussels, one
protester said “I’ve lived in the US for 30 years. Now I’m coming back to
Europe, because I saw what happened to the American People. They’ve been taken
hostage for the past 20 years by a group of people who destroyed them
physically, spiritually and intellectually, and now they’re trying to do the
same thing in Europe.” Is he correct?
The immediate reaction from US governmental and media figures to the
April 4 gas attack in Syria, was to blame Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.
Without proof of who was actually behind the attack, President Trump, on April
7, attacked Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles. On April 11, as an ‘after the
fact’ justification for the attack, the Administration issued a “White House
Intelligence Report” (WHR) regarding the reported gas attack.
The WHR was analyzed by Theodore Postol, Emeritus
Professor of National Security Policy at MIT, and he savaged it
mercilessly. Postol wrote “It is now clear from video
evidence that the WHR was fabricated; ..… In order to cover up the lack of
intelligence to supporting the president’s action, the National Security
Council produced a fraudulent intelligence report on April 11;..… This cannot be
explained as a simple error.”
No, it is not error, and the “not errors” that are actually bloody lies
just keep coming: Russia “invaded” Crimea; Americans feel a “passionate
attachment” to Israel, which is, you know, “the only democracy in the
Middle East”; Russia caused Hillary Clinton’s election loss; office fires
brought down WTC 7; the US has the best health care system in the world; the
nations of the world desire America’s leadership. And so it goes in the richest
nation ever, where one child in five lives in poverty.
On April 21, Postol wrote “The critical function of
the mainstream media in the current situation should be to report the facts
that clearly and unambiguously contradict government claims. This has so far
not occurred, and this is perhaps the biggest indicator of how incapacitated
the mechanisms for democratic governance of the United States have become.”
Our ongoing multiple wars are the result of a “policy
coup”. By exposing the Government’s plan to attack 7 countries in 5
years, General Wesley Clark took an axe to the concocted and carefully-managed
worldview that the US Government is establishing its awesome military around
the globe in order to spread democracy and (pause for a patriotic moment)
“American values”. Americans should now see the invasion of Iraq, the savaging
if Libya, and the ongoing nightmare of the Syrian “civil” war, as points on an
imperial to-do list. Understanding that, false-flag events to justify “American
intervention”, such as a gas attack to be pinned on the target du jour, Assad,
are predictable. There will be more to come, no doubt.
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