
Volcán Popocatépetl

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2022

Qatar World Cup 2022: Morocco fans latest to unfurl 'Free Palestine' banner

Fans of Atlas Lions raised a flag referencing Nakba in the 48th minute of their stunning victory over Belgium


MEE staff

Published date: 27 November 2022


Moroccan football fans unfurled a "Free Palestine" banner in the 48th minute of their stunning 2-0 Qatar World Cup victory against over Belgium on Sunday.

The Atlas Lions ranked 22nd in the global rankings, beating the team ranked second in a pulsating Group F match at Doha's Al-Thumama Stadium, inching closer to qualifying for the knockout stages.

On Saturday, Tunisian fans also unfurled a "Free Palestine" flag at exactly the same time during their World Cup match against Australia, which they went on to lose 1-0.

The 48th minute is a reference to what is known by Arabs as the 1948 Nakba when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their homeland by Zionist militias

Despite Palestine not qualifying for the tournament, which is being held in the Middle East for the first time, its national flag has become a ubiquitous symbol throughout the event.

Moroccan, Tunisian, and other Arab footballing fans have made a point of displaying Palestinian flags and wearing Palestinian shawls over their shoulders.

Before Sunday's match, Moroccan fans in Doha's Souq Waqif were seen wearing the keffiyeh and chanting in support of Palestine.

In one widely shared video from the tournament, an Egyptian fan, smiling, leans into the camera of an Israeli broadcaster and says: "Viva Palestine."

In December 2020, Morocco became the fourth Arab country to normalize ties with Israel, a deal brokered by then-US President Donald Trump.

In return for following the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan in creating full diplomatic relations with Israel, the United States recognized Morocco's sovereignty in Western Sahara.

The Morocco normalization deal was condemned by many as a significant loss for the Sahrawis of Western Sahara and Palestinians alike.

Third major win

The Sunday result was the third major win for Middle East and North African nations at this year's World Cup after Saudi Arabia beat Argentina and Iran beat Wales.

Qatar is the only Middle Eastern team to be knocked out of the tournament so far after losing their two opening matches.

With three points so far, Iran will play the US on Tuesday with a place in the last 16 at stake. A win for Iran would see them through, while a draw could also be enough for them to advance.

Saudi Arabia will be in a similar position when they play Mexico on Wednesday.

Tunisia - playing on the same day but with just one point after two matches - faces the toughest challenge to advance as they need a win over champions France.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2022

Una marcha para la clientela… y para el ego

La marcha y el discurso que ayer pronunció López Obrador fueron eventos pensados y diseñados para su clientela, que nada sustancial van a cambiar en la ecuación política del país.

Enrique Quintana


noviembre 28, 2022

Tanto la marcha como el discurso que ayer pronunció el presidente López Obrador en el Zócalo fueron eventos pensados y diseñados para su clientela.

No quiere decir que no sea importante. Se trata de millones. Pero, se pensó, diseñó y ejecutó para ella… y para el propio López Obrador.

Habrá discusión respecto a si la concentración humana que tuvo lugar el día de ayer en la Ciudad de México fue mayor a la realizada 15 días antes, convocada para defender al Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE).

Creo que ese debate será irrelevante.

Las dos marchas fueron extraordinariamente numerosas.

Sin embargo, la de ayer fue fundamentalmente un acto de masas organizado por el Estado. Convocado, estructurado y financiado por el gobierno federal y gobiernos locales, que en muchos casos ya están en simbiosis con Morena, al viejo estilo del PRI-gobierno.

No quiero decir con ello que no haya existido una asistencia espontánea. Hubo muchos que acudieron de manera convencida.

Sin embargo, la marcha de dos semanas antes no tuvo prácticamente intervención de partidos políticos y fue organizada exclusivamente por la sociedad civil.

Miles más o miles menos, no es esto lo relevante.

El presidente López Obrador no hubiera organizado esta marcha de no haberse realizado la concentración del 13 de noviembre.

AMLO quería estar nuevamente en las calles, como lo demostró el lento recorrido que duró varias horas desde el Ángel de la Independencia hasta el Zócalo. Rechazó subirse a un automóvil cuando el programa se retrasaba visiblemente.

Quería sentirse nuevamente arropado por su gente, a quienes él llama genéricamente, el pueblo.

Y precisamente para ellos fue el mensaje pronunciado en la plancha del Zócalo.

No lo hizo desde el balcón de Palacio Nacional sino en un templete, como en sus tiempos de líder social.

Luego de un larguísimo recuento de datos, muchos de ellos imprecisos, falsos o recortados a conveniencia, llegó finalmente la parte sustancial de su discurso, en donde definió cuál es su doctrina política, con la cual bautiza al proyecto que está encabezando.

Humanismo mexicano fue el título que le asignó, y que por lo genérico no quiere decir prácticamente nada.

No se esforzó mucho en buscar la denominación.

La realidad es que su proyecto es un conjunto de políticas a veces contradictorias que ha ido aplicando a lo largo de los últimos cuatro años, que van del conservadurismo fiscal recalcitrante al asistencialismo, que se arropa con un inexistente combate a la corrupción y que produce más pobres, según datos de Coneval.

Pero todas estas medidas tienen como consistencia el propiciar la concentración del poder en la Presidencia y la permanencia de AMLO como el líder social y político más poderoso del país en décadas.

López Obrador habló de la realidad paralela que describe todos los días en las mañaneras, aquella en la cual el país está resultando cada vez más exitoso en todos los terrenos, el social, el del bienestar, el económico, el de la salud, el de la educación, incluso el de la seguridad.

El discurso de ayer fue en realidad, otro esfuerzo de esta construcción del mundo paralelo que ha creado y que ha sido tremendamente exitosa.

Para algunos resulta inexplicable el hecho de que un saldo tan negativo como el que tiene en su administración no se refleje en un desplome de la popularidad presidencial.

Ayer, nuevamente encontramos la razón de ello.

López Obrador es ante todo ese personaje que tiene la capacidad de conectar con mucha gente, particularmente con aquellos que fueron los excluidos por décadas.

No creo que esta concentración masiva ocurrida ayer en la Ciudad de México vaya a cambiar nada sustancial en la ecuación política del país, como sí lo hizo la marcha del 13 de noviembre al derrumbar la pretensión de la reforma electoral constitucional.

Pero sí le dará a Morena la prueba de que sigue teniendo la capacidad para desplegar su músculo político.

Por ser un evento para la clientela, no modificará ni las intenciones de voto, ni las simpatías, ni las antipatías del gobierno actual.

Pero, será quizás el primer acto de campaña en el camino hacia 2024, con López Obrador intentando convertirse nuevamente en la figura central de ese proceso.

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

La ‘contramarcha’ nos costará unos 1,500 mdp

Cada camión cuesta un promedio de 24 mil pesos el viaje redondo, además de los gastos por persona para cubrir estancia, comidas y un apoyo por el esfuerzo de participar.

Darío Celis


La Cuarta Transformación

noviembre 25, 2022

EL NEGOCIO DE las marchas y manifestaciones en México tendrá un repunte espectacular el próximo domingo, cuando el acarreo de casi un millón de personas provenientes de todo el país invada la CdMx.

Se estima que el costo de la llamada “contramarcha” del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador va ser de aproximadamente mil 500 millones de pesos, recursos que saldrán del erario público.

Esta cifra viene del conteo de unas 700 mil personas provenientes de los 31 estados de la República, con una media de 10 mil a 20 mil personas, para lo que se necesitarán entre 250 y 500 camiones por entidad.

Además la paga por concepto de hotel, alimentos y viáticos en general, así como herramientas de apoyo como camisetas, gorras, banderines y pancartas, ronda los 20 millones por cada 10 mil personas.

Solamente cada camión cuesta un promedio de 24 mil pesos el viaje redondo, además de un viático de mil pesos por persona para cubrir la estancia, las comidas y un apoyo por el esfuerzo de estar presente.

En tanto, las cerca de 300 mil personas que se espera provengan de la CDMX y zona metropolitana, costarán entre 2 y 3 millones de pesos por cada 10 mil manifestantes aportados a la marcha del respaldo.

La “contramarcha” del próximo domingo es una manifestación organizada y promovida desde la cúspide del poder en México, que es representado por el inquilino de Palacio Nacional.

Va a ser ejecutada por gobernadores, alcaldes y demás dirigentes del partido Morena, usando recursos públicos, para volver a retomar la movilización social pausada los cuatro años de gobierno de la 4T.

En las últimas tres décadas solo José López Portillo convocó como presidente en funciones a una marcha para movilizar a sus huestes priistas y justificar la nacionalización de la banca.

El 22 de marzo de 1938, el general Lázaro Cárdenas promovió una marcha de apoyo a la expropiación petrolera: unas 250 mil personas se concentraron frente a Palacio Nacional para respaldar su decreto.

López Obrador se quitará la banda presidencial y reasumirá el liderazgo partidista en la antesala del debate en el Congreso por la reforma política donde pretende controlar al INE y allanar el camino a su candidata.

Con la marcha del domingo, AMLO quiere mostrar su músculo político y evidenciar que tiene amplio respaldo popular, desacreditando el resultado de la movilización ciudadana del 13 de noviembre.

Existe mucha evidencia videograbada de que los gobiernos morenistas en los estados y municipios están gastando millonarios recursos públicos para llenar de acarreados el Zócalo capitalino.

Pero ante el uso de esos recursos públicos, el INE no tiene capacidad de maniobra, porque no se ha mencionado abiertamente algún fin o enfoque electoral.

Sin embargo, la movilización de pasado mañana por sí misma se inscribe en el contexto de la sucesión presidencial dentro de 19 meses, cuando habrá votaciones para renovar la Presidencia, el Congreso federal, nueve gubernaturas y 30 congresos estatales.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Netanyahu Agrees to Hand Far-right Ally Smotrich Control Over Israel's Administration of the West Bank

The Civil Administration, which Religious Zionism will be responsible for in Israel's next government, oversees the coordination of government activity in the West Bank. However, coalition talks remain stuck due to Smotrich's demand to control the Jewish Conversion Authority

Michael Hauser Tov

Nov 23, 2022


Israel's designated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to grant Bezalel Smotrich's Israel's designated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to grant Bezalel Smotrich's Religious Zionism authority over the Civil Administration which oversees construction, infrastructure, and security coordination in the West Bank.

The agreement was reached as part of coalition talks between Netanyahu's Likud and Religious Zionism which stalled once more after the parties failed to reach an agreement on several other key issues.

Likud has acceded to Religious Zionism's demand for some of the powers of the Civil Administration, which is under the Defense Ministry. The details have not yet been worked out. Likud is demanding that any move related to the Administration must be agreed upon in advance between Netanyahu and Smotrich, a demand Religious Zionism reject.

The administration is responsible for approving Palestinian construction plans and settlement construction in Area C. The Administration's inspection department is responsible for detecting illegal construction and is the one that, among other things, cracks down on illegal outposts, for which Smotrich and his party have expressed support many times.

The administration is also responsible for issuing work permits to Palestinian laborers as well as liaising with the Palestinian Authority on issues related to security coordination and building infrastructures such as roads or a water network.

Other outstanding issues in the talks between the parties include the proposed rotation of the finance portfolio between Smotrich and Shas party leader Arye Dery. Sources close to the negotiations say Likud officials are accusing Smotrich of making excessive demands, while their counterparts in Religious Zionism claim that Likud has gone back on agreements reached earlier.

Likud and Shas agreed that Dery's party will receive the Health Ministry, but not the transportation portfolio, as had been expected.

Officials in Religious Zionism claimed Wednesday that the party acceded to Netanyahu's requests to forgo the defense portfolio in exchange for the Finance Ministry with responsibility for settlements and the Civil Administration; rotate the finance, interior, and transportation portfolios; forgo the education portfolio and settle for responsibility for state-religious education, and forgo the religious services portfolio.

However, they said, Netanyahu withdrew from all their previous agreements. "We give up and compromise a lot, but we have red lines," the party said in a statement. "We will not surrender to edicts and slander, we will not be pressured and we will not concede on the important things," Religious Zionism said, adding that it recommends to Likud that it "begin to conduct serious negotiations."

In response, Likud implored Smotrich that "on the second day in a row of murderous terrorist attacks, he should quit hunting for jobs and ministries. The public needs a government that will restore security, so let's form a fully right-wing government as early as tonight."

According to sources who are involved in the talks, Smotrich is demanding that Likud reassign specific departments in other government ministers to ministries that Religious Zionism will control, among other reasons on the grounds that he agreed to withdraw his demand for the Religious Services Ministry.

He also seeks responsibility for the Education Ministry department that supervises state-religious schools including the authority to appoint its head, and similar control over the Jewish Conversion Authority, which is currently in the Prime Minister's Office. Smotrich is also demanding a number of units in the Foreign Ministry. "He wants to dismantle half of the government ministries," said one source involved in the coalition talks, who requested anonymity.

Religious Zionism is also demanding control of four of the 11 Knesset committees that are expected to be in the hands of the future governing coalition. Likud is refusing this demand.

The main dispute between the parties remains the finance portfolio. As reported by Haaretz on Tuesday night, Dery and Smotrich are considering rotating the position between them, but they disagree over the mechanics. Sources involved in the talks say Dery is willing for Smotrich to take the first shift, but doesn't want to wait two years for his own turn. One of the options raised is for Smotrich to serve in the position until the end of 2023, followed by Dery for two years and Smotrich for the final year. Smotrich insists on serving for two years before handing it off to the Shas leader.

The dispute over cabinet positions doesn't end there. Dery hopes to be appointed interior minister, with expanded powers, and as noted he is not expected to also receive the transportation portfolio.

Smotrich, on the other hand, is demanding both the interior and the transportation ministries. Netanyahu currently wants to keep the latter for Likud and not offer it to any of his coalition partners.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022

Israeli Military Chief Tells US to Step Up Planning for Joint Attacks on Iran

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi is in Washington for talks with US officials

by Dave DeCamp Posted on November 22, 2022


The head of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is pressing the US to step up planning for joint attacks against Iran, The Times of Israel reported on Tuesday.

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi arrived in the US on Sunday and has been holding talks with high-level officials. So far this week, he has met with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and CIA Director William Burns.

“During the discussions, it was agreed that we are at a critical point in time that requires the acceleration of operational plans and cooperation against Iran and its terrorist proxies in the region,” Kohavi said.

Tensions are high between the US and Iran as the Biden administration has been increasing sanctions on the Islamic Republic and is voicing support for protesters inside the country. Talks to revive the Iran nuclear deal have been stalled for months, and administration officials have made clear they have no plans to resume them, at least anytime soon.

The US acknowledged in its recently released Nuclear Posture Review that Iran is not building a nuclear weapon, but Israel continues to hype up the threat of Iran’s nuclear program.  On the one hand, Iran is under many economic, military, and internal pressures, and on the other hand, it continues to promote its nuclear program. The IDF strongly promotes all operational plans against the Iranian threat,” he said.

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Putin’s ‘Winter War’ on Ukraine

by Patrick J. Buchanan Posted on November 22, 2022

Winter has often proven an indispensable ally of Mother Russia.

The impending winter of 1812-13 forced Napoleon's withdrawal from Moscow, a retreat from which his Grande Armee never recovered.

The winter of 1941-42 sealed the ultimate fate of the invading armies of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.

Vladimir Putin's new strategy in the war he launched on Ukraine in February is to conscript the coming winter of 2022-23 as an ally of his failing army.

For weeks, there have been reports of Russian air, missile and drone strikes on power plants in every major Ukrainian city.

The false report that a Russian-fired rocket had landed in Poland, killing two civilians, came on a day when 100 Russian bombs, rockets, missiles and drones hit "infrastructure" targets across Ukraine.

It was the heaviest Russian barrage to date in the nine-month war.

Putin's goal: As the Ukrainian army battles the Russian army in the Donbas and Kherson, the power grid upon which the Ukrainian nation and people depend is to be systematically attacked, shut down, destroyed.

Without electric power, Ukrainian homes, hospitals, offices or schools will have no light or heat. Without electricity, food cannot be preserved, stoves do not work, water cannot be pumped.

Without power, light and heat, Putin's expectation is that the Ukrainian people, who have patriotically supported their army, will, in the tens of thousands this winter, be at risk of freezing to death in the dark.

Winter, from mid-December to mid-March, is the coldest and darkest of the seasons, and it begins in four weeks.

On Friday, CNN reported that, after the latest wave of Russian strikes, 10 million Ukrainians, a fourth of the nation, were without power.

"Russia is turning winter into a weapon, even as its soldiers flail on the battlefield," wrote The New York Times on Sunday. "In a relentless and intensifying barrage of missiles fired from ships at sea, batteries on land and planes in the sky, Moscow is destroying Ukraine's critical infrastructure, depriving millions of heat, light and clean water."

Ukraine's state energy company adds: "Due to a dramatic drop in temperature, electricity consumption is increasing daily in those regions of Ukraine where power supply has already been restored after massive missile strikes on November 15 on the energy infrastructure."

The U.S. stance in this war is that the fighting stops and peace talks begin only when Kyiv says the fighting stops and the negotiations begin.

But Americans, whose support for Ukraine has been indispensable in this war, also need to have a voice in when the war ends.

For us, the greatest stake in this Russia-Ukraine war is not who ends up in control of Luhansk, Donetsk or Kherson, but that we not be drawn into a military conflict that would put us on the escalator to a war with Russia, a world war and perhaps a nuclear war.

Nothing in Eastern or Central Europe is worth a major U.S. war with Russia that could go nuclear and cost millions of American lives.

The Donbas and Crimea may be of great importance to Kyiv and Moscow, but nothing in these lands would justify a U.S. war with a nuclear-armed Russia, the kind of war we managed to avoid through the Cold War from 1949-1989.

The recent incident of the S-300 surface-to-air missile misfired by Ukrainian forces, which landed several kilometers inside Poland, killing two Polish citizens, is a case in point.

Hawkish cries for NATO retaliation against Russia, under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, revealed that America's War Party is still very much with us and eager for the next confrontation with Putin's Russia.

In the final days of this lame-duck Congress, before control of the House passes to Republicans in January, Democrats are expected to approve Joe Biden's request for another $38 billion for the Kyiv regime, its army, and its war. Passage of this legislation would virtually guarantee that the U.S. continues to finance this war and extend the fighting until spring.

Why would we do this?

The U.S. ought not dictate to Kyiv when it should move to the negotiating track to end this war. But we Americans do have, given our indispensable contributions to the Ukrainian war effort, the right to tell Kyiv when we believe that the risks of further fighting exceed any potential gain for us; and, if Kyiv is determined to fight on, to give notice that Ukraine will be doing so without any more U.S. munitions.

Great powers should never cede to lesser powers, unconnected to their vital interests, the capacity to drag them into unwanted wars.

The Polish missile incident, and the noisy clamor that arose for retaliation against Russia for hitting a NATO country, exposed the risks inherent in our many treaty commitments, where we are obliged to go to war for scores of nations, most of which are not remotely related to the security or vital interests of the United States. 

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

 Pasos para derogar peligrosos tratados de inversiones

Manuel Pérez Rocha L.


El martes pasado se presentó en el Senado, por primera vez, un punto de acuerdo sobre los peligros que representan los tratados de libre comercio e inversión. José Luis Pech, senador por Quintana Roo, exhortó a la SRE a analizar exhaustivamente los impactos de los TLC ya firmados y corregirlos; buscar alternativas al Centro Internacional de Arreglos de Disputas de Inversiones (Ciadi) para la resolución de litigios; y a que no se firmen nuevos tratados con cláusulas de protección de inversiones que afecten la soberanía y los derechos económicos, sociales y ambientales (https://bit.ly/3ApzoR6 y https://bit.ly/3EHphcS).

El punto de acuerdo comienza: En la década de 1980, los gobiernos en turno otorgaban concesiones, prácticamente regalando parte del territorio nacional para que empresas extranjeras explotaran los recursos naturales de nuestra nación. Cita Pech el caso de demanda de la minera estadunidense Vulcan a México por unos mil 500 millones de dólares por no habérsele permitido a su filial Calica continuar operando en el municipio de Solidaridad, debido al severo deterioro ambiental que ha provocado ( La Jornada, 22/11/14). Esta demanda ha llamado mucho la atención a la prensa dada la importancia que el presidente López Obrador le ha prestado. Pero está lejos de ser la única. Como señala la Radiografía del poder en México (https://bit.ly/3GtEDTQ), que sirvió de insumo para la elaboración del punto de acuerdo, México tiene varias demandas pendientes por al menos 6 mil millones de dólares.

Como hemos previsto, aumenta la avalancha de demandas contra México bajo la cláusula de legado del TLCAN en el T-MEC ( La Jornada, 22/8/01). Se suman, entre otras, la de Coeur Mining, otra minera de Estados Unidos, por la supuesta no devolución de impuestos por los gobiernos de Chihuahua y Durango.

Para colmo, Access Business Group (ABG), también de EU, ha notificado que demandará a México por hasta 3 mil millones de dólares (https://bit.ly/3UQNUtd). Se queja de la decisión del gobierno de hacer cumplir el decreto de 1939 de Lázaro Cárdenas de devolver las tierras del ejido San Isidro, en Jalisco, ocupadas por la explotadora y contaminante empresa Amway-Nutrilite (cuyo dueño es ABG), a campesinos y trabajadores rurales (Silvia Ribeiro, La larga lucha de San Isidro, La Jornada, 22/7/16), cuyo propósito es desarrollar el primer municipio agroecológico del país ( La Jornada, 22/7/11).

Una revisión en México de los TLC coadyuvaría a que también en Centroamérica se revisen los impactos del TLC con Estados Unidos (Cafta-DR) y examinar su contribución a la migración forzada. Como muestra de la aberración que es el sistema de resolución de disputas inversionista-Estado (ISDS por sus siglas en inglés), basta mirar a Honduras, que con la victoria de Xiomara Castro en 2021 se esfuerza por liberarse de los legados del narco-Estado instaurado desde el golpe de Estado de 2010. Una de las decisiones más importantes ha sido la derogación de las eufemísticamente llamadas zonas de empleo y desarrollo económico (ZEDE), o ciudades modelo, que en realidad son zonas libres que tienen (algunas siguen operando) su propia seguridad, leyes, moneda y cuya imposición es bien descrita por la organización del pueblo garífuna Ofraneh como el retorno del dominio de caciques europeos y reyes estadunidenses a la costa norte de Honduras (https://bit.ly/3EkWOZb). La empresa Prospera (sic), de Washington DC, que opera una de las ZEDE en la isla de Roatán (https://prospera.hn/), amenaza a Honduras, con el apoyo de senadores estadunidenses, de demandarle por más de 10 mil millones de dólares, lo que equivale a casi la mitad de su PNB anual (https://bit.ly/3gfXKpE).

El punto de acuerdo de Pech coincide con el lanzamiento –el 15 de noviembre– de la Declaración sobre ISDS y el clima con la que más de 380 organizaciones y redes sociales de todo el mundo llaman a gobiernos a eliminar la amenaza que supone para el clima el mecanismo de solución de diferencias entre inversores y Estados (ISDS) (https://bit.ly/3OiTMsW). Se citan varios países que se han retirado de tratados como el Tratado de la Carta de Energía (https://cutt.ly/MMZ2QAb). Esta semana Alemania anunció su retiro.

Australia es el país que más recientemente anunció la eliminación del sistema ISDS, tras años de lucha por redes como la Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network. Lo ha facilitado el que Australia sea gobernada por el Partido Laborista. Don Farrel, ministro de Comercio y Turismo, dijo que garantizar que los beneficios del comercio fluyan hacia el pueblo australiano significa que mantenemos el derecho a regular áreas claves de la política social como salud, ambiente y cuestiones que afectan a los australianos de las primeras naciones. Significa preservar la capacidad del gobierno para gobernar en el interés nacional. Para ello, no incluiremos la solución de diferencias entre inversores y Estados en ningún nuevo acuerdo comercial (https://bit.ly/3Gy92QV).

Los avances como el punto de acuerdo en el Senado, y los retiros de tratados, llamados, y amenazas aquí descritos deberían alentar a los presidentes AMLO, Boric, Petro y Castillo a colaborar en la eliminación del régimen de tratados de protección de inversiones a escala global. La cumbre de la camaleónica Alianza del Pacífico, del 23 al 25 de noviembre en la CDMX, sería buen espacio para empezar.

Investigador del Institute for Policy Studies www.ips-dc.org y Asociado del Transnational Institute www.tni.org

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022

Sam Bankman-Fried: The rise and fall of the Jewish king of crypto

Also known as SBF, Bankman-Fried was a 30-year-old multi-billionaire who founded the profitable cryptocurrency exchange FTX. And then it all came crashing down.



Published: NOVEMBER 14, 2022 

Sam Bankman-Fried was once known as the king of crypto, with his FTX cryptocurrency exchange making him a billionaire and putting him on top of the market.

And seemingly overnight, it all came crashing down – along with his net worth.

But who is the 30-year-old cryptocurrency wunderkind, and where is he now? 

Here is everything you need to know.

Who is Sam Bankman-Fried, AKA SBF?

Bankman-Fried hails from an upper-middle-class family of Jewish academics and grew up steeped in higher education.

Starting out his career at Jane Street, SBF opened up the Alameda Research trading firm and soon got into the cryptocurrency game.

By late 2018, Bankman-Fried opened up the FTX cryptocurrency exchange. 

Based in the Bahamas, FTX achieved renown as one of the most stable and reliable players in the crypto field.

In his position, SBF made use of his assets for what he described as Effective Altruism, bailing out ailing digital asset firms and donating his money, including to many causes aligned with the Democratic Party. 

What is Sam Bankman-Fried's net worth?

At his peak, SBF's crypto investments and business activities proved to be incredibly profitable. Estimates had placed SBF's net worth at $26 billion at his peak, though he averaged around $10-$16 billion in October.

Despite this, SBF famously eschewed most material pleasures associated with the super-rich, having little in the way of physical material assets like fancy cars, clothes, or jewelry.

But everything changed come November when FTX came crashing down.

This happened on November 8 when Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, announced it would try to purchase FTX, which had undergone a liquidity crisis after the firm sold its holdings in the FTX token FTT, completely tanking the token's worth. By November 9, Binance pulled out.

By the end of it all, SBF lost his billionaire status. SBF made a new record for the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which said that his net worth dropped by 94% in just a single day, plummeting to a mere $991 million, though current estimates say he has no material wealth whatsoever and a net worth far closer to 0.

He resigned as CEO of FTX, which has since declared bankruptcy

Where is Sam Bankman-Fried now?

Currently, SBF is now residing at his home in the Bahamas, he told Reuters.

This is despite claims made by FlightRadar24 that Bankman-Fried had fled to Argentina.

Currently, SBF and other executives from FTX are being watched by the Bahamanian authorities. However, the fintech news outlet Cointelegraph claims that Bankman-Fried may be trying to flee to Dubai.

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2022

Goodbye G20, hello BRICS+

November 19, 2022

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission


The increasingly irrelevant G20 Summit concluded with sure signs that BRICS+ will be the way forward for Global South cooperation.

The redeeming quality of a tense G20 held in Bali – otherwise managed by laudable Indonesian graciousness – was to sharply define which way the geopolitical winds are blowing.

That was encapsulated in the Summit’s two highlights: the much anticipated China-US presidential meeting – representing the most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century – and the final G20 statement.

The 3-hour, 30-minute-long face-to-face meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Joe Biden – requested by the White House – took place at the Chinese delegation’s residence in Bali, and not at the G20 venue at the luxury Apurva Kempinski in Nusa Dua.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs concisely outlined what really mattered. Specifically, Xi told Biden that Taiwan's independence is simply out of the question. Xi also expressed hope that NATO, the EU, and the US will engage in “comprehensive dialogue” with Russia. Instead of confrontation, the Chinese president chose to highlight the layers of common interest and cooperation.

Biden, according to the Chinese, made several points. The US does not seek a New Cold War; does not support “Taiwan independence;” does not support “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”; does not seek “decoupling” from China, and does not want to contain Beijing.

However, the recent record shows Xi has few reasons to take Biden at face value.

The final G20 statement was an even fuzzier matter: the result of arduous compromise.

As much as the G20 is self-described as “the premier forum for global economic cooperation,” engaged to “address the world’s major economic challenges,” the G7 inside the G20 in Bali had the summit de facto hijacked by war. “War” gets almost double the number of mentions in the statement compared to “food” after all.

The collective west, including the Japanese vassal state, was bent on including the war in Ukraine and its “economic impacts” – especially the food and energy crisis – in the statement. Yet without offering even a shade of context, related to NATO expansion. What mattered was to blame Russia – for everything.

The Global South effect

It was up to this year’s G20 host Indonesia – and the next host, India – to exercise trademark Asian politeness and consensus building. Jakarta and New Delhi worked extremely hard to find wording that would be acceptable to both Moscow and Beijing. Call it the Global South effect.

Still, China wanted changes in the wording. This was opposed by western states, while Russia did not review the last-minute wording because Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had already departed.

On point 3 out of 52, the statement “expresses its deepest regret over the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and demands the complete and unconditional withdrawal of armed forces from the territory of Ukraine.”

“Russian aggression” is the standard NATO mantra – not shared by virtually the whole Global South.

The statement draws a direct correlation between the war and a non-contextualized “aggravation of pressing problems in the global economy – slowing economic growth, rising inflation, disruption of supply chains, worsening energy, and food security, increased risks to financial stability.”

As for this passage, it could not be more self-evident: “The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today’s era must not be of war.”

This is ironic given that NATO and its public relations department, the EU, “represented” by the unelected eurocrats of the European Commission, don’t do “diplomacy and dialogue.”

Fixated with war

Instead, the US, which controls NATO, has been weaponizing Ukraine, since March, by a whopping $91.3 billion, including the latest presidential request, this month, of $37.7 billion. That happens to be 33 percent more than Russia’s total (italics mine) military spending for 2022.

Extra evidence of the Bali Summit being hijacked by “war” was provided by the emergency meeting, called by the US, to debate what ended up being a Ukrainian S-300 missile falling on a Polish farm, and not the start of WWIII like some tabloids hysterically suggested.

Tellingly, there was absolutely no one from the Global South in the meeting – the sole Asian nation being the Japanese vassal, part of the G7.

Compounding the picture, we had the sinister Davos master Klaus Schwab once again impersonating a Bond villain at the B20 business forum, selling his Great Reset agenda of “rebuilding the world” through pandemics, famines, climate change, cyber-attacks, and – of course – wars.

As if this was not ominous enough, Davos and its World Economic Forum are now ordering Africa – completely excluded from the G20 – to pay $2.8 trillion to “meet its obligations” under the Paris Agreement to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

The demise of the G20 as we know it

The serious fracture between Global North and Global South, so evident in Bali, had already been suggested in Phnom Penh, as Cambodia hosted the East Asia Summit this past weekend.

The 10 members of ASEAN had made it very clear they remain unwilling to follow the US and the G7 in their collective demonization of Russia and in many aspects China.

Southeast Asians are also not exactly excited by the US-concocted IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework), which will be irrelevant in terms of slowing down China’s extensive trade and connectivity across Southeast Asia.

And it gets worse. The self-described “leader of the free world” is shunning the extremely important APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit in Bangkok at the end of this week.

For very sensitive and sophisticated Asian cultures, this is seen as an affront. APEC, established way back in the 1990s to promote trade across the Pacific Rim, is about serious Asia-Pacific business, not Americanized “Indo-Pacific” militarization.

The snub follows Biden’s latest blunder when he erroneously addressed Cambodia’s Hun Sen as “prime minister of Colombia” at the summit in Phnom Penh.

Lining up to join BRICS

It is safe to say that the G20 may have plunged into an irretrievable path toward irrelevancy. Even before the current Southeast Asian summit wave – in Phnom Penh, Bali and Bangkok – Lavrov had already signaled what comes next when he noted that “over a dozen countries” have applied to join BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

Iran, Argentina, and Algeria have formally applied: Iran, alongside Russia, India, and China, is already part of the Eurasian Quad that really matters.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Afghanistan are extremely interested in becoming members. Indonesia just applied, in Bali. And then there’s the next wave: Kazakhstan, UAE, Thailand (possibly applying this weekend in Bangkok), Nigeria, Senegal, and Nicaragua.

It’s crucial to note that all of the above sent their Finance Ministers to a BRICS Expansion dialogue in May. A short but serious appraisal of the candidates reveals an astonishing unity in diversity.

Lavrov himself noted that it will take time for the current five BRICS to analyze the immense geopolitical and geoeconomic implications of expanding to the point of virtually reaching the size of the G20 – and without the collective west.

What unites the candidates above all is the possession of massive natural resources: oil and gas, precious metals, rare earths, rare minerals, coal, solar power, timber, agricultural land, fisheries, and freshwater. That’s imperative when it comes to designing a new resource-based reserve currency to bypass the US dollar.

Let’s assume that it may take up to 2025 to have this new BRICS+ configuration up and running. That would represent roughly 45 percent of confirmed global oil reserves and over 60 percent of confirmed global gas reserves (and that will balloon if the gas republic Turkmenistan later joins the group).

The combined GDP – in today’s figures – would be roughly $29.35 trillion; much larger than the US ($23 trillion) and at least double the EU ($14.5 trillion, and falling).

As it stands, BRICS account for 40 percent of the global population and 25 percent of GDP. BRICS+ would congregate 4.257 billion people: over 50 percent of the total global population as it stands.

BRI embraces BRICS+

BRICS+ will be striving towards interconnection with a maze of institutions: the most important is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), itself featuring a list of players itching to become full members; strategic OPEC+, de facto led by Russia and Saudi Arabia; and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s overarching trade and foreign policy framework for the 21st century. It is worth pointing out that early all crucial Asian players joined the BRI.

Then there are the close links of BRICS with a plethora of regional trade blocs: ASEAN, Mercosur, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), Arab Trade Zone, African Continental Free Trade Area, ALBA, SAARC, and last but not least the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the largest trade deal on the planet, which includes a majority of BRI partners.

BRICS+ and BRI are a match everywhere you look at it – from West Asia and Central Asia to Southeast Asians (especially Indonesia and Thailand). The multiplier effect will be key – as BRI members will inevitably attract more candidates for BRICS+.

This will inevitably lead to a second wave of BRICS+ hopefuls including, most certainly, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, three more Central Asians (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and gas republic Turkmenistan), Pakistan, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka, and in Latin America, a hefty contingent featuring Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Venezuela.

Meanwhile, the role of the BRICS’s New Development Bank (NDB) as well as the China-led Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will be enhanced – coordinating infrastructure loans across the spectrum, as BRICS+ will be increasingly shunning dictates imposed by the US-dominated IMF and the World Bank.

All of the above barely sketches the width and depth of the geopolitical and geoeconomic realignments further on down the road – affecting every nook and cranny of global trade and supply chain networks. The G7’s obsession with isolating and/or containing the top Eurasian players is turning on itself in the framework of the G20. In the end, it’s the G7 that may be isolated by the BRICS+ irresistible force.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

HRW Calls for Investigation into “Possible War Crimes”

The HRW said that it has investigated raids and found that many were based on faulty intelligence or false presumptions over the past 20 years.

Not all civilian deaths in wartime are violations of the laws of war, but warring parties have an obligation to investigate possible war crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a statement.


The HRW said that it has investigated raids and found that many were based on faulty intelligence or false presumptions over the past 20 years.

“During the conflict, the US military often responded to queries about possible civilian losses that all those killed were insurgents. Rarely was information provided showing that serious investigations into incidents of civilian deaths were carried out. During night raids – such as the attack that killed L’s family – even less evidence was offered, especially if there was CIA involvement,” the state reads.

“One of the bad decisions made in Bonn was that the Afghan delegation give the US and NATO the authority of judgment. This means if they conduct night raids or commit any crime, it cannot be prosecuted,” said Janat Chakari, an analyst.

The family members of the victims of the night raids called for justice.

“We call on the international criminal court to investigate our problems and help us. The raid happened 12 years ago,” said Sadam, a relative of a victim.

“The people now want their rights, so that their rights could be provided to them. And we want our voice to be heard,” said Abdul Karim, a relative of the victim.

The Islamic Emirate welcomed the investigation into incidents with foreign troops in Afghanistan.

“Our country was under bombardment for 20 years. We welcome it if they investigate the brutalities and crimes of the invaders neutrally,” said Bilal Karimi, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate.

Earlier, the Action on Armed Violence (AAOV) said that Britain has provided compensation to the families of 64 children who were killed during a military operation by this nation's army in Afghanistan.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2022

FTX's partnership with Ukraine is the latest chapter in the shady Western aid saga



The Ukrainian government mysteriously disappeared online records of its fundraising arrangement with the FTX crypto scam just days before the scandal erupted. The initiative claims to have raised $60 million for Ukraine, but where did the money go?

The demise of FTX, the fifth-biggest cryptocurrency exchange by trade volume in 2022, and the second-largest by holdings have sent a wave of chaos through global financial markets. 

As the turbulence grows, the government of Ukraine is conducting an ongoing cleanup and whitewashing operation to rid any and all references to a high-level cryptocurrency fundraising arrangement it struck with FTX from the web. Eerily, it seems to have commenced just days before the scandal erupted. 

Online records unearthed by The Grayzone claim tens of millions were raised by FTX for the Ukrainian government and put to a variety of belligerent uses. But with the company now exposed as a Potemkin village lacking underlying assets, and major question marks hanging over whether its operations were from day one fraudulent top to bottom, where does that leave the supposedly successful donation scheme? Were those sums truly raised, and if so, to what purposes were they actually put?

FTX’s destruction resulted from a mass sell-off of the company’s native bitcoin token, FTT, by the rival exchange, Binance. Its value plummeted, prompting a three-day “run” on billions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, which in turn created – or exposed – a “liquidity crisis” within FTX, as it did not have the available assets required to redeem client withdrawals. FTX filed for bankruptcy on November 11th. 

FTX founder and top Democrat Party donor Sam Bankman-Fried now faces criminal investigations in the Bahamas, where the exchange was headquartered, and calls for official investigations into the largely unregulated cryptocurrency industry are reverberating across the globe.

The sudden death of FTX has been compared to the 2008 disintegration of Lehman Brothers that precipitated the financial crisis.

Massive customer holdings have apparently gone missing thanks to a secret “back door” in the FTX bookkeeping system that allowed Bankman-Fried to make changes to the company’s financial records without any accountability. This connivance may have been used to hide at least $10 billion in client funds Bankman-Fried transferred from the exchange to another company he founded, digital asset trader Alameda Research. 

While mainstream media pores over the details of Bankman-Fried’s gargantuan crypto scam, not one single major outlet has investigated or even acknowledged FTX’s relationship with the government of Ukraine. 

Were client holdings unaccountably and illegally funneled into the West’s proxy war? Or did the supposed aid FTX sent to Kiev find its way into the hands of Ukrainian scammers, corrupt warlords, and illicit actors? 

The corporate media’s failure to explore these questions appears all the more perverse given Bankman-Fried’s flamboyant promotion of his intimate financial relationship with the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. 

FTX pledges to “turn bitcoin into bullets, bandages and another war materiel” for Ukraine

The partnership between FTX and the Ukrainian government was first publicized on March 14th when the leading cryptocurrency website CoinDesk announced Kiev had launched a dedicated webpage for cryptocurrency donations dubbed Aid for Ukraine.

Under its auspices, FTX pledged to “convert crypto contributions to Ukraine’s war effort into fiat for deposit” at the National Bank of Kiev, allowing the embattled government to “turn bitcoin into bullets, bandages and another war materiel.” CoinDesk stated the initiative “deepens an unprecedented tie-up between public and private sector forces in crypto.” 

Oleksandr Bornyakov, an official at Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation, hinted to CoinDesk about an “upcoming NFT collection” auction to “give the next boost to the crypto fundraising process.”

(Bornyakov’s Ministry of Digital Transformation played a key role in the successful, Zelensky-led campaign to cancel The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate’s appearance at Web Summit, a major international gathering of the tech industry in Lisbon, Portugal). 

In a press release accompanying the announcement of the FTX partnership with Ukraine, Bankman-Fried explained that “at the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, FTX felt the need to provide assistance in any way it could.” He promised that the arrangement provided “the ability to deliver aid and resources to the people who need it most.”

Kiev disappears Aid for Ukraine site days before FTX scandal goes public

The Aid for Ukraine webpage has now been deleted, but can still be accessed via the Internet Archive. Until very recently, it encouraged visitors to “help Ukraine with crypto” and pleaded, “don’t leave us alone with the enemy.” 

The site featured promotional quotes from an assortment of Ukrainian government officials and bitcoin bros – among them, FTX’s founder.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine thanked “the crypto community” for funding the purchase of helmets, bulletproof vests, and night vision devices. For his part, Bankman-Fried declared himself “incredibly excited and humbled” to “support crypto donations to Ukraine.”

The last available Internet Archive capture of Aid for Ukraine” took place on the afternoon of October 26th. Throughout the web page's existence, the Internet Archive captured multiple snapshots of it weekly. This clearly indicates the page was purged by Kiev in late October, several days before the FTX crisis initially broke out.

Once it was deleted, the Ukrainian government created a standalone website on November 1st to promote the endeavor. The page was identical, and quotes from Bankman-Fried, and references to FTX’s involvement and its logo, remained in place until the morning of November 15th.

Was the original webpage’s dumping and erasure, and the shift to a totally new interface, at that time merely a spooky coincidence, or were the Ukrainians warned of what was coming? What did Kiev know, and when did it know it?

Bankman-Fried channeled millions to Biden through “stealth” PAC

Though FTX has been accused of serving as a money laundering vehicle for the US Democratic Party, concrete evidence supporting this claim has yet to materialize. But given Bankman-Fried’s background as one of the most prolific donors to the Democrats, and the role he played as a nexus between party power-brokers and the cryptocurrency sphere, the allegations are understandable. 

Bankman-Fried is the son of Stanford law professor Barbara Friedman, founder of a shadowy Super PAC called Mind the Gap which quietly channeled millions to Democratic party candidates, primarily from nameless Silicon Valley investors. 

The organization has no website or social media footprint, and its founders do not advertise their involvement publicly. Chosen through complex data analysis, beneficiaries of the Super PAC often have no idea themselves who or what has donated to their campaigns.

“The raison d’être is stealth,” an individual “with ties to the organization,” told Vox back in 2020.

Bankman-Fried establishment of FTX in April 2019 – the same month Joe Biden announced his 2020 Presidential run – has added to the intrigue surrounding the scandal. Once vast sums started flowing into and through the FTX exchange, its founder channeled profits into Biden’s campaign coffers. Oddly, Bankman-Fried had no prior history of political giving.

Throughout the 2020 campaign, Bankman-Fried gifted over $5 million to Biden and groups supporting him. This reportedly helped fuel a potentially decisive “nine-figure, an eleventh-hour blitz of TV advertising” targeting swing states, and made the crypto bro the second-largest donor to the president, right behind Michael Bloomberg.

Bankman-Fried claimed this wellspring of generosity was “motivated less by specific issues than by the Biden team’s ‘generic stability and decision-making process.’” Such an apparent lack of enthusiasm for the President stands at odds with the staggering sums he has pumped into Democratic party coffers ever since. 

In 2022 alone, Bankman-Fried lavished almost $40 million on Democratic candidates, campaigns, and PACs. The giving spree made him the second-largest individual donor to Democratic causes, behind liberal venture capitalist George Soros. 

More recently, Bankman-Fried pledged to donate a staggering $1 billion between this year and 2024 to ensure a Democratic victory in the next presidential vote. On October 14th, however, he completely backtracked, branding the investment a “dumb” move. Something scandalous was brewing behind the scenes.

One week later, the Texas State Securities Board announced it was investigating FTX on suspicion of selling unregistered securities. The development went largely unnoticed by the media. To the extent it generated any interest at all, it was framed as just one of several examples of financial authorities scrutinizing crypto players.

What happened to the $60 million raised by Aid for Ukraine?

If FTX was indeed laundering funds for the proxy war in Ukraine, the slightest indication that regulators were investigating its operations would have triggered alarm bells throughout Washington – and by extension, Kiev. This may be why the Ukrainian government switched the Aid for Ukraine webpage with a dedicated website and scrubbed the original entirely from the internet just days after the announcement.

Also curious are the Internet Archive captures of the Aid for Ukraine website that shows records of funds purportedly flowing to Kiev via Bitcoin had not been updated since July. At the time, the webpage reported that over $60 million had been raised by the “community.” This figure is reflected on the updated standalone Aid for Ukraine fundraising site.

A breakdown of spending on the new Aid for Ukraine website states Kiev had spent a total of $54,573,622 in cryptocurrency donations by July 7th on a wide variety of equipment, vehicles, drones, “lethal equipment” and other resources. One of the biggest single expenditures was $5,250,519 on a “worldwide anti-war media campaign,” the details of which would only “be published after our victory” due to “security reasons.”

Ukrainian government officials and private sector actors involved in the operation of Aid for Ukraine have scoffed at suggestions of impropriety regarding its use, but have only raised further questions with their denials.

Oleksandr Bornyakov of Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation declared that Aid for Ukraine simply used FTX to “convert donations into fiat in March.” The CEO of Everstake, the “validator” company that in theory guaranteed crypto funds donated via Aid for Ukraine reached Kiev’s Ministry of Defense, also thanked “every crypto holder for donating…in that early day [sic], when every cent and every minute was crucial.” 

Taken in tandem, these comments suggest Aid for Ukraine was set up purely to receive donations in the initial stages of the war, and the $60 million figure represents sums received and converted in the weeks immediately following the launch of the initiative. This interpretation is reinforced by an Everstake staffer’s presentation at a cryptocurrency conference at Web Summit on November 1st, on the subject of “raising [over] $60m in crypto for Ukraine.”

But an Internet Archive capture of Aid for Ukraine on April 1st adds to the confusion, showing that two-and-a-half-weeks after the initiative launched, the webpage was updated to claim “over $70 million” had been raised from crypto donors. This was revised down to “over $60 million” five days later. 

More strangely, Aid for Ukraine records shows that from the time of the initiative’s launch to April 14th, a total of $45,103,538 was spent. This means just $9,470,084 was spent between April 14 and July 7th, a period in which the war developed into a “bloody war of attrition” according to The Guardian.

This leaves a gap of at least $5.5 million in the money Aid for Ukraine claimed to have raised in its initial weeks, and the funds it says it distributed in Ukraine. 

The disparity was confirmed in a tweet by the official Aid for Ukraine Twitter account, posted on the evening of November 15th, which stated that “out of $60 million received, $54 million have already been spent on Ukraine’s humanitarian and military needs.” 

This implies that no further funds of any size were received after early April, and the total has remained static ever since, despite the resource is open for donations. Which would be highly unusual.

The government of Ukraine, FTX, and Everstake all now have serious questions to answer. Namely, why the funds purportedly raised appear to have decreased in a span of a few days, why no donations have been received since then on the Aid for Ukraine webpage or its new website, how much has been donated since the alleged initial influx, and where did the rest of the money go?

Ukraine: a black hole for Western aid

Stories of potential financial impropriety by Ukrainian officials and the country’s military are invariably ignored or outright buried by the Western media. An August exposé by the Kyiv Independent documented wide-ranging abuses by the leadership of a wing of the International Legion, including sexual harassment, looting, threatening soldiers at gunpoint, and sending them unprepared on reckless missions. Though the Kyiv Independent often influences Western media’s coverage of the Ukraine conflict, this story was completely ignored in mainstream quarters.

That same month, CBS broadcast an investigative feature revealing that only 30 percent of Western arms shipments to Ukraine ever reach the frontline. Due to intense backlash from the Pentagon and other powerful sources, CBS temporarily pulled its own documentary and an accompanying promotional trailer and article from the web. The feature has since been “updated” to claim that “the situation has significantly improved” since filming, and “a much larger quantity now gets where it’s supposed to go.”

When it comes to Ukraine, Democrats at the highest levels are also immensely skilled at burying embarrassing stories. In December 2015, Joe Biden coerced Kiev’s then-leader Petro Poroshenko into firing prosecutor general Viktor Shokin as a condition for the US underwriting a $1 billion IMF loan to Ukraine.

“I’m going to be leaving here in six hours. If [Shokin] is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden threatened. 

With Shokin’s firing, the experienced lawyer’s ongoing probe into the energy giant Burisma ended as well. This meant that Burisma’s most famous board member, Hunter Biden, the son of the then-US Vice President’s son, eluded official scrutiny. 

Now, a politically connected crypto-billionaire who used a secret financial “back door” to fleece customers of ungodly sums of money has become the latest character in the saga of shady US aid to Ukraine. And though the collapse of his FTX firm is front-page news, mainstream outlets are studiously avoiding the Ukraine angle.