The US starts an arms race over Israel
normalization and calls it ‘peace’
28, 2020
We know that the
Trump administration will do almost anything to get as many Arab countries as
possible on board with Israel “normalization” before the election, but the true extent of how transactional this process has become hasn’t been exactly clear.
Until now.
“They start an arms race and call it peace,” tweeted foreign policy writer Daniel Larison on
Tuesday morning.
He was responding to news reports this week that the Israelis have
dropped their opposition to the sale of the F-35 fighter to the United Arab
Emirates after Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Pentagon officials in
Washington on Friday. The upshot: the two sides signed “a joint declaration
confirming the United States’ strategic commitment to maintaining Israel’s
qualitative military edge in the Middle East for years to come,” Gantz’s office
said afterward.
In theoretical terms, that means a reaffirmation of a decades-old policy
in which Washington guarantees Israel’s military superiority over its
neighbors, mostly by keeping a balance (with an “edge” toward Tel Aviv),
between the arms, it sells Israel and the military capabilities of its other
partners in the region. In practical terms, the statement means that DoD
officials promised Israel more stuff in exchange for dropping their earlier resistance to the F-35 sale.
What the Israelis will get out of it is anyone’s guess, but according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz,
Gantz and other officials have renewed their requests that the Pentagon remove
“obstacles” to purchasing the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter, which the United
States has so far barred from any foreign buyers, including its good friend
Israel. The F-22 considered the most advanced fighter jet ever made, closed
its production line in 2011, and restarting it would be terribly expensive, say, industry experts.
Furthermore, the Air Force is not interested in selling any of the some 180
irreplaceable Raptors it has in its hangars today.
But whether or not the F-22 is on the table (the Pentagon says it’s not)
according to Haaretz, Israel has already requested up to $8 billion in new arms
sales in the wake of September’s U.S.-brokered “Abraham Accords,” in which
Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv officially opened diplomatic relations.
“I have referred to the Abraham Accords as the ‘Arms Sales Accords’
because they could yield tens of billions [of dollars in] new arms sales to the
region,” William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the
Center for International Policy, tells Responsible Statecraft. “They will do
more for weapons contractors like Lockheed Martin and Boeing and undemocratic
regimes like the UAE then they will promote peace in the region.”
The arms bazaar began back in August when news started trickling out that the
F-35 deal to UAE had been accelerated by chief White House peace dealer Jared
Kushner in hopes of guaranteeing Abu Dhabi’s buy-in on normalization. Reports also indicated that
the UAE would also get access to billions of dollars in drones and other
weaponry. Reacting to the news, Israel officials criticized Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu for seemingly keeping them in the dark, and efforts have
since been made to thwart the F-35 transfer in the U.S. Congress.
“This rush to close an F-35 deal by President Trump before the end of
his term could well undermine [Israel’s] qualitative military advantages over
all potential adversaries,” said Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., who introduced legislation with
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. on Oct. 20 that would make any arms sales to
Middle East buyers contingent on preserving Israel’s QME.
The legislation comes as Qatar, Abu Dhabi’s nemesis, has reportedly also formally requested to buy the F-35.
Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz, who sits in Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu’s security cabinet, used the news to lash out at the United States,
saying that the Trump administration “ultimately looks out for American
interests,” and that Israel would demand “appropriate compensation.”
That is the rub: the United States has maintained Israel’s regional QME
by selling Tel Aviv more and better stuff above and beyond the new, but
slightly less sophisticated versions it sells to Israel’s neighbors, says
Geoffrey Aronson, a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute. Tel Aviv
already has the F-35, for example. One of Gantz’s asks on Friday, reportedly,
was that a lower-grade version of the
F-35 be sold to UAE.
“In a sense, we have seen this movie before,” all the way back to when
the QME was first
instituted by President Lyndon Johnson in
1968, through the Camp David Accords that led to the Israel-Egyptian peace treaty in 1979, and
the U.S.-Saudi “AWACS” deal in
1981, Aronson tells Responsible Statecraft. “So Israel complains, and their concerns are taken into account and Israel’s neighbors end up getting a
B-version of the top of the line.”
But this benefits everyone, including
the defense industry in the United States, which is the biggest arms dealer in the world.
“The MICC (Military Industrial Congressional Complex) of course wants to
expand the market for U.S. fighter planes,” Dan Grazier at the Center for
Defense Information at the Project on Government Oversight told Responsible
Statecraft. You better bet the industry is pushing for sales, on both sides, he
added — particularly Lockheed Martin, maker of the F-35 (and the F-22).
The idea of a qualitative edge in 2020 is problematic, too. First,
Israel’s ultimate “edge” is its secret arsenal of nuclear weapons,
which no state in the Gulf region, including its arch-enemy Iran, can
Second, as Hartung points out, “the F-35 alone would be unlikely to
dramatically erode Israel’s (QME) over the UAE given Israeli advantages in
training and integration of advanced technology across the board; nor is the
UAE likely to attack Israel under any realistic scenario.” Meanwhile, he adds,
“the UAE has used its air force in Yemen and Libya and is more likely to use
new aircraft in those conflict zones than against Israel.” As we know, before
pulling out Yemen, UAE munitions were used regularly against civilian targets,
while the war thrust the country into the worst humanitarian crisis since
World War II.
So on one hand observers point out that if there is any “edge”
being given to the UAE, it would most likely be used against other regional
competitors, the biggest one being Iran. Right now it is far more likely that
the major Gulf states — including Saudi Arabia and UAE — would join in turning
their new weapons on Iran rather than on Israel.
Not to take any chances, two members of Congress are reportedly
preparing to introduce legislation that would approve the sale of the biggest
non-nuclear bomb in the U.S. arsenal, the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, to
Israel, as well as reinforcing Washington's commitment to Israel’s QME.
“We must ensure our ally Israel is equipped and prepared to confront a
full range of threats, including the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran. That is
why I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan bill to defend Israel from Iran and
Hezbollah and reinforce our historic ally’s qualitative military edge in the
region with ‘bunker buster’ munitions,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., who
is co-sponsoring the bill with Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla, in a statement on Tuesday.
The 300,000-pound precision-guided MOP is designed to penetrate and
destroy underground facilities. “Iran and its terrorist proxies throughout the
region must never be able to threaten the U.S. or Israel with a nuclear weapon,” he added.
It is not clear how far this arms “race” will go now that the horse-trading has been spurred by the Trump administration’s zeal to get more states
on board with Israel. In Sudan, Trump dangled
the chance to get off the terrorist list. In Morocco, Israel has
long been pushing the U.S. to recognize Morocco’s disputed claims to the
Western Sahara in order to reach an agreement. Trump has already declared
“peace” (though it has nothing to do with the original meaning in regards to
the longstanding Israel-Palestinian crisis), but a full “victory” would no
doubt mean all of Israel’s Sunni-Arab neighbors climbing aboard the
normalization train.
Call them sweeteners or bribes, but all of this is certainly a boon to
the U.S. arms industry. How much “peace” comes out of it, however, remains to
be seen.
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