President Joe Biden Plans a
World of Endless Intervention and Probably War
by Doug Bandow Posted on October 28, 2020
Joe Biden might be elected
president next week. What would that mean for U.S. foreign policy? President Donald
Trump’s failings are many and obvious. Unfortunately,
Biden’s assumptions and plans, though different, are equally flawed.
Almost certainly there
would be more pervasive intervention, ceaseless meddling, self-serving demands,
economic sanctions, deadly drones, intermittent bombing, continuing occupation,
and endless war. More lives and wealth wasted. More foreign societies ruined.
More world problems created and seeds of future crises planted. Rather like the
last two decades.
Biden has been in politics for nearly a half-century. Never has he evidenced a single thought that deviated
much from the conventional wisdom on foreign (or domestic) policy. When he
dissented from majority sentiments, it always was within hailing distance of
the rest of what Ben Rhodes inelegantly termed "the Blob," or foreign
policy establishment.
At most Biden wants a bit
less military involvement, never no entanglement. In a Biden administration
Americans would remain ever at risk of being sent off to fight and die for no
good reason. As for lesser "engagement," he desires better and more
intensive social engineering rather than practical, voluntary, and measured
Indeed, the poverty of
Biden’s thinking is illustrated by the title of his March Foreign
Affairs article, "Why America Must Lead Again: Rescuing US
Foreign Policy After Trump." Is there an establishment politician in the US
who does not believe Washington should "lead" the rest of the world?
Is there a recent presidential nominee who has not insisted that America so
"lead"? Does even Donald Trump argue against "leading"
other nations? For 75 years US policymakers have insisted on leading everywhere
all the time, infantilizing even friends and allies, discouraging them from
acting as serious nations should.
Of course, Biden sums up
his case against Trump with the claim that the latter "has abdicated
American leadership in mobilizing collective action to meet new threats."
Unfortunately, considering the sort of "leadership" exhibited by
Trump’s predecessors, an abdication in leadership is precisely what the
American people need it.
The Democratic nominee
offered a long list of scarily detailed missions facing the next president:
"to address the world as it is in January 2021, and picking up the pieces
will be an enormous task. He or she will have to salvage our reputation,
rebuild confidence in our leadership, and mobilize our country and our allies
to rapidly meet new challenges. There will be no time to lose." Biden
promised that "As president, I will take immediate steps to renew the US
democracy and alliances, protect the United States economic future, and once
more have America lead the world."
As for the critical
question of means, how is he going to achieve the constantly advanced but never
defined objective of "leading"? Ironically, his first priority makes
sense precisely because it has nothing to do with leading the world. Rather, it
is to "repair and reinvigorate our own democracy."
Of course, Biden says he
wants to address such issues as a means of proving "to the world that the
United States is prepared to lead again." However, domestic reform should
be his highest priority – for the American people, not to help lead
the world, whatever that means in practice. Indeed, it would be easier to fix
America’s domestic problems if the next president focused on that objective,
not "leading the world."
No one can doubt the
desperate need to address an educational enterprise that fails to teach so many
of the young, a health care industry in which so many policies and incentives
run against patient choice and cost-effective treatment, and a criminal justice
system that creates too many crimes punishes too many offenses severely, and
treats too many people unfairly. Rejuvenation also requires welcoming
immigrants and trade. But how to fix such problems?
Not by launching massive
new spending programs by a government already functionally bankrupt. Yet the
Democratic nominee wants to package a big-spending domestic program as "a
foreign policy for the middle class." For instance, he says he would spend
lavishly to invest in infrastructure, create "affordable health care"
(I thought Barack Obama did that!), fund innovation, and "lead the clean
economy revolution."
There is a fine line
between investment and boondoggle, alas, and the federal fiscal cupboard is
bare – the national debt is more than 100 percent of GDP, the ultimate COVID
"deficit" due to higher spending and lower revenues will be as much
as $16 trillion, and the rapidly aging population already has baked in large
spending and deficit increases in the coming years. In most areas, the only way to
better meet human needs are to shift control away from overweening government
agencies, especially at the national level. For instance, "fixing"
education requires putting the interests of children and families ahead of
those of school bureaucracies and teacher unions. That would require tough
leadership, especially from a Democrat obviously inclined to kowtow to liberal
interest groups.
Biden also wants to
"organize and host a global Summit for Democracy to renew the spirit and
shared purpose of the nations of the free world." Certainly, countries could
do better in defending human rights and promoting political freedom. However,
big international meetings rarely yield many practical results, focusing
instead on grand, symbolic, and political gestures.
In fact, many government
leaders view "improving democracy" as developing new, creative, and
more effective ways to hinder the opposition. Yet the failure of established
elites to listen to or even accept the legitimacy of disfavored political views
helped trigger the ongoing populist wave. Biden also wants to treat promoting
democracy as equivalent to strengthening state authority, by, for instance,
campaigning against "illicit tax havens." However, reducing tax
competition among kleptocratic regimes that have wasted, misspent, and lost
(often through corruption) trillions of dollars further extends and strengthens
state power in ways not likely to benefit the people.
Biden also wants to do
something on international trade. Alas, it sounds a bit like protectionism
lite. He wrote that his policy would be "taking down trade barriers that
penalize Americans and resisting a dangerous global slide toward
protectionism." That is good. But he also intoned "I believe in fair
trade," which always means less trade. In practice, the only trade that is
"fair" in the view of labor unions, domestic producers, progressive
activists, modern socialists, and assorted believers in a fixed "economic
pie," is none – which is precisely the position taken by President Donald
Trump. All of them want Americans to sell things overseas but not to use any of
the proceeds to buy things overseas.
Even if Biden concedes that
occasionally it is okay for a few Americans to import some things, he
explained: "As president, I will not enter into any new trade agreements
until we have invested in Americans and equipped them to succeed in the global
economy." Given the state of American education and other government
"investment," and Biden’s subservience to special interest
bureaucracies, Americans might never be ready by his standards.
Moreover, said Biden,
"I will not negotiate new deals without having labor and environmental
leaders at the table in a meaningful way and without including strong
enforcement provisions to hold our partners to the deals they sign."
However, imposing rich country standards on poor nations is indirect
protectionism, limiting their ability to compete; dictating their internal
economic policies and legal standards is old-fashioned economic imperialism as
well. The result is to deny everyone mutually beneficial commerce determined by
individuals and companies, rather than politicians and interest groups.
Biden’s economic policy
toward China sounds a little different from Trump’s. Only it probably would be
more serious and constant, without the spurts of ideological madness
attributable to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White House adviser Peter
Navarro, and other administration know-nothings. Biden complained: "If
China has its way, it will keep robbing the United States and American
companies of their technology and intellectual property. It will also keep
using subsidies to give its state-owned enterprises an unfair advantage – and a
leg up on dominating the technologies and industries of the future."
The critique is common but
confused. For instance, cyberespionage is different from US firms voluntarily
turning over technology as a price of entering the China market. Beijing
subsidizes its firms but so does America. Forcing other states to change core
economic objectives is exceedingly difficult: Americans would not respond well
to similar demands from foreigners. Still, Biden, in contrast to Trump, who
launched simultaneous trade wars on almost all of America’s trading partners,
understands that working with Europe would be more effective than the war
against everyone.
Moreover, though Biden ran
some ads seeking to out-hawk Trump on China, his article in Foreign
Affairs did not suggest a security crisis with Beijing, in contrast to
Trump’s position. Indeed, in a later interview, the Democrat treated China
mostly as an economic competitor. Although Biden did not offer a positive plan
for reducing military tensions and resolving contested issues, such as
territorial disputes, he also did not advocate military confrontation.
On more traditional foreign
policy issues Biden looks predictably disappointing. In negotiating with
left-wing activists when his nomination became certain, he showed openness to
them on precisely the wrong issues – especially domestic economic policy,
agreeing to a more dirigiste approach. On foreign policy, he strongly resisted
efforts to move away from perpetual intervention and endless war. He seems
likely to be a traditional liberal interventionist, with most of Barack Obama’s
faults while lacking the latter’s welcome caution about military entanglements
with minimal security benefits.
Naturally, in his article
Biden led with the standard assumption of American indispensability: "The
Biden's foreign policy agenda will place the United States back at the head of
the table, in a position to work with its allies and partners to mobilize
collective action on global threats." That sounds grand, but in practice
likely means continuing to treat every other nation’s problem like America’s
problems. And that inevitably undermines rather than advances U.S. interests.
Biden worried that
"either someone else will take the United States’ place, but not in a way
that advances our interests and values, or no one will, and chaos will
ensue." This is a common claim, but there are few examples to back his
fearful assumption that not trying to run everything will lead to disaster for
On economics, the greatest
danger is not someone else leading but the US standing aside. For example, the
Trump administration’s foolish decision to drop the Trans-Pacific Partnership
left America out of expanded commercial opportunities in Asia, as the other TPP
members moved ahead anyway. This was indirectly a major boon to China, which
had been deliberately excluded from the treaty. Would Biden rejoin, however? As
noted earlier, he came out against new trade agreements in the foreseeable
future, which could have essentially the same effect.
Despite his expressed
concern for America’s economic future, he seemed to offer open-ended support
for increased military outlays: "The United States has the strongest
military in the world, and as president, I will ensure it stays that way,
making the investments necessary to equip our troops for the challenges of this
century, not the last one." On its face, this should result in a smaller
force structure better designed for more limited missions. However, nothing in
Biden’s positions suggest the required humility and restraint.
If not, where would the
money come from? The US deficit for 2020 ran over $3 trillion. As noted
earlier, the national debt is racing upward. Even before COVID-19 Washington
was expected to rack up another $10 trillion in borrowing over the next decade
because Congress and the president have been simultaneously upping outlays and
cutting taxes. Beyond will be constantly rising Medicare and Social Security
outlays as baby-boomers retire. With outlays and deficits already programmed to
skyrocket, how will Biden maintain outsize military spending while fulfilling
his expensive domestic promises?
As for military action,
Washington’s determination to lead has turned into a huge negative: dragging
other nations into stupid, foolish, and counterproductive Middle Eastern wars
is what created chaos there. Biden acknowledged that "American leadership
is not infallible; we have made missteps and mistakes." However, that
description does not come close to reflecting the debacle resulting from
persistent US war-making in the Mideast. Four different conflicts have been
disasters in four different ways: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. Frankly,
less US leadership and involvement are desperately called for.
If other nations, friendly
or not, want to take responsibility for future imbroglios, Washington should
welcome them to do so. If the alternative is chaos, America is still better off
outside. Protecting American interests is not the same as attempting to
maintain stability in every region, especially in areas largely impervious to
such efforts. Biden cites fearful consequences without demonstrating that the
fearful consequences, even if they occurred, would actually matter. Being the
world’s most powerful nation means America can, and should, ignore many
supposed problems.
To his credit, Biden
declared that "the use of force should be a last resort, not the first. It
should be used only to defend US vital interests, when the objective is clear
and achievable, and with the informed consent of the American people."
However, does that informed popular consent mean congressional approval, as
demanded by the Constitution? Every recent chief executive, including Biden’s
boss, Barack Obama, has asserted unilateral war-making authority.
Moreover, how does Biden
define "vital" interests? He backed wars with Iraq and Yugoslavia –
what was "vital" about them? At first, Washington struck the
former without any proof that it possessed nuclear weapons or even a nuclear
weapons program. America had no security interests in the latter; as for human
rights, the US ignored similar abuses by other, friendlier states.
And what was vital that
justified intervening in Libya, Iraq/Syria (against ISIS), and Yemen
(indirectly, through Saudi Arabia)? Admittedly, they occurred when Biden was
only vice president, but there was no hint of dissent, as when he opposed the
administration’s troop "surge" in Afghanistan. (He later claimed to
have opposed the Libyan misadventure, after it went bad.)
Nevertheless, Biden tried
to outbid Trump on the issue. "It is past time to end the forever wars,
which have cost the United States untold blood and treasure," Biden wrote.
However, he only means withdrawing "the vast majority of our troops from
Afghanistan and the Middle East," while narrowing the mission to defeating
ISIS. (He also would end support for Saudi aggression in Yemen.) Even this
moderate support for retrenchment caused unease among hawks, such as AEI’s Kori
Schake, which is as good a recommendation for Biden as he could receive.
The test of Biden’s word
would be his willingness to end the current military presence in Syria,
designed to confront the Damascus government, Turkey, Iran, and Russia. This
would be a major improvement over Trump’s policy. Indeed, ISIS cannot justify
America’s presence: the US already did the heavy lifting, leading the campaign
to destroy the ISIS "caliphate." Every Mideast government is opposed
to an Islamic State revival and collectively these regimes should be able to
contain the group’s activities.
Also problematic is Biden’s
fulsome endorsement of US "counterterrorism" missions. These
operations have morphed around the world and turned into quasi-wars with
significant civilian casualties and foreign consequences. Collectively they
count as another, seemingly unending, war.
Biden emphasized the role
of diplomacy, which probably would mean the appointment of a secretary of state
familiar with the practice. That would be a welcome contrast to the Trump
administration. Although the president appears to be sincerely committed to negotiation,
Pompeo is not. Unsurprisingly, the latter’s approach is largely ineffective:
his constant intimidation and belligerence drive away from both friends and foes.
Biden also noted the
problem of credibility: "By pulling out of treaty after treaty, reneging
on policy after policy, walking away from U.S. responsibilities, and lying
about matters big and small, Trump has bankrupted the United States’ word in
the world." Broadly speaking, Biden is right, but Washington should not
lock itself into bad policies by assuming that whatever has been must ever be.
Trump’s diplomatic problem often is more tone than action. His good policies
would be so much more effective if carried out, well, more diplomatically.
However, the Democratic
nominee goes very wrong with his fixation on alliances, which he is committed
to "reinvesting in." He wants to do so in Europe and Asia while
integrating "our friends in Latin America and Africa into the broader
network of democracies and to seize opportunities for cooperation in those
regions." Alas, he would continue the Washington precedent of
subordinating America’s interests to other governments by, for instance,
affirming "our ironclad commitment to Israel’s security" without
mentioning Israel’s unjust and destabilizing 60-year occupation over millions
of Palestinians.
Biden also is upset that
Trump talked nasty to European governments which prefer to let America always
do the heavy military lifting. Admittedly, the president’s rhetoric does treat
NATO a bit "like an American-run protection racket," as Biden
complained. However, the solution, which neither candidate understands, is for
the US to simply do less of what the Europeans should do more of, namely,
protect themselves. Ending a Washington-dominated NATO wouldn’t mean ending
cooperation to achieve shared ends. But the US is stronger if its allies take
over their own defense. Washington should stop treating the Europeans as
helpless dependents. Seventy-five years after the end of World War II is time
enough for European governments to act like adults and advance their nations’
Given his presumption of
European helplessness, Biden makes his biggest mistake with Russia, placing the primary burden on Washington to "keep the alliance’s military capabilities
sharp." He also wants to "impose real costs on Russia for its
violations of international norms and stand with Russian civil society."
In a recent interview, he claimed: "I think the biggest threat to America
right now in terms of breaking up our – our security and our alliances is
Vladimir Putin is no friend
of liberty, but Russia, today mostly a regional rather than global player,
poses no serious military threat to America. Moreover, Biden fails to employ
the slightest "strategic empathy," that is, looking at the world from
Moscow’s perspective: the West lied to/misled Russia about NATO expansion;
illegally warred against and dismantled Moscow’s allied state of Serbia;
encouraged revolutions in the sensitive border states of Georgia and Ukraine,
which were promised eventual alliance membership; sought to oust Russia from
Syria, with which Moscow had an alliance dating back decades, and imposed
multiple sanctions, including for conduct also characteristic of the US
and its allies, without providing a diplomatic off-ramp for reaching
compromise and accommodation.
This is a prescription for
permanent hostility toward an important nation with significant international
influence. And a state that otherwise might lean West as the China challenge
grows. Despite Trump’s rhetorical friendliness toward Putin, his administration
has been tougher than the Obama administration toward Russia. Biden apparently
would turn even more hostile, creating a mini-Cold War or worse. At least he
affirmed that he would pursue arms control with Russia.
There is some good news:
Biden would return to the Iranian nuclear deal, offering sanity in place of the
Trump administration’s reckless decision to take sides in the ongoing
Sunni-Shia conflict and determination to destroy Tehran. The fanciful presumption
that "maximum pressure" would force Iranian leaders to genuflect to
Trump & Co. and surrender their nation’s sovereignty proved false, risking
escalation to full-scale war.
Biden also would
"empower our negotiators" to deal with North Korea, but it is not
clear that he understands the North is unlikely to ever agree to full
denuclearization. Thus, Washington should push for step-by-step disarmament
instead. When Trump defended his approach to North Korea during their final
debate, Biden made an incoherent comparison to the appeasement of Nazi Germany.
That was a cheap shot against a worthy attempt at engagement and undercut
Biden’s talk of negotiation.
Unsurprisingly, Biden’s
article offered a typical political peroration: We must "rally the free
world to meet the challenges facing the world today. It falls to the United
States to lead the way. No other nation has that capability. No other nation is
built on that idea. We have to champion liberty and democracy, reclaim our
credibility, and look with unrelenting optimism and determination toward our
Who is "we"?
Americans, as in the American people, should lead the way. We are the best
ambassadors for our country. But when Biden says "we" he means
Washington. Or, more specifically, members of the Blob. Unfortunately, Biden
has surrounded himself with certified Blobsters – Antony Blinken, Michelle
Flournoy, Jake Sullivan, Tom Donilon, Nicholas Burns, and many more – who are
committed to the failed interventionist consensus that has dominated American
foreign policy over the last two decades.
Blinken, a longtime Biden
aide who maybe first among equals, is a particular disappointment, having
joined with neoconservative ivory tower warrior Robert Kagan to write an op-ed
in the Washington Post last year warning against the policy
"alternative offered by thinkers across the ideological spectrum who,
concerned that our reach exceeds our means, advise us to pull back without
considering the likely consequences, as we did in the 1930s." OMG! If the
US doesn’t garrison the globe and constantly war against countries big and
This from someone destined
to have an influential role in developing policy in a Biden administration. He
also would help the new administration fill the State Department, National
Security Council, and Defense Department with similarly-inclined warrior
wannabes responsible for two decades of destructive and largely fruitless
Making the problem even
worse, most establishment Democratic members of Congress accept Washington’s
conventional wisdom of intervention always and war usually, at least when a
Democrat is president. Even the most sensible members, such as Sen. Chris
Murphy (D-Conn.), mentioned as a possible secretary of state, offer the usual
bromides about NATO, Russia, Korea, and more. In contrast, progressives, as
noted earlier, had little influence on Biden’s foreign policy views.
Observed Foreign Policy’s Colum Lynch: "For many in the
Democratic Party’s progressive wing who favors a more restrained America, Biden
appears to be a man of the past."
Joe Biden is a man of the
past. His foreign policy as president almost certainly would also be from the
past, embodying the many accompanying failures. Despite some causes for hope,
such as Biden’s forthright promise to end America’s support for Saudi war
crimes in Yemen, a Biden foreign policy would mostly be more of the same. Which
would cost America and the rest of the world far more than they can afford.
Doug Bandow is a Senior
Fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald
Reagan. He is the author of Foreign Follies: America’s New Global Empire.
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