APRIL 10, 2020
As people come to grips with the
announcement today that Bernie Sanders has suspended i.e. dropped out of, his
campaign, a myriad of collective feelings will have to run their inevitable
My first reactions are that I feel profoundly let down. In the middle of
Holy Week, for God’s sake! While the virus is peaking and people are losing
things right and left, how does it help that he does this now?
Bernie has always had terrible timing, a consequence of having bad
advisors from the beginning. He always seemed to be reluctant to agree to
anything people were crying out for him to say, especially to stop calling
Biden a ‘good and decent’ man, his good friend, Joe Biden, the party’s only
remaining nominee: an old man with a credible sexual assault allegation
recently come to light; a serial plagiarist, a promoter of the worst policies
the centrists had to offer.
Let me put this in clear terms: Joe Biden, the Democratic Party choice
for President- a man with diminished mental capacities is going against one of
the most ruthless contenders in Presidential history, Donald J. Trump. On
Bernie’s watch, and with his participation by concession, the Democratic Party
will be utterly destroyed in November, and will have richly deserved it.
Bernie would also not fight back against Warren and her outrageous
sexism charge. He wanted his kindly reputation to endure in a campaign that was
not supposed to be about him.
In the end, this campaign was all about Bernie. This may not sound very
charitable. I could not believe, however, that there were no admissions of any
missteps in his concession speech. No mention that he could have done more to
address the concerns of many people.
For instance, although he said he was inclusive, he did not pay any
particular regard to those not in the minority segments or youth age brackets
that he was trying to romance. He would not stray from the talking points
hammered into our brains, trying to burn a legacy into place, to make the case
that he was the originator of these ideas, and, in my view, trying a little too
hard to rewrite history.
His last speech as a contender showed him once more taking credit for
these ideas becoming mainstream. Although he clearly was a defender or at
least a constant repeater of these ideas, was he helping “build a movement” by
stamping his brand all over them? The progressive ideas that he embraced did
not belong to him. Occupy was involved in income inequality long before Bernie
hitched his wagon to that star.
Bernie did not come up with a tax on speculation on Wall Street (an idea
that I supported in my run as an Independent from Maine for US Senate in 2008).
It actually came from James Tobin, an economist who won the Nobel Prize. Tobin
originated the concept of the STT (Securities Transaction Tax), which would be
an optimal way to fight back against the tax breaks and cuts that Congress has
showered on the rich for several decades.
The fight for minimum wage has been a progressive effort since I was
young, hardly a new idea. Not a Sanders idea, although to be fair, he has
strongly endorsed the idea for a long time. The same goes for single-payer or
healthcare for all. Others, notably Physicians for a National Health Plan
(PNHP) have fought these fights on behalf of the progressive cause.
Bernie adopted those ideas into the progressive platform he ran on. The
need was evident, but the ideas are not new and are not his alone. Maybe he has
fought for these things in the Senate and as an Independent from Vermont,
which would be a reasonable thing to do to stay in power, since they are among
the most popular ideas for change in the country.
I am not impressed that Bernie could not summon the willpower to respond
to the efforts of those who wanted him to go to battle. I wrote many columns
trying to appeal to him to suit up. I attended ten of his campaign events in
New Hampshire this time out and wrote and made videos to support his efforts
from the beginning of this second campaign. I have tried to reach the campaign
to no avail, to urge them to heighten their response and sharpen their attack
on substandard candidates’ ideas.
Bernie was staggeringly passive; he let one opportunity after another go
whizzing past with weak responses, if any, in the face of a growing Democratic
resurgence determined to destroy him. His silences emboldened the corporate
centrists, and confused supporters, who thought he would take the huge
advantage they gave him and surge forth, brandishing fury and determination.
Instead, he endlessly equivocated.
I have to own my part in this: I was stunned in 2016 when he said
Hillary was right and that nobody cares about her damn emails. From the
beginning, I saw him back down. Everything since then has been consistent: he
never went full tilt. He wanted to be loved more than being right at all costs.
He was able to be loved again, and forgiven again, and able to let us down
again. Yet I went along with it; I still worked on his behalf.
Despite his recent abdication (and, for some of us, his serial betrayal)
Bernie Sanders will be remembered fondly, and he will likely be forgiven by the
majority of his followers. Jacobin Magazine has written an article entitled
“Thank You, Bernie,” making the case that Sander's two campaigns have made it
possible to talk about socialism in America. It’s now okay apparently that he
will be endorsing and campaigning for Joe Biden, who shamed Anita Hill and is
now shaming Tara Reade. I have lived to witness the day this has happened. It
is not a joke.
After losing last time, Bernie did an amazing job of trying to convince
his hardcore supporters to stay in the Democratic Camp to support Clinton. Why
would he not support Dr. Stein in 2016, who endorsed his platform? If he wanted
a Revolution, she and the Green Party were the logical choices.
Why does he stay in the race now, collecting delegates which may still
come his way this time around? He hasn’t succeeded in explaining this, which
leads to the speculation that he is doing this to keep all the possible votes
and funding he can collect, turn them over to the Democrats for political
gain, retain his Senatorial standing, and not be hated later like Ralph Nader.
That’s why. He says it is to oppose Trump. We must keep following him on this,
apparently, even in his absence. I guess he will be out there making Joe’s case
for him since he cannot make a compelling case anymore.
This time, he has left the race early, in April, with half the States
not having even voted yet, with supporters that sent him money, who are now
without a leader. Bernie can claim that he did not stay and fight his ‘good
In 2016 I was a Bernie candidate for State Rep. and a Bernie delegate
and caucus captain and helped to start and run a pop-up office in York County,
Maine and taught area workers how to fight in the caucus for him.
When he dropped out last time and supported Hillary, I protested at a
rally and his rally people had me arrested for waving a green scarf in support
of Jill Stein. I was literally dragged out by two policemen.
Bernie Sanders has caused me more effort and personal grief for the
least amount of satisfaction of anyone I have ever known. No one else has asked
so much of me and done so little, and not followed through on their promises.
He said he would stay in the fight. He wants people to support his
platform and fight for his delegates at the convention. He just will not do it
He is a consummate politician. He has saved himself and bowed out while
we are struggling through a pandemic. Who told him this would be a good idea?
He could have just said that he would be there on the ballots so the Democratic
Party had an alternative in the event that Biden could not survive the
allegations of rape and the demands of leading in a pandemic and staying
mentally capable. These are real liabilities.
Sanders dropped out at the last possible point for Joe to make some
bizarre case that he could credibly be the Democratic nominee; any longer and
Joe would, and will, spectacularly bomb out, leading to four more years of
Bernie, you were the alternative. You ran the race, you did the work,
you deserved to hang in there. You should have fought hard for a better deal
and not sold us out in the stimulus package. That was a disaster. Your bright
colors are starting to fade in the reality of this crisis. You did not call for
an explanation for the allegations of rape against your “good friend.”
You never called out for Julian Assange to be dealt with decently. You
sidestepped that issue of conscience. So many missed opportunities to do some
good while you had the floor.
I am on a rant. Others will come after, and say other things. We are all
pretty mad at you. More than most, I spent time and treasure to help you do the
job. Why couldn’t you finish what you began? Not from the Senate. From the
Presidential campaign that we contributed funds to, hoping you would lead.
Why, why, why? I will go to my grave wondering what the hell happened
that I could believe in you again, be duped the same way again, and still want
to see some good in all you did.
It’s just time to pick up and move on, a rather hard thing to do while
we are all imprisoned in our own homes because of a bug. The man that could
speak for us has just folded his tents. Gone, like a thief in the night. Good
grief! Good night and good luck.
DOBSON, a new member of the ThisCantBeHappening! news collective, is a veteran
political activist, and current Democratic Convention ‘Bernie’ delegate for the
Cranberry Isles, Maine, writes for various blogs and is an EMT, USCG-certified
captain, landscape design business owner, and columnist. See her website: EndUSWars.org.
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