Conservative Foreign Policy
Trump seems unwilling to embrace Neoconservative
hawkishness. Will Republicans return to noninterventionism?
The rise of Donald Trump has led to predictions that the neoconservative dominance of
Republican foreign policy is about to end, whether or not Trump wins. The
Donald has challenged the perpetual military interventionism aspect of
neocon-think without doing any damage to his campaign and, in the process, he
has certainly noticed who the most strident voices being raised against him
the prospect of a world blissfully free of neocons is appealing,
but some observers have noted how the neoconservatives are chameleon like,
blending in with whoever is controlling the levers of power and capable of
moving from their original home in the Democratic Party over to the GOP—and
then back again to the Democrats whenever it seems tactically advisable. Their
eradication is far from a sure thing and one expects to see the neocon
stalwarts Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan at the top of any Hillary Clinton
The effort
to disparage Trump is to a considerable extent neocon driven, featuring the
usual publications, as well as frequent television and radio appearances driven
by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol’s talking points.
Recently the Washington Post,
as part of its own unrelenting campaign to destroy the Trump candidacy, has
been featuring numerous articles attacking the candidate from every conceivable
perspective. An op-ed queried seven “Republicans” regarding
their own views of the Trump phenomenon plus their advice regarding what might
be done to stop him. Former Congressman Eric Cantor stated flatly that “I don’t
believe Donald Trump is a conservative” while Kristol called for mounting “an
independent Republican candidacy in the general election.” Danielle Pletka of
the American Enterprise Institute said Trump “is no conservative and will do
lasting damage to the conservative movement,” a sentiment topped by Ari
Fleischer’s assertion that “Trump is not really a Republican.”
This playing
of word games is an effort to excommunicate individuals who do not fit into an
acceptable template drawn by those who comprise the nation’s political elite.
Congressman Ron Paul suffered from such attacks labeling him a libertarian when
he ran for president. Pat Buchanan had preceded him, described by the
neoconservative crowd as an anti-Semite and fascist. In reality, both were
attacked for not being internationally interventionist enough to be considered
true conservatives, which actually tells one more about the critics than it
does about the victims of the denigration.
In its
current incarnation, the Republican Party leadership, in going along with the
charade, is essentially yielding to the neoconservative view that willingness
to assert American leadership through overseas wars was and still is a sine qua non when it comes to being considered a
All of which
makes one wonder about the abuse of the word “conservative.” Perhaps it is the
neocons that should actually have the word stripped from their
self-designation. The Republican Party has long been regarded as the home of
“conservatism,” but that value has most often been linked to what have been
regarded as family and traditional values, limited government, and, most
particularly, an antipathy towards foreign wars. The GOP in Congress resisted
President Woodrow Wilson’s and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s efforts to get America
involved in both the First and Second World Wars, and also refused to join the
League of Nations after the first war had ended. If anything, nonintervention
was solidly in the GOP DNA.
traditional reluctance to go to war on the part of Republicans was challenged
when John F. Kennedy discovered a fictional “missile gap,” forcing the GOP for
electoral reasons to become part of the developing national security consensus.
It subsequently became the party of robust defense when Ronald Reagan sought to
distinguish himself from the lackluster Jimmy Carter. Reagan’s term of office
coincided with the appearance of the so-called “neoconservatives,” most notably
at the Pentagon (a development that was, not coincidentally, combined with the final purges of the so-called Arabists at the State
While it has
often been noted that a group of like-minded individuals gradually commandeered
the foreign and defense policy of the Republican Party starting in the 1970s,
it is less frequently observed that the hijacking of the tag “conservatism” was
itself also part of the process as a way to make the transition more palatable
to the public and the GOP rank-and-file.
neoconservatives began as Communists. One of the founders of the movement,
Irving Kristol, was a radical student at City College of New York in the 1930s.
Kristol has been described as an anti-Soviet Trotskyite in his
leanings prior to experiencing a political conversion in middle age. That meant
advocacy of worldwide revolution, which for Kristol and his later associate
Norman Podhoretz later morphed into endorsement of global pax Americana by force
famously quipped that he and his colleagues were liberals who were mugged by
reality. The joke is amusing, but not completely convincing, since it begs the
question of whose reality and to what end. Kristol himself describedneoconservatives
as “…unlike old conservatives because they are utilitarians, not moralists…”
Irving Kristol did not study under leading “neoconservative” theorist Leo
Strauss at the University of Chicago, his belief in his own peer group of
dedicated “intellectuals” as the leadership elements that would direct a
broader movement was at its heart Straussian. Kristol summed up the Straussian view that
There are different kinds of truths
for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children;
truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for
educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults,
and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is
a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.
In his own
words, Kristol stated his belief that a robust U.S. military would be
the catalyst for positive developments globally and most particularly for
Israel. In 1973, Kristol attacked Democratic Presidential nominee George
McGovern, stating that
Senator McGovern is very sincere
when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30 percent. And
this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel… Jews don’t like big military
budgets. But it is now an interest of the Jews to have a large and powerful
military establishment in the United States… American Jews who care about the
survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut the
military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we
can defend Israel.
the definition of neo-conservatism is the fact that there are several currents
that have more-or-less come together to form the current incarnation. The
historic roots of the movement derived from Kristol and Podhoretz are radical
leftist, but there is another source of neoconservatives gathered around the
formersenator from
Washington, Henry “Scoop” Jackson, who was liberal on social
policies but a hard liner vis-à-vis defense and most particularly the Soviet
Union. He was the source of the Jackson-Vanik amendment, which tied relaxing
trade policies with Moscow to the willingness of the Soviet government to allow
Jews to emigrate. Prominent Scoop Jackson Democrats who became Republicans
during the Reagan administration include Richard Perle, Paul
Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, and Ben Wattenberg.
Wolfowitz had also been a student of Strauss at Chicago.
A third
element that has joined the historic and Jacksonian traditions are the second
generation neocons, to include Bill Kristol, John Bolton, Michael Rubin,
Charles Krauthammer, Laurie Mylroie, Jennifer Rubin, Dennis Ross, the Kagans,
the Makovskys, and Elliot Abrams. It is this generation who staffs the
Washington foundations and think tanks that have been associated with
neoconservative policies, including AEI, the Hudson Institute, the Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the
Emergency Committee for Israel and the Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs. They also are prominent in the Rupert Murdoch media empire and in
publications to include theWeekly Standard, Commentary, National Review and the Washington Post. Many are
fixtures on Sunday morning talk television. They are also heavily
overrepresented in groups like the John Hay Initiative that have succeeded in
shaping the foreign policy positions being taken by nearly all of the GOP
presidential aspirants.
There is, of
course, considerable mixing and cross fertilization among the neoconservative
groups, meaning that they sometimes differ on issues that they consider
secondary to their main foreign policy agenda. They are reticent or even silent
on many social conservative issues, even accommodating a progressive viewpoint
on abortion and gay marriage, education, and health care reform. They support
open borders or are at least ambivalent about immigration, favor free trade,
promote diversity and multiculturalism. Their failure to address these issues
in a serious way reveals above all that they are not genuine conservatives and
are more like a one-trick pony that only performs foreign policy.
So what do
all neocons actually believe? The unifying principle of neoconservatism is the
conviction that the United States has a moral duty to serve as the world’s
policeman, preempting the development of challenges from rogue states, which
has sometimes caustically been described as “invade the world.” In practical
terms, this pursuit of de facto global hegemony means that military force is by
default the first option in bilateral relations with foreign states. It also
becomes necessary to manufacture an enemy or enemies that theoretically pose a
significant threat. This role is currently being played by Russia, China,
perennial favorite Iran, and the somewhat more amorphous “Islamo-fascism.”
fearmongering is necessary for two reasons. First it justifies inflated
military budgets that in turn keep the defense contractor money flowing to
neoconservative organizations. Second, a robust military, per Irving
Kristol’s thinking, guarantees that the United States will always be ready,
willing, and available to protect Israel, an imperative derived from the
perception that both the U.S. and Israel are morally exceptional states. All
neoconservatives support military buildups and interventions, plus they all are
zealous in their uncritical support of Israel, to such an extent that the two
issues define them.
the neocons requires first of all exposing the fact that they are not actually
conservatives by any reasonable definition. Peter Beinart agrees that the
“incoherent definition” needs to be
retired and wants to
replace it with “imperialist.” Call them what you will, but exposing their
exploitation of the conservative label that enables their parasitical
relationship with the GOP is perhaps the simplest way to create some separation
from their peculiar brand of internationalism. Whether that will make them
disappear or not is perhaps debatable, but, at a minimum, it would prevent them
from defining what an acceptable Republican party foreign policy might or
should be. Donald Trump has for all his faults opened the door just a crack in
bringing about that kind of change, including in his rant a direct criticism of
the neocons. In that respect, one should most certainly wish him success.
Philip Giraldi, a former CIA
officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.
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