Citizenship and US National Security
We need full disclosure from public
by Justin Raimondo,
June 12, 2015
A brouhaha erupted when Diane Rehm,
of National Public Radio, confronted Bernie Sanders during an interview
with an allegation that’s been making the rounds on the Internet for years:
“Now, you’re a dual citizen of Israel,” she averred. Startled, he replied:
“Well, no I
do not have dual citizenship with Israel. I’m an American. I don’t know where
that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on
a couple of occasions. I’m an American citizen, period."
He claimed
to be “offended” by Rehm’s assertion, although I don’t know why anybody would
be: after all, what’s wrong with being a dual citizen of Israel, or of any
other country?
Ms. Rehm issued an official apology, in which she regretted not
posing a question rather than making an assertion – and that underscores the
problem with the whole issue of public officials holding dual citizenship: they
aren’t required to disclose it. Rehm says she brought it up in the first place
because of a Facebook comment, which referenced a list of alleged dual
US-Israeli citizens in Congress. None of these lists, however, are sourced, a fact the research-challenged
Rehm failed to notice. It’s virtually impossible to source such information,
however, unless members of Congress are forthcoming with it – which they
So why is this even an issue? Writing in The Hill, L. Michael Hager,of the International Development Law Organization, had a good answer:
“Anyone can
become a dual citizen, even members of Congress, high court judges and top
officials of the executive branch. There’s no law or regulation against it. Nor
are they required to disclose such dual citizenship.
“So what’s
the problem?
“For most
dual citizens, having the benefits of citizenship in two countries (including
expedited immigration) outweigh the costs (which may include tax obligations to
both countries).
“Yet dual
citizenship in the United States poses a hitherto unappreciated issue for
policy-level members of the legislative, executive and judicial branches. The
divided national loyalties of dual citizens can create real or apparent
conflicts of interest when such legislators, judges or senior officials make or
speak out on policies that relate to their second country.
potential damage to our democracy is the greater when such potential conflicts
of interest are concealed in undisclosed dual citizenship.
entries on the Internet contain a number of undocumented assertions as to which
members of Congress and senior officers are dual citizens. Without reliable
data, however, Americans can only speculate on which senators and
representatives may have divided national loyalties.
“The lack of
transparency regarding citizenship erodes trust in government, raising
credibility doubts where there should be none, and allowing some apparent
conflicts of interest to continue undetected.”
So what’s
the solution? Hager suggests 1) Dual citizens in Congress should recuse
themselves from voting on issues where a conflict of interest might arise, e.g.
a dual citizen of, say, Liberia, should not be voting on whether to increase
aid to that country. And 2) The Congressional Research Service of the Library
of Congress ought to publish this information, along with all the other facts
they routinely gather – party affiliation, age, ethnicity, gender, etc. – about
every member of each new Congress.
The Rehm-Sanders controversy was a good opportunity for Israel’s
American amen corner to make the usual disingenuous claims
about the supposedly rising tide of
anti-Semitism, claiming Israel was once again being unfairly singled out for
special attention and that to even raise the question amounted to peddling The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the public square. The irony is
that even as the Rehm controversy was breaking another story was breaking:
Israel’s spying on the P5+1 negotiations with Iran. That very morning the Wall Street Journal was reporting that
the Israelis had infiltrated some very sophisticated malware – a virus – into
the computers at the hotels where the negotiations were taking place:
“[T]he virus
was packed with more than 100 discrete ‘modules’ that would have enabled the
attackers to commandeer infected computers.
“One module
was designed to compress video feeds, possibly from hotel surveillance cameras.
Other modules targeted communications, from phones to Wi-Fi networks. The
attackers would know who was connected to the infected systems, allowing them
to eavesdrop on conversations and steal electronic files.
“The virus
could also enable them to operate two-way microphones in hotel elevators,
computers and alarm systems. In addition, the hackers appeared to penetrate
front-desk computers. That could have allowed them to figure out the room
numbers of specific delegation members.”
All very James Bond, but then again the Israelis are a formidable foe and
they’redeadly serious when it
comes to penetrating the secrets of their “friends” as well as their enemies.
What’s in question, however, is who’s a friend and who’s an enemy: in their
eyes, it’s no longer very clear.
Increasingly isolated internationally, as well as increasingly
hostile to the United States – Israeli bigwigs openly booed Treasury
Secretary Jack Lew in Jerusalem the other day – Israel’s political class (and
Israeli society in general) have taken a very sharp rightward turn. A virulent
form of ultra-nationalism dominates
Israeli politics these days, and anti-Americanism is on the rise. After all,
these are a people who named a public square in
Jerusalem – overlooked by the American consulate – after Jonathan Pollard, the
Israeli spy imprisoned for life in
the United States for stealing US secrets.
And that calculated insult occurred in 2007, right before then
President George W. Bush – surely one of
the most pro-Israel presidents in American history – was scheduled to visit.
Since then, the tension between Washington and Tel Aviv has increased a hundred-fold.
So Israel isn’t being picked on for no good reason. Indeed, the
Israelis have targeted the US and its allies, not only accusing them of
“appeasing” Iran but also penetrating their security and industrial systems. According to Wired,
the reach of the Israeli super-virus extended worldwide, extending to:
international gathering for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. The focus in this case may have been on
the scores of VIPs who attended the event, including presidents and prime
“In addition
to all of these targets, Symantec uncovered victims in the UK, Sweden, Hong
Kong and India. Notably, it found telecom victims in Europe and Africa, an
electronics firm in South East Asia, and multiple infections in the US,
including one organization where developers working on mobile platforms were
infected. Some of the infections dated back to 2013 … “
America’s “special relationship” with Israel has soured for a
two reasons: 1) Our security interests, once aligned during the cold war era,
have diverged, and 2) The political environment in Israel has
undergone a radical transformation.
Furthermore, none of this was avoidable. Although the Israel
lobby would like us toforget it, the United States and the Jewish state are separate countries, with inevitably disparate interests. And
those interests underwent a significant shift with the end of the cold war and
the beginning of the “age of terrorism,” as it might be termed. It became necessary for Washington to forge a closer
relationship with Middle Eastern states other than Israel, i.e. Israel’s
traditional adversaries. We see this playing out now as Iran takes on ISIS and
a Washington-Tehran rapprochement is in the works.
Inside Israel, another shift was taking place: the inherent logic of
that settler colony’s origins was pushing it on a course that didn’t allow for
any compromise with its indigenous Arab population. Reduced to helotry, and
radicalized by their predicament, the Arabs revolted – and the subsequent
Israeli backlash changed the political landscape
Aggressive Israeli spying on – and in – the US is not a
“conspiracy theory,” it’s areality, and the danger it poses
is heightened by the presence of a powerful lobby that seeks to deny and/or
excuse that aggression at every turn. No responsible American observer can look
on it with indifference, and measures must be taken to counteract it, just as
we would seek to obstruct similar intrusions by, say, China or Russia.
As for the issue of dual citizenship, particularly involving
federal officials and specifically members of Congress, the direct relation of
this matter to our national security is underscored by the case of Jane Harman. While serving in Congress, Harman was caught out by the National Security Agency
having a conversation with an Israeli official in which she agreed to intercede
on behalf of two AIPAC lobbyists who had been brought up on espionage charges. Steve Rosen and Keith
Weissman, two longtime members of the powerful pro-Israel lobbying
group, had been accused of procuring sensitive information purloined from the
Pentagon on Israel’s behalf.
Harman was angling, at the time, to chair the House Intelligence
Committee, and theNew York Times reported that
“One official who has seen transcripts of several wiretapped calls said she
appeared to agree to intercede in exchange for help in persuading party leaders
to give her the powerful post.” Those transcripts, according to the official,
revealed that the Israeli caller “promised her that a wealthy California donor
– the media mogul Haim Saban – would threaten to withhold campaign
contributions to Representative Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat who was
expected to become House speaker after the 2006 election, if she did not select
Ms. Harman for the intelligence post.”
Rather than
run for reelection under this cloud, Harman retired from Congress. Israel represents a danger to the national security of this
country: this is an incontrovertible fact, and no amount of “anti-Semitism”-baiting is
going to obscure it. And that danger is growing, as the story of the Israeli
spy-virus makes all too clear.
In this context, dual US-Israeli citizenship among federal
employees – including members of Congress – is a legitimate concern, and not
only for law enforcement but
also for voters. Just as a candidate for federal office must reveal the sources
of their campaign funds, so they ought to be required to disclose their
allegiance to a foreign government – no matter what country is involved.
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