Netanyahu’s speech and the American
Jewish condition
Philip Weiss on March 1, 2015 - See more at:
scandal over the Netanyahu speech to Congress is in the end a story about the
Jewish condition in the United States. Netanyahu is coming here to tell the
Congress to torpedo the efforts of the U.S. president to cut a deal with Iran.
He does so because he seems to believe that Iran poses an existential threat to
Israel. His actual and implicit messaging links the Iranians to the Holocaust
and to Hitler. Whether or not he is working the matter to get another term, or
to maintain Israel’s regional hegemony, there can be little question that many
Jews share this belief. They say that Iran is determined to destroy Israel and
so the charge “Never again” means, we must destroy Iran’s nuclear capability by
any means and isolate the society generally. Just as Iraq which attacked Israel
was also linked to Hitler by various Israel supporters 12 years ago. That
analogy proved absurd, and the Iranian/Holocaust analogy is also illogical.
James Fallows has done the best job of exploding the “existential threat”
claim, and many realists have said that a nuclear Iran could be contained. But
my interest here is Jewish consciousness, and again– many Jews believe this.
For as Roger Cohen, Alice Rothchild and Gershom Gorenberg have said in recent
weeks, Jews are post-traumatic. A group doesn’t see half its population wiped
out in Europe in a genocide without deep scarring. I’ve heard about Jews who
keep a bag packed under their bed because they think we could be rounded up. My
old editor used to ask me if my wife’s family would hide me. I don’t have the
would-they-hide-you gene, but many Jews do.
And Jewish politics are more
temperamental than anything else. How far out you are on the paranoia curve
determines whether you are a full-on neoconservative or just a garden-variety liberal
Zionist, and the two categories blur. It is my belief that much of the Jewish
establishment’s view of the world is a trauma-induced delusion. Because we
don’t need to be hidden. Others do, including many Palestinians from Jews. The
actual Jewish condition in Israel is: they are occupiers. The abused has become
the abuser, as the recovery movement explains. But still: the fear is there.
And the fear blinds Jews to our power, in Israel and the United States. It is
hard for Jews to think of ourselves as powerful because of a historical and
collective memory of persecution. Yet the world regards us as powerful. It sees
the Jewish state as a nuclear armed country with a huge army, and it sees Jews
as an elite in the United States with a ton of clout. “Why is the American
Jewish community so determined to convince itself that we are living in 1938?”
the late Tony Judt asked nine years ago. “Why does the most successful, the
most well integrated, the most culturally and politically influential, the most
socially and economically well situated Jewish community since the late years
of the Roman republic, why is it so worried about the demon of anti-Semitism?”
We are as I like to remind readers the wealthiest American group by religion
and we took over many establishment perches in the last generation. We are
three of the four Democratic appointees to the Supreme Court, and whenever I
turn on the news, I see influential Jews. Andrea Mitchell the wife of Alan
Greenspan interviews Kenneth Pollack, Matt Lauer interviews Lorne Michaels.
Last night I watched a panel on CSPAN about the Charlie Hebdo murders at the
French-American Foundation and it appeared that all four speakers were Jewish.
Peter Beinart is one of the few writers who is honest about Jewish power: “the extraordinary
acceptance and privilege afforded to Jews in late 20th century America.” In
Haaretz he recently itemized our editorial control of publications: “Jews edit
The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The Weekly Standard, The
Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Vox, Buzzfeed, Politico, and the
opinion pages of The New York Times and Washington Post.” Every Jew of my and
my parents’ generation is aware of our incredible advance into the
establishment and is embarrassed about it or will tell you that it doesn’t
matter or that America is all about the rich anyway and there are tons of other
rich people, religion has nothing to do with it. I think they are all
rationalizing the fact of our power because it is extremely uncomfortable for
us. We know that our societies are broad ones, and that the rise of Jewish
professions in eastern European cities played a part in the rise of
anti-Semitism. Explaining why we must leave Europe, Theodor Herzl said that
Jews were the “intellectual proletariat,” hanging around the stock markets and
stirring resentment, and he held up a map of Vienna showing the extent of
Jewish real estate holdings. In 1923, Kafka wrote that anti-Semitism rose in
response to Jewish achievement: “From early on [Jews] have forced upon Germany
things that she might have arrived at slowly and in her own way, but which she
was opposed to because they stemmed from strangers. What a terribly barren
preoccupation anti-Semitism is, everything that goes with it, and Germany owes
that to her Jews.” Two of Kafka’s sisters died in the Holocaust. That’s another
reason we don’t talk openly about our power, we know how this conversation
turned out the last time.
Beinart writes for Haaretz, but you are simply not
allowed to address the issue in polite mainstream conversation here. Chris
Matthews who often trumpets Catholic guests’ ethnicity — Ted Wells was a “Holy
Cross man”– won’t go near Jewish ethnicity. Well, yes, his company Comcast is
owned and run by Jews, and pro-Israel Jews at that. But there is a general
feeling that there is only one way such an observation leads, to anti-semitism.
The problem with that restriction is that it curtails an analysis of why
Netanyahu has the platform he does. No one can speak plainly about the role of
the Israel lobby. Yes, the speech is doing something to end this ban, but
still, look at the absurdity of the situation. The leader of a tiny country has
the ear of both houses of Congress to urge the U.S. to go to war, in defiance
of our president. Robert Kagan says that it has never happened before and that
the speech will now open the floodgates to other foreign leaders to champion
their foreign policy. Horse feathers. The Congress is hearing him because of
the role of the lobby in our politics. Now I concede that some of the blind
affiliation with Israel is based on political strains that have nothing to do
with what Martin Indyk calls “the Jewish lobby.” Christian Zionists care a lot
about Israel; they surely have some influence in the Republican party outside Sheldon
Adelson. John McCain and Lindsey Graham don’t need to be bought to be hawks.
There is a deepseated historical attachment to Israel in the American
establishment because Israel’s creation is viewed as the answer to an important
question: how does the west respond to the Holocaust? Past American leaders
felt guilty (rightly or wrongly) about our role in the Holocaust, and today
those leaders feel committed. People like Chris Matthews surely see some
justice in Israel’s creation because of the destruction of European Jewry and
the U.S. indifference to Jews fleeing eastern Europe in the 1930s. They don’t
want to revisit that great historical moment any more than they want to revisit
Roe v Wade. It was decided after a lot of discussion. Let’s move on. But those
supports for Israel only go so far. That is why we have seen such anguish in
recent weeks on the part of American Zionists who fear that the question of
Israel support will become politicized.
From J Street to Martin Indyk to Robert
Kagan to AIPAC to Jeffrey Goldberg to William Saletan to Abe Foxman, they don’t
want the matter opened up to political debate. Israel supporters like to say
that the American people love Israel, but they don’t really believe that. After
all, they are Zionists because they believe that Jews are not completely safe
in the west. They didn’t trust the goyim when they established Israel, and they
don’t trust them now. The strategy has always been to hold the political
elites. AIPAC’s entire game is to discover promising politicians when they are
young and buy them early and often—and knock out the politicians who don’t
support Israel. The difficulty in discussing the lobby is that it involves a
theory of Jewish influence. But I don’t know that reality leaves us a choice.
If it weren’t for Jewish power inside the establishment, the entire Democratic
Party would proudly boycott the Netanyahu speech as an insult to the president.
But they won’t do that: many Democratic leaders will dis their own president to
go listen to Netanyahu push for war. They will do so because of the role of
(rightwing) Jewish money in the political process and the Jewish presence in
the political/journalistic establishment. They will do it because Haim Saban,
who gets along fine with Sheldon Adelson, who wants to nuke Iran, has given
untold millions to Hillary Clinton and he gave millions to Obama before that.
The Democrats do not want to cross Saban. Or Chuck Schumer who has called
himself the guardian of Israel in Hebrew. Or Debbie Wasserman Schultz the chairperson
of the Democratic Party who said that Jews shouldn’t intermarry and MSNBC
shouldn’t show pictures of the carnage in Gaza. There is not an American
national interest in supporting Israel right or wrong, not since the Cold War
ended. If there were, you would see American national interest types from James
Baker to Chuck Hagel to John Mearsheimer defending the occupation. The opposite
is the case; they have all made personal sacrifices to oppose it. Israel does
nothing to protect US access to oil and does nothing to help out in the US
imperialist wars across the Middle East, except to foment them for its own
security interests in the first place. Its occupation of Palestinian
territories and slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza in ’08-’09 and again last summer
have hurt the American reputation around the world and fostered terrorism, as
John Kerry has even tried to tell us. David Petraeus learned about the
occupation of Jerusalem when he was going into houses in Iraq. The people there
were angry about it. Osama bin Laden and his airmen were angry about it too.
And the State Department under George Marshall, the definition of a national
interest type, predicted all this when they said that if the U.S. recognized
Israel there would be endless strife in the region. The endless strife is
there. A good deal of it is surely due to the Zionist project.
The lobby helped
force Truman’s hand in ’47 and ’48 when he was opposed to the idea of a
religious state, and it made Obama eat his words when he came into office declaring
that the settlements must end. Kennedy and Nixon’s efforts to institute the
right of return of refugees were nullified, and LBJ shut up about the attack on
the USS Liberty and the Israeli nuclear program. The U.S. has done nothing to
relieve the occupation; and historic overtures by the PLO and the Arab League
have been shut down– just as the lobby struggles today to shut down the opening
to Iran. A post-traumatic community operates out of fear. When American
students try and divest just from corporations doing business with the
occupation, leading American Jews and Jewish organizations say they are
anti-semitic, and that Jews feel “attacked” by such measures; and when schools
try and hire pro-Palestinian professors, major donors threaten to withdraw their
gifts to the school. So the divestment resolution goes down and Steven Salaita
gets fired. Tom Friedman has said that the Congress is bought and paid for by
the Israel lobby and was widely savaged for saying that much, but Israeli
writers are far blunter about the lobby’s clout. In recent months, two writers
for Haaretz (Anshel Pfeffer and Yossi Sarid) have written columns saying that
American Jewish influence peddlers conduct themselves like the anti-semitic
caricature of Jews in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion—they buy politicians
openly. (Gilad Atzmon then said, this proves that “American Jews do control the
world.” So that is the problem with even discussing this; anti-Semites will
have a field day.) The lobby is a manifestation of the modern Jewish condition,
our presence in the U.S. establishment. Jews have long been embarrassed by our
high status, because we know that it fosters resentment. In fact, the Jewish
proclivity for Communism and Zionism can be seen as forms of Jewish
dispensation from an elite condition. And still that condition adheres. I am
sufficiently embarrassed about it myself that I didn’t talk about it for years.
The great news about the Netanyahu speech is that it brings the classic era of
the lobby to an end. When have Democrats spoken openly about “boycotting” an
Israeli leader? When has the White House so openly criticized the Israelis day
after day? When has a White House official blamed the Israelis for pushing the
Iraq war?
The seals have been broken. The lobby’s power is waning because
people are sick of it. It is the ancien regime and it has gone on too long,
since 1967 or 1973. It grew in power till it affected presidential elections
significantly from 1992 forward to 2012. Walt and Mearsheimer’s landmark paper
of 2006 did for the Iraq braintrust what Halberstam’s Best and the Brightest
did for the Vietnam one; it instructed America to pivot. It’s taken ten years,
but you are likely to see Democratic congresspeople running against the
occupation in the next election (mark my word). Its power is waning because the
era of the Jewish establishment is giving way to a diverse establishment. It
turns out that Jewish establishment behavior can be just as nauseating as that
of the Rockefeller establishment in its day. Amy Pascal and Scott Rudin’s
racist Hollywood emails about Obama are embarrassing and a reflection on Jewish
power culture; and I don’t know if you’ve noticed but every night on National
Public Radio hosts of color, Audie Cornish and Arun Rath, promote diversity in the
elite, and they are winning, and we’re all better for it. The lobby’s power is
waning because the post-traumatic period is coming to an end and Jews are no
longer monolithic on Israel. Ideas of Jewish nationalism and separation are as
discredited by the Israeli experiment as Communism was by the Soviet one. Young
Jews are bridling, David Remnick is bridling, Benjamin Wittes is bridling.
David Rothkopf is bridling. We are going to see a jailbreak from the idea of
the necessity of a Jewish state inside the establishment, and Netanyahu has
fostered that, god bless him. Who are we and what is our role in the world in
2015? We were a ghettoized elite in western societies, subject to the worst
forms of persecution in Europe. Now out of trauma we are licensing some of the
most glaring forms of persecution in the the world. Norman Finkelstein’s
mother, who survived the Nazi concentration camps, told him that the lesson of
the Holocaust was that this should happen to no people. Her experience was a
human experience, and its lessons must be extended to all humans. And today
there is only one test of Jewish social and political values: Where do you
stand on Palestinian human rights? The Palestinians are the people whom our
collective helped to dispossess, slaughter and put behind checkpoints out of an
inevitable but in the end self-involved concern with our own history. We
victimized them because of our own victimization, and the test of our future is
when we come to recognize this responsibility and how we act on it. Many Jews
will rise to that challenge. Just wait and see. -
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