written by Daniel
February 18, 2021
In its regime-change effort
in Venezuela, the US has imposed devastating sanctions that have caused tens of
thousands of deaths among the most vulnerable – without ever coming close to
toppling the president.
Alena Douhan, the UN Special Rapporteur on unilateral
coercive measures and human rights – a new position created by the UN Human
Rights Council in March of 2020 – issued a stinging preliminary report last week condemning US and EU sanctions against Venezuela. Ms.
Douhan has urged the US, EU, and other nations to drop all sanctions against
Venezuela after her two-week fact-finding mission to the country.
As the report explains, sanctions were
first “imposed against Venezuela in 2005 and have been severely
strengthened since 2015 . . . with the most severe ones being imposed by the
United States.” According to Ms. Douhan’s report, these “sanctions
have exacerbated pre-existing economic situations and have dramatically
affected the whole population of Venezuela, especially but not only those in
extreme poverty, women, children, medical workers, people with disabilities or
life-threatening or chronic diseases, and the indigenous populations.” In
short, the sanctions are hurting the most vulnerable Venezuelan
The report continues: “Lack of necessary
machinery, spare parts, electricity, water, fuel, gas, food and medicine,
growing insufficiency of qualified workers many of whom have left the country
for better economic opportunities, in particular medical personnel, engineers,
teachers, professors, judges, and policemen, has an enormous impact overall
categories of human rights, including the rights to life, to food, to health
and to development.”
Ms. Douhan’s conclusions echo those of other
studies focusing on the human costs of sanctions against Venezuela. For
example, the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) concluded in a 2019 report that, in one year alone (2017-2018), at least
40,000 Venezuelans died as the result of the shortage of food and medicines
caused by US sanctions. For his part, former UN expert Dr. Alfred de
Zayas estimated in March of 2020 that at least 100,000 Venezuelans have died due
to US sanctions.
In her preliminary report, Ms. Douhan
emphasized “that unilateral measures are only legal if they are authorized
by the UN Security Council, or used as countermeasures, or do not breach any
obligation of states, and do not violate fundamental human rights.” The
current sanctions regime does not meet any of these criteria and is therefore
illegal. Ms. Douhan “called on the countries to observe principles and
norms of international law and reminds that humanitarian concerns shall always
be taken into account with due respect to mutual respect, solidarity,
cooperation and multilateralism.”
The grim conclusions of Ms. Douhan’s study come
just as the New York Times is reporting that the political opposition in Venezuela – the opposition which
the sanctions are meant to coerce the population into supporting – is falling
apart. As the Times explains, the crowds which came out to support the
opposition figure which the US anointed as “interim president” in
2019 – Juan Guaido – “are gone, many international allies are wavering,
and the opposition coalition is crumbling.”
And the Times reports that the sanctions against
Venezuela is not helping the opposition’s cause precisely because of the
suffering they are exacting on the population. As the Times
explains, “American sanctions designed to assist Mr. Guaidó have gutted
government revenues but also forced citizens to focus on daily survival, not
political mobilization.”
In short, there seems to be no doubt that the
sanctions are undermining the humanitarian situation in Venezuela, are illegal
and are not even reasonably calculated to bring about the regime change which
they are intended to achieve. This begs the question of why the US continues to
pursue this cruel and counterproductive policy.
Thankfully, some in Congress are indeed asking
this very question, and have asked in a letter to President Biden that he
reconsider such sanctions, particularly in light of the world-wide Covid-19
pandemic. Thus, “citing Biden's announcement on his second day in office
that his administration would review all existing US sanctions and their impact
on the pandemic,” a group of 27 progressive lawmakers argued in the letter (pdf) that “‘it is both a moral and public health imperative
that our efforts to combat Covid-19 are global in scope because the pandemic's
economic consequences require international cooperation.’"
As the Congressional members explained in their letter which echoed many of the concerns raised by the UN
Special Rapporteur:
Far too often and for far too long, sanctions have been imposed as a
knee-jerk reaction without a measured and considered assessment of their
impacts. Sanctions are easy to put in place but notoriously difficult to lift.
And while they have demonstrably harmed civilian populations, caused
authoritarian governments to further constrict civil spaces and repress civil
and political rights squeezed the ability of humanitarian organizations to
provide support during crises and disasters, made basic staples such as food,
medicine, and gasoline prohibitively expensive, created and fueled a black market
economies, and driven our rivals deeper into dependency on one another, we have
historically not conducted regular assessments to determine how sanctions
connect to the policy outcomes they seek to achieve so that it’s often
difficult to demonstrably prove their net benefit to national interests and
Hopefully, President Biden will heed this sage
advice and end the sanctions against Venezuela in the interest of
humanitarianism and, frankly, common sense. However, it is my firm belief that he
will only do so if there is concerted pressure among his constituency. Thus, as
the Times explains, every indication so far is that Biden is still dedicated to
the regime-change aims and strategy of his predecessors, Barack Obama and
Donald Trump. As the Times reported –
inexplicably with seeming approval – “[a]t his confirmation hearing last
month, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said he did not plan to open
negotiations with Mr. Maduro and made clear that Washington would continue to
recognize Mr. Guaidó as Venezuela’s leader.”
As the Congressional letter cited above rightly pointed out, old habits die
hard, even when contradicted by rationality, the requirements of the law and
basic human decency. It is up to the American people to demand a change of
course in these policies which do nothing but cause human suffering and which
debase us as a country.
Reprinted with permission from RT.
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