
Volcán Popocatépetl

martes, 6 de enero de 2015


The visit of Mexico’s president Enrique Peña Nieto to the United States and his meeting with President Barack Obama (January 6) marks the beginning of the second phase of Mexican economy’s integration with that of the United States, after 20 years of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The objective of the financial, economic and political elites of the United States (USA) is the complete subordination of the Mexican economy to the needs of the USA, at a time when global competition with China and more broadly with the so called BRICS countries and confrontation with Russia are mounting, forcing Washington and its allies to ensure the  greatest amount of natural, financial and productive resources and its hegemonic presence in areas considered under its influence, to face this challenge.

In October 2013 the Council on Foreign Relations (based in New York, whose presidents are Carla Hills former head negotiator of NAFTA, currently advisor to the insurance company AIG and to JP Morgan; and Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary in the Clinton administration and former chairman of Citigroup) established a "task force" to boost economic integration between the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Its main objective is to convince the most prominent members of the American political establishment, that this is the time to accelerate the process of integration between the three economies, considering that USA has significantly increased its production of oil, Canada has large deposits of oil sands and Mexico has reformed its energy sector to allow entry of private capital into the production, distribution and marketing of hydrocarbons.

This "task force" is directed by General David Petraeus, former commander of US interventionist forces in Iraq and former CIA director and current director of the Global Institute of the investment firm KKR and Co (manages resources of over 90 billion dollars), whose main stockholders are Henry Kravis (American Jew, with a fortune of five billion dollars) and his cousin George Roberts. Accompanies Petraeus as codirector of the "task force", Robert Zoellick former World Bank president and currently chairman of international financial advisers of Goldman Sachs.

As shown by the names we include so far, everyone involved in this initiative represents economic and political power groups in Washington and New York, seeking to leverage the energy issue to do even more business for the corporations they represent in the United States, and especially for strengthening the economic, geopolitical and military position of the USA in its global competition with China and Russia.

Petraeus and Zoellick suggested in a report on this subject, in October 2014, to establish offices within the National Security Council, led by a "czar" who would be in charge of promoting the issue of North American economic integration through the different departments and levels of the US government.

They also want to encourage the creation of shared border infrastructure in hydrocarbons such as Keystone XL pipeline, which would be built from Alberta, Canada, to the South and Midwestern United States.

The report also calls for establishing a shared security for the region, seeking a "perimeter" of North America and in the same way calls for "helping" Mexico to solve its problem in combating organized crime and establishing an effective rule of Law.

The report also proposes that the three countries should coordinate their foreign policy to negotiate collectively treaties such as the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TIIP).

Although there is resistance in different policy areas of the US, especially on migration by Republicans (subject barely touched by Petraeus and Zoellick, only proposing greater ease for mobility of "professionals and skilled technicians") and in the topic of working conditions by the Democrats, the reality is that the interests of US big oil, coupled with powerful financial groups and the military-industrial complex (which can make Mexico one of its favorite weapons sales customer to the military and of security equipment for the police, in case the famous "perimeter" that Petraeus and Zoellick are proposing can be achieved),  makes it difficult to foresee that this integration is not going to be adopted by the governments of the three countries.

Especially taking in account that the Mexican government promoted fundamental changes to the Constitution to allow precisely this economic subordination of Mexico to the United States, and for which Peña Nieto received the award for "Statesman of the Year" of an organization called Appeal of Conscience Foundation on September 24, 2014 in New York (just two days before the disappearance of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa), headed by the Rabbi Arthur Schneier (the former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger did the keynote address to Peña).

Zoellick have said that in 20 years he expected that the three countries are fully integrated, including the issue of security, which for Mexico means that it would have to participate in the hegemonic adventurism of Washington, as does Canada now in the various military interventions promoted by Washington around the world, for which the government of Peña Nieto already had taken the first step, authorizing the participation of Mexican armed forces in the peacekeeping operations of the United Nations, which in the past had been explicitly rejected by Mexican governments, to avoid involvement in wars and internal problems of other countries, in which Mexico’s national interest is at no stake.

Zoellick has clearly stated (on an interview for the Council on Foreign Relations website, on December 1, 2014) that he would like the USA political establishment to understand that a stronger North America is "good for the economy and society of the United States, and extends the influence and the global role of the USA ".

It is clear then, that Mexico and Canada are just extensions of American power; both countries serve to reinforce the hegemonic position of the USA in the struggle to prevent that China and Russia increases their power and status in the international arena.

Mexico and Canada are like pawns in the game of world power and their sovereignty is tied to the strategic interests of the Anglo Zionist empire that proves once again, that it is in an open confrontation with Beijing and Moscow, and is using all the natural, human and financial resources, of any country at hand, regardless of the consequences, to prevail in this confrontation.

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