

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2024

They Lie. They Cheat. They Steal. They Bomb. and They Spin

Pepe Escobar • October 4, 2024


The Talmudic psychos not only obsessed on breathing fire against the Axis of Resistance but now also going after Russian national interests.

A case could be made that Iran’s Ballistic Retaliation Night, a measured response to Israel’s serial provocations, is less consequential when it comes to the efficacy of the Axis of Resistance than the decapitation of Hezbollah’s leadership.

Still, the message was enough to send the Talmudic psychopathologicals into a frenzy; for all their hysterical denials and massive spin, Iron Toilet Paper and the Arrow system were de facto rendered useless.

The IRGC made it known that the volley of missiles was inaugurated by a single hypersonic Fatteh 2 which took out the Arrow 3 air defense system’s radar – capable of intercepting missiles in the atmosphere.

And well-informed Iranian military sources stated that hackers went on heavy cyberattack mode to disrupt the Iron Dome system just before the start of the operation.

The IRGC finally confirmed that just about 90% of the intended targets were hit; the implication was that each target was supposed to be visited by several missiles, with some getting intercepted.

It’s open to wide speculation how many F-35s and F-15s were ultimately destroyed or damaged on two air bases, one of which, Nevatim, in the Negev, becoming literally inoperable.

The Iran-Russia military entente – part of their soon to be signed comprehensive strategic partnership – was in effect. The IRGC used the recently supplied Russian electromagnetic jammer to blind Israel-NATO GPS systems – including those of U.S. aircrafts. That explains the Iron Dome far off hitting the empty night skies.

Framing Iran’s retaliation as a casus belli

None of that substantially changed the deterrence equation. Israel continues to bomb southern Beirut. The pattern remains the same: whenever they’re hit, the genocidals cry out in pain or whine like annoying babies even as their killing machine keeps going – with unarmed civilians as privileged targets.

The bombing never stops – and it won’t, from Palestine to Lebanon and Syria, across West Asia, and leading to the “response” to Iran’s Ballistic Night.

Iran is in an extremely tough geopolitical and military position – not to mention geoeconomic, still under a tsunami of sanctions. Obviously the leadership in Tehran is fully aware of the trap being set by the Talmudic-American Zionist combo – which want to lure Iran into a major war.

Jake Sullivan, one of the stalwarts of the Biden combo which is really dictating U.S. policy (on behalf of their sponsors), considering the pathetic condition of the zombie in the White House, all but spelled it out:

“We have made clear that there will be consequences – severe consequences – for this attack, and we will work with Israel to make sure that’s the case.”

Translation: Retaliation Night is being spun as a casus belli. U.S.-Israel are already blaming Iran for the possibly incoming Mega-War in West Asia.

This war is the Holy of the Holies since at least the Cheney regime days – two decades ago. And yet Tehran, if it so decided, already has what it takes to raze Israel to the ground. They won’t do it because the price to pay would be unbearable.

Even if the Talmudic psychos and the Zio-cons finally got their wish, a remote possibility, this war, after a devastating bombing campaign, could only be won with massive U.S. boots on the ground. Whatever the spin rolling on Zio-con controlled Think Tankland/ media swamp, that won’t happen.

And still the March of Folly proceeds uninterrupted: the Zionist Project, a U.S./Israel deadly embrace, against Iran. But with a potent differential: the back up of Russia and, further behind, China. These three are the key BRICS triad. They are at the vanguard of trying to build a new, fair multinodal world. And not by accident they happen to be the top three existential “threats” to the Empire of Chaos, Lies and Plunder.

With Project Ukraine going down the drain of History, as well as burying for good the “rules-based international order” in the black soil of Novorossiya, the real major front of the One War, the new incarnation of Forever Wars, is Iran.

In parallel, Moscow and Beijing fully realize that the more Exceptionalistan gets bogged down in West Asia, the more room of maneuver they have to accelerate the draining of the wobbly Leviathan.


Hezbollah has a seriously tough spell ahead. Resources – especially supply of weapons and military equipment, through Syria and by air from Iran to Lebanon – will become increasingly scarce. Compare it to Israel’s unlimited supply chain from Exceptionalistan – not to mention tons of money.

Israel intel is far from shabby – as commandos went deep, in secret, into Hezbollah territory collecting info on the fortification network. When – in fact if – they reach populated areas in Southern Lebanon, then it will be bombing dementia plus heavy artillery against residential areas.

That operation might well be called Gaza-on-the Litani. It will happen only if Hezbollah’s complex network in southern Lebanon is cracked – a major “if”.

Jeffrey Sachs, for all his good intentions, went as far as he could to characterize Israelis as judeo supremacist extremist terrorists. Virtually the whole Global Majority is now aware of it.

What comes next in Talmudic-Zio-con planning may include a ghastly false flag, possibly after the U.S. presidential election, for instance on a NATO vessel or on U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf, to lock up the new administration into the long-planned U.S. war on Iran. Dick Cheney will have an orgasm – and croak.

The BRICS summit in Kazan under the Russian presidency is less than three weeks away. In sharp contrast to genocide and serial wars in West Asia, Putin and Xi will be standing by the – open – door on behalf of BRICS+, welcoming scores of nations that are fleeing the collective West like the plague.

Russia is now fully behind Iran – and as much as in floundering Ukraine, that means Russia at war with the U.S./Israel; after all the Pentagon is directly shooting down Iranian missiles, while Israel is the U.S.’s de facto pre-eminent state, fully, fiscally supported by U.S. taxpayers.

It gets trickier by the minute. Immediately after a very important meeting between Alexander Lavrentiev, Putin’s special envoy to Syria, and Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Tel Aviv went Full Dementia – what else – and targeted warehouses of Russian forces in Syria.

There was a joint Russia-Syria air defense response. What that shows is the Talmudic psychos not only obsessed on breathing fire against the Axis of Resistance but now also going after Russian national interests. This can get very ugly for them in a flash – and is yet one more illustration that the name of the (new, deadly) game is U.S./Israel vs. Russia/Iran.

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