Trump Gives Peace a Chance in Ukraine
by Medea
Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies
Posted on February 17, 2025
As we approach the third anniversary of the Russian
invasion of Ukraine, a monumental shift is taking place that might just lead to
the end of this calamitous war. This is not a breakthrough on the battlefield,
but a stark reversal of the U.S. position from being the major supplier of
weapons and funding to prolong the war to one of peacemaker.
Donald Trump promised to end the war in Ukraine if he
was re-elected as president. On February 12th, he started to make good on that
promise by holding a 90-minute call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom
Biden had refused to talk to since the war began. They agreed that they were
ready to begin peace negotiations “immediately,” and Trump then called President
Zelensky and spent an hour discussing the conditions for what Zelensky called a
“lasting and reliable peace.”
At the same time, the new U.S. Defense Secretary, Pete
Hegseth, unveiled Trump’s new policy in more detail at a meeting
of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, saying,
“The bloodshed must stop. And this war must end.”
There are two parts to the new policy that
Hegseth announced. First, he said that Trump “intends to end this war
by diplomacy and bringing both Russia and Ukraine to the table.” Secondly, he
said that the United States is handing off the prime responsibility for arming
Ukraine and guaranteeing its future security to the European members of NATO.
Assigning Europe the role of security guarantor is a
transparent move to shield the U.S. from ongoing responsibility for a war that
it played a major role in provoking and prolonging by scuttling previous negotiations. If the
Europeans will not accept their assigned role in Trump’s plan, or President
Zelensky or Putin reject it, the United States may yet have to play a larger
role in security guarantees for Ukraine than Trump or many Americans would
like. Zelensky told the Guardian on February 11th that, for Ukraine, “Security guarantees without America are not real
security guarantees.”
After blocking peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in
April 2022, the Biden administration rejected peace negotiations over Ukraine for nearly three
years. Biden insisted that Ukraine must recover all of its internationally
recognized territory, including the Crimea and Donbas regions that separated from Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup in Kyiv in 2014.
Hegseth opened the door to peace by clearly and
honestly telling America’s European allies, “…we must start by recognizing that
returning to Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders is an unrealistic objective. Chasing
this illusionary goal will only prolong the war and cause more suffering.”
Spelling out the U.S. plan in more detail, Hegseth went on, “A durable
peace for Ukraine must include robust security guarantees to ensure that the
war will not begin again. This must not be Minsk 3.0. That said, the United
States does not believe that NATO membership for Ukraine is a realistic outcome
of a negotiated settlement. Instead any security guarantee must be backed by
capable European and non-European troops.”
NATO membership for Ukraine has always been totally
unacceptable to the Russians. Trump and Hegseth’s forthrightness in finally
pulling the plug, after the U.S. has dangled NATO membership in front of successive Ukrainian
governments since 2008, marks a critical recognition that neutrality offers the
best chance for Ukraine to coexist with Russia and the West without being a
battleground between them.
Trump and Hegseth expect Europe to assume prime
responsibility for Ukraine, while the Pentagon will instead focus on Trump’s
two main priorities: on the domestic front, deporting immigrants, and on the
international front, confronting China. Hegseth justified this as “a division
of labor that maximizes our comparative advantages in Europe and the Pacific
Elaborating on the role the U.S. plan demands of its
European allies, Hegseth explained,
“If these troops are deployed as peacekeepers to
Ukraine at any point, they should be deployed as part of a non-NATO mission.
And they should not be covered under Article 5. There also must be robust
international oversight of the line of contact. To be clear, as part of any
security guarantee, there will not be U.S. troops deployed to Ukraine…
Safeguarding European security must be an imperative for European members of
NATO. As part of this Europe must provide the overwhelming share of future
lethal and nonlethal aid to Ukraine.”
To say that U.S. forces will never fight alongside
European forces in Ukraine, and that Article 5, the mutual defense commitment
in the NATO Charter, will not apply to European forces in Ukraine, is to go a
step farther than simply denying NATO membership to Ukraine, by carving out
Ukraine as an exclusion zone where the NATO Charter no longer applies, even to
NATO members.
While Trump plans to negotiate directly with Russia
and Ukraine, the vulnerable position in which his plan would place European
NATO members means that they, too, will want a significant say in the peace
negotiations and probably demand a U.S. role in Ukraine’s security guarantees.
So Trump’s effort to insulate the U.S. from the consequences of its actions in
Ukraine may be a dead letter before he even sits down to negotiate with Russia
and Ukraine.
Hegseth’s reference to the Minsk Accords highlights the similarities between Trump’s
plans and those agreements in 2014 and 2015, which largely kept the peace in Eastern Ukraine from then
until 2022. Western leaders have since admitted that they always intended to use the relative
peace created by the Minsk Accords to build up Ukraine militarily, so that it
could eventually recover Donetsk and Luhansk by force, instead of granting them
the autonomous status agreed to in the Accords.
Russia will surely insist on provisions that prevent
the West from using a new peace accord in the same way, and would be highly
unlikely to agree to substantial Western military forces or bases in Ukraine as
part of Ukraine’s security guarantees. President Putin has always insisted that
a neutral Ukraine is essential to lasting peace.
There is, predictably, an element of “having their
cake and eating it too” in Trump and Hegseth’s proposals. Even if the Europeans
take over most of the responsibility for guaranteeing Ukraine’s future
security, and the U.S. has no Article 5 obligation to support them, the United
States would retain its substantial command and control position over Europe’s
armed forces through NATO. Trump is still demanding that its European members
increase their military spending to 5% of GDP, far more than the United States
spends on its bloated, wasteful and defeated war machine.
Biden was ready to fight Russia “to the last Ukrainian,” as retired U.S.
diplomat Chas Freeman said in March 2022, and to enrich U.S. weapons companies with rivers of Ukrainian
blood. Is Trump now preparing to fight Russia to the last British, French,
German or Polish soldier too if his peace plan fails?
Trump’s call with Putin and Hegseth’s concessions on
NATO and Ukraine’s territorial integrity left many European leaders reeling. They complained that
the U.S. was making concessions behind their backs, that these issues should
have been left to the negotiating table, and that Ukraine should not be forced
to give up on NATO membership.
European NATO members have legitimate concerns to work
out with the new U.S. administration, but Trump and Hegseth are right to
finally and honestly tell Ukraine that it will not become a NATO member, to
dispel this tragic mirage and let it move on into a neutral and more peaceful
There has also been a backlash from Republican war hawks, while the Democrats, who have been
united as the party of war when it comes to Ukraine, will likely try to
sabotage Trump’s efforts. On the other hand, maybe a few brave Democrats will
recognize this as a chance to reclaim their party’s lost heritage as the more
dovish of America’s two legacy parties, and to provide desperately needed new
progressive foreign policy leadership in Congress.
On both sides of the Atlantic, Trump’s peace
initiative is a game-changer and a new chance for peace that the United States
and its allies should embrace, even as they work out their respective
responsibilities to provide security guarantees for Ukraine. It is also a time
for Europe to realize that it can’t just mimic U.S. foreign policy and expect
U.S. protection in return. Europe’s difficult relationship with Trump’s America
may lead to a new modus operandi and a re-evaluation (or maybe even the end?)
of NATO.
Meanwhile, those of us anxious to see peace in Ukraine
should applaud President Trump’s initiative but we should also highlight the
glaring contradictions of a president who finds the killing in Ukraine
unacceptable but fully supports the genocide in Palestine.
Given that most of the casualties in Ukraine are
soldiers, while most of the maimed and killed in Palestine are civilians,
including thousands of children, the compassionate, humanitarian case for peace
is even stronger in Palestine than in Ukraine. So why is Trump committed to
stopping the killing in Ukraine but not in Gaza? Is it because Trump is so
wedded to Israel that he refuses to rein in its slaughter? Or is it just that
Ukrainians and Russians are white and European, while Palestinians are not?
If Trump can reject the political arguments that have
fueled three years of war in Ukraine and apply compassion and common sense to
end that war, then he can surely do the same in the Middle East.
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