What Can We Learn from Our Forever War in Ukraine?
by Chas W. Freeman, Jr.
Posted on April 23, 2024
It has been a while since the United States won a
war. It looks as though we are about to lose yet another one – the war in
Ukraine. This is a proxy war justified as an effort to “weaken and
isolate” Russia. Our strategic defeat in this effort now leaves us with
three unpalatable alternatives. We can continue to support Ukraine as
Russia grinds it to bits and reduces it further in size and population.
We can escalate the war, as French President Emmanuel Macron has advocated,
despite the Russian threat to answer us with counter-escalation, possibly to
the nuclear level. Or we can face up to failure and save what we can of
Ukraine by negotiating with Russia. I know which of these choices I would
prefer, and I suspect you do too. And, however this unwise and
unnecessary war ends, we need to ensure that there are no more like it in
They say that a mistake is only a mistake if you don’t
learn from it. Our country has recently made a lot of mistakes in its
foreign policies. Sadly, we don’t seem to be learning much of anything
from this experience. We have instead invented something uniquely
American called a “forever war.” Such wars routinely fail. Still,
we keep launching them.
I want to speak to you this evening about why we do
this, why we shouldn’t, and how we can stop doing it. My focus will be
the forever war with Russia in Ukraine.
Forever wars can take many forms. They can be
economic or technological, like the one the Trump administration kicked off
against China and that the Biden administration has enthusiastically doubled
down on. They can be military, like our twenty-three year “global war on
terrorism.” That has taken us into combat in over eighty countries,
killed over 900,000 people, and cost us an estimated $8 trillion. Forever
wars need not be direct, as our proxy war in Ukraine illustrates. They
can even be covert, as our multiple barely concealed interventions in Syria
What America’s forever wars have in common is that
they involve:
- muddled, open-ended objectives,
- movable goal posts,
- an
intensely propagandized narrative to mobilize support for them,
- no
quarter for those who challenge that narrative,
- no
benchmarks for judging success or failure,
- no
limits on the level of resources we must feed into them,
- no
defined end state that would justify ending them,
- no
strategy for their termination, and
- no
vision of a feasible order if and when they end.
Sunzi argued that wars should implement strategies
that achieve specific national objectives with the least destruction.
Carl von Clausewitz described war as the expedient continuation of politics by
other means. William Tecumseh Sherman said that the purpose of war was to
produce a better peace. Fred Iklé said every war must end.
But what if domestic political dysfunction prevents
the definition of specific national objectives? What if a country’s
political culture dictates that the only effective way to impose its druthers
on other countries is coercively, through warfare – economic or
military? What if such a country measures the success of punitive
measures not by the extent to which they achieve desirable changes in foreign
behavior but by the pain they inflict on foreigners? What if such a
country believes it can resort to the use of force with impunity whenever it
judges that less violent methods of bending foreigners to its will are
less likely to do so? What if that country’s wars routinely lead not to
peace but to turmoil or anarchy?
Our “forever wars” are the product of applying hubris
to two related national ambitions vis-à-vis the world beyond our borders: (1)
the consolidation of a global American sphere of influence and (2) the foreign
regime changes needed to realize this. The Ukraine war exemplifies both
elements of this hegemonic behavior. It has been accompanied by
wall-to-wall propaganda that confuses self-righteousness with truth, demonizes
our adversary, and replaces analysis with wishful thinking and denial, leaving
nothing certain and everything plausible. As always, the most destructive
lies are those we tell ourselves.
The Ukraine war is not – as is claimed – about
democracy vs. authoritarianism. It is about delineating the post-Cold War
U.S. sphere of influence in Europe.
Our country invented the modern sphere of
influence. In the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary to it, we
asserted a right to limit the freedom of maneuver of the countries of the
Western Hemisphere and to demand their deference to our political and economic
interests. After World War II, Americans expanded our sphere of influence
to include Western Europe and Northeast Asia. In the post-Cold War
period, Washington adapted the hegemonic principles of the Monroe Doctrine to
the unipolar moment and extended our sphere of influence to the entire world
beyond the borders of Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea. In the end,
the only countries bordering Russia other than those of Central Asia not in our
sphere of influence were Georgia and Ukraine. American neoconservatives
saw these neighbors of Russia as vacuums to be filled by U.S. military power.
During the Cold War, NATO was a purely defensive
alliance that effectively protected Western Europe from a predatory Soviet
Union and its restive satellites. But twenty-five years ago, at the end
of the 20th century, after the USSR had disappeared, NATO began
to launch offensive operations – first against Serbia, then in Afghanistan,
later in Libya. And as NATO expanded toward Russia’s borders, American
troops and weapons aimed at Russia routinely established a presence on the
territory of its new members.
At the 2007 Munich security conference, Russian
President Vladimir Putin bluntly warned the United States and its European
allies that his country would feel obliged to act if NATO – the instrument by
which the U.S. has long exercised dominant politico-military influence in
Europe – were further expanded. His warning echoed that of his
predecessor, Boris Yeltsin as early as 1994.
In 2008 as in 1994, Washington ignored these warnings
and persuaded NATO to offer membership to Georgia and Ukraine, both of which
border the Russian Federation. As the Russians habitually say, it was no
accident that shortly thereafter, war broke out between Georgia and
Russia. This was in part due to Georgia’s exuberant reaction to apparent
open-ended American support for its nationalist ambitions. More to the
point, it was a calculated Russian signal of resolve to resist encirclement by
the United States and NATO. We dismissed the signal and portrayed
Moscow’s defeat of Georgian adventurism as wanton Russian aggression that
vindicated our determination to bring Russia’s neighbors into NATO.
Someone summed this up by declaring that the reason NATO still exists is to
handle the problems that NATO’s continuing existence creates.
Coincident with the war in Georgia, the United States
and NATO escalated the effort to re-equip, restructure, and retrain the
Ukrainian armed forces to be ready for combat with Russia. In 2014,
Washington helped engineer a coup in Kyiv that overthrew the elected government
and installed handpicked pro-American, anti-Russian successors in its
place. The new ultranationalist Ukrainian government then banned the use
of Russian and other minority languages in education or for official business.
But almost thirty percent of Ukrainians are native speakers of Russian.
Russian-speaking secessionists in the Donbas region resisted forced
assimilation and began a civil war with Ukrainian ultranationalists. This
soon became a proxy war between Russia and the West.
The United States reaffirmed its intention to bring
Ukraine into NATO and stepped up our aid to the Ukrainian armed forces.
But if Ukraine entered NATO while Crimea was still part of it, the 250-year-old
Russian naval base at Sevastopol would fall under the control of the U.S. and
NATO. In large measure to preempt this, Russia annexed Crimea. It
was able to do so without violence because Crimeans had made it clear on
several previous occasions that they did not want to be part of Ukraine.
In 2014, a Russian-organized referendum revealed that the views of most
Crimeans had not changed. If they could not be independent, they
preferred to be part of Russia. It is utterly unrealistic to expect them
ever to agree to place themselves again under Ukrainian sovereignty.
By 2021, with our help, Ukraine had acquired a
NATO-trained and equipped army larger than the armed forces of Britain, France,
and Germany combined. Not surprisingly, Moscow viewed this huge hostile
force on its western borders as a serious national security threat.
Recent attacks deep into Russia by Ukrainian forces have inadvertently
validated Russia’s concerns about the consequences of Ukraine joining an
alliance hostile to it. Just as Soviet forces stationed in Cuba in 1962
menaced Washington, U.S. forces stationed in Ukraine could reduce the warning
time of a strike on Moscow to about five minutes.
So, in December 2021, Moscow massed troops on the
Russian border with Ukraine and demanded negotiations to resolve its security
concerns. It insisted on Ukrainian neutrality, respect for the rights of
Russian speakers in Ukraine, and a discussion of a new European security
architecture that would threaten neither Russia nor the members of NATO.
The U.S. and NATO responded by rejecting negotiations while warning – in an
instance of self-fulfilling paranoia – that Russia planned to invade Ukraine.
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary general, put it
this way: “President Putin … sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign,
to promise no more NATO enlargement. That … was a pre-condition for
[Russia] not invad[ing] Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that.” In
fact, the U.S. and NATO refused to discuss it at all, leaving Russia with the
choice of either accepting NATO membership for Ukraine and the eventual
deployment of U.S. forces there or using force to prevent this. This
unwelcome choice was the proximate cause of Moscow’s fateful decision to invade
Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was clearly
illegal under international law, but to say that it was “unprovoked” defies
Could a negotiation with Russia have prevented
war? We have at least two solid pieces of evidence to suggest that it
might have. Despite Moscow’s sympathy and support for the
Russian-speaking secessionists in the Donbas, it agreed in the Minsk accords of
2014 and ’15 that their region should remain part of Ukraine, provided their
linguistic autonomy was guaranteed. (The Minsk accords were subsequently
repudiated, not by Russia but by Ukraine, France, and Germany.)
Then, too, six weeks after it invaded Ukraine, Moscow
agreed to a draft treaty with Kyiv by which it would withdraw from Ukraine in
return for Ukraine renouncing NATO membership and proclaiming neutrality.
This treaty was to have been signed on April 15, 2022, but the U.S., U.K, and
NATO objected to it. In early April Ukraine repudiated its earlier
agreement to the terms of the treaty.
As the war has ground on, Russia has repeatedly
reiterated its willingness to talk, and the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine have
consistently rejected doing so. The refusal to discuss a formula for
peaceful coexistence between Ukraine and Russia, between NATO and Russia, and
between Ukrainian and Russian-speaking Ukrainians has had grave consequences,
most of all for Ukraine.
The war has not only imposed huge costs on Ukraine but
also greatly weakened its bargaining power in any future negotiation with
Russia. If there is an agreed end to this war, it will be on largely
Russian terms and vastly less favorable to Ukraine than the peace the U.S. and
NATO persuaded Kyiv to reject in April 2022. Ukraine, the U.S., and NATO
are now in the final stages of a humiliating strategic defeat.
In 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, the population
of Ukraine was about 32 million. Since then, it has fallen to about 20
One-third of Ukraine’s people have been
dislocated. Over 2 million have fled to Russia and 6 to 8 million to the
West and elsewhere. The number of Ukrainian casualties is a closely
guarded secret, but indications are that it may be around half a million.
Ukraine’s industrial base and infrastructure have been devastated. As the
war began, Ukraine was the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe.
Now it is even poorer and more corrupt.
The Biden administration has regularly described the
proxy war with Russia as designed to “isolate and weaken Russia” and pledged to
support Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” Prominent American politicians
have extolled the benefits of having Ukrainians rather than Americans fight
Russians. Ukrainians have done so with remarkable bravery. But so
many have died that Ukraine can no longer mount an adequate defense, let alone
go on the offensive.
The war has devastated Ukraine without either
isolating or weakening Russia. It has cut Europe off from Russian energy
supplies and reoriented Russia toward China, India, Iran, the West Asian Arab
countries, and Africa. Russia’s economy has grown, not contracted.
Moscow’s defense budget has doubled, and its armaments production is now three
times that of the US and NATO combined. Like Ukrainian casualties, those
of Russia are hard to estimate. But with a population four to five times
larger than Ukraine’s, Russia can sustain many more casualties than Ukraine
The U.S. and NATO expected an easy victory over
Russia. But both now face a humiliating military defeat. The war
has greatly weakened Ukraine’s bargaining position in any future negotiation
with Russia. Germany now feels sufficiently threatened for it have begun
a debate on whether to acquire nuclear weapons.
As a result of U.S. sanctions and the sabotage of
Russia’s undersea gas pipeline to Germany, Europe has lost its access to cheap
Russian energy supplies. These have been replaced by imports from the
United States that are as much as four times as expensive. European
energy-intensive industries are no longer internationally competitive.
Germany, Europe’s core economy, is being deindustrialized. Current trends
are raising disturbing questions about the future of the EU.
The Ukraine war, combined with other bellicose
actions, has cost the United States and the West the moral argument
internationally. We cannot have it both ways – condemning Russia’s
illegal actions in Ukraine while actively supporting Israel’s even more lawless
and lethal actions in Palestine. The West has inadvertently put its
hypocrisy and double standards on dramatic display.
We are told by our leaders and their political
straphangers that Ukraine and other current and potential “forever wars” are
about defending democratic values. But as we build a domestic national
security state to support our wars, we are sacrificing ever more of the civil
liberties and respect for due process and the rule of law that are central to
constitutional democracy. As Benjamin Franklin wisely pointed out, a
nation prepared to trade its freedoms for its security puts both in jeopardy.
And, in this case, it is not even our security that is at
stake but that of others. The “domino theory” was nonsense in Southeast
Asia. It is equally fallacious in Eastern Europe. Our wars are wars
of choice, not necessity, and have little or no direct connection to Americans’
security and wellbeing.
It is said that U.S. credibility with allies and
adversaries is at stake in Ukraine. But our policies and actions there
have not bolstered confidence in American steadfastness so much as shaken
confidence in our judgment and cast doubt on the efficacy of our military
doctrines and weaponry. The West now suffers from “forever war”
fatigue. American and European taxpayers are becoming reluctant to keep
sending money to a cause that they increasingly perceive as both futile and
corrupt. And we are being reminded that, as the 20th century
demonstrated, there can be no peace in Europe based on ostracizing Russia or
any other European great power.
As the war proceeds, Russia’s bargaining position
continues to strengthen. If there is ever an end to this war, it will be
on terms far less favorable to Ukraine than the peace the U.S. and NATO
persuaded it to reject in April 2022. Meanwhile, inept American diplomacy
continues to push Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea together in a loose
anti-American entente and to increase the danger of one or more nuclear wars.
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty stipulates that
“an armed attack against one or more [NATO member states] in Europe or North
America shall be considered an attack against them all.” This is an
unequivocal commitment to defend any and all NATO members against attack.
But the United States and other NATO members have already demonstrated that we
are not in fact prepared to respond directly to an armed
attack on Ukraine by Russia. In response to just such an attack, we have
resorted to evasions and a proxy war pitting Ukrainians – but not us – against
the aggressor.
If Ukraine were a member of NATO, Article 5 would
require the president to ask Congress to declare war on the world’s most
formidable nuclear power. Vladimir Putin has threatened to conduct such a
war at the nuclear level. He may not be the demonic figure our propaganda
makes him out to be. But bravado aside, calling his bluff is an insane
risk for us to take for ourselves, our allies, and the world at large.
As in other “forever wars,” we have inhaled our own
propaganda about Ukraine. Our quixotic attempt to exploit Ukrainian
nationalism to “weaken and isolate” Russia or engineer regime change in Moscow
has been a catastrophe for Ukrainians and a strategic defeat for the
West. It has brought the U.S. and NATO to the point at which we must
either enter the fray directly, watch Russia grind Ukraine to bits, or accept a
negotiated outcome that addresses Russian interests and objectives.
Moscow has described those interests and stated those
objectives clearly and consistently. They do not include invading NATO
territory. Claiming that they do is threat mongering designed to mobilize
popular support in the West for our proxy war in Ukraine, to boost U.S. and
NATO defense budgets, and to fatten the profits of the military-industrial
complex. Moscow has conducted a limited war – a so-called “special
military operation” – in Ukraine. It has not marshalled the forces necessary
to subdue, occupy, or annex all of Ukraine. Russia’s battlefield
performance has not demonstrated any capacity to invade the West, and Moscow
has expressed no ambition to do so.
It is time to stop attributing objectives to Russia
that it has not stated and does not have. Moscow’s professed aims have
been and remain: (1) to restore the neutrality of Ukraine and prevent the
deployment of U.S. and other NATO forces and installations to Ukraine; (2) to
restore and ensure the linguistic and other rights of Ukraine’s large
Russian-speaking minority; and (3) to negotiate a new European security
architecture that can alleviate the threat Russia and other European states
pose to each other by crafting a durable peace between them.
In the absence of diplomacy, the use of force has once
again failed. Far from weakening Russia, the Ukraine war has strengthened
it. Far from isolating Russia, the Ukraine war has forced it into the
embrace of China and Iran and boosted its ties with India, the Arab world, and
Africa. Ukraine’s economy has been eviscerated, its population reduced,
its military capacity gutted, and its territory diminished. If the war is
allowed to continue, this will only wreak more havoc in Ukraine, kill more
Ukrainians as well as Russians, and further shrink Ukraine’s territory,
possibly leaving it landlocked.
The proponents of our militarized foreign policy asked
us once again to give war a chance. We foolishly did. This has now
left us with no alternative to trying diplomacy. We cannot hope to regain
at the negotiating table what we have lost on the battlefield, but we must now
strive to compose a peace with Russia that enables Ukraine to be both a buffer
and a bridge between Russia and the rest of Europe. That – not NATO
membership – is the prerequisite for the emergence of a prosperous and
democratic Ukraine, untainted by corruption. And that – not NATO
membership for Ukraine – is the prerequisite for peace and stability in Europe.
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. chairs Projects
International, Inc. He is a retired US defense official, diplomat, and
interpreter, the recipient of numerous high honors and awards, a popular public
speaker, and the author of five books. He was a former US Assistant Secretary
of Defense, ambassador to Saudi Arabia (during operations Desert Shield and
Desert Storm), acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, and
Chargé d’affaires at both Bangkok and Beijing. He began his diplomatic career in
India but specialized in Chinese affairs. (He was the principal American
interpreter during President Nixon’s visit to Beijing in 1972.) Reprinted
with permission from his